This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

PBEM - Episode 476. Undead, Webs, and Wandering Monsters



"We are almost through con los revanantes amigos,” Abraxas called out helpfully (>+7 to hit, Blue 13), fighting in the far gloom of Kovid’s lantern, his spear stabbing out at another revenant trying to get through. “Just a few mas...” (1d6+3 Damage, Blue 2+3=5 Damage!). He turned around and could see the goblin and hobgoblins working their way down the hall and into the room, their chants of “Ooga Chaka!” filling the chamber, he cursed, “Mierda. Amigos, through the revanantes es el path mejor, yo creo. Si estamos listo y rapido, we should be able a move forward."

Lyra clapped him on the back, swung her flail once, and ran back over the mess of dead bodies to join the battle lines in that direction. Brendon in turn took her spot, vaulting over the Cabinet, his own spear spinning around, joining Abraxas at the front line with a nod and commenced stabbing as well (>+3 to hit, Red 13). “Looks like we’ve got a real mess on our hands… err feet!” (1d6 Damage, Red 3 and killed!) His spear slammed into the same one that Abraxas had already wounded, dropping the number against us to 4 standing revenants.

Glancing back, Lyra asked, “Wait. Why feet?” 

“I’m sure he meant hooves,” Lannis and his 3 mirror images cracked thier knuckled and stepped up to the edge of the bodies along the cabinet and prepared to fire off his last available spell. “Hooves. Snicker. I don't know how, but somehow this is in some way Lyras fault. Now, ahem, IN BET GRAV! Hadouken!" (Dart 1d4 Damage, Pink 1) A burst of chaos ripped out and slapped into the next undead shoving at the deteriorating webs, raising a cloud of burnt acrid smoke. As soon as it happened, the Manastone he was carrying cracked, and raw power spilled out, running all over the 4 magic users, replenishing his compliment of spells! He called out, fist raised, “I have the power! Wait, no,” he snapped his fingers and then raised his voice again. “There can be only one!"

"Pero, hay es quattro de tu?" Abraxas asked glancing back at the wizard and his copies, flashing 4 fingers.

"Was that four or two? Be consistent there big hoss."

 "Que? Dijo quattro. No dos. Quattro de tu. Miro,” he pointed at each version of Lannis, “Uno, Dos, Tres, Quattro. Quattro de dolor en el culo."

" 'You know dose trees cattos'?” He asked with a frown, blinking twice. “I thought I was the one getting hit in the head."

Wyn took aim down the hall and sighting past the lead goblins, he settled on one of the larger hobs charging up behind and fired (>+8 to hit, -2 rank, Orange 17), the arrow striking through the chainmail and making the greenskin grunt (1d6 Damage, Orange 3). “You want to continue on dis path hobgoblins?”

“Charge!” came the answering cry.

He slung his bow and flipped his shield and sword into play, readying himself to attack. “We got plenty of arrows and zombies to keep ye busy!”

“Kill them all!”

Feet set, he glanced over at Lyra who had just run up to melee range, her own shield and Flail ready. He nodded at her and called one last time, “A present for you from Mirabellis!”

Just behind the lead goblins, two hobgoblins with crossbows both turned to the north wall, braced themselves, and fired at the Cleric. The first bolt hit (>+3 to hit, White 18), slamming through the elven chainmail and bringing her up short (1d8 Damage, Blue 5) with a gasp of pain. The second bolt (>+3 to hit, White 2) passed over her head and clacked against the far wall with a burst of sparks. “Aine’s Blessing! That hurt!”

As the three goblins ran into the room, Kovid roared from around the corner and swung his Theystran Hammer with all his might (>+6 to hit, Yellow 15), stopping the lead greenskin in its place by its face (1d8+3 Damage, Yellow 5+3=8 Damage and killed!!) before b=pile driving it into the ground. “Ha! The live ones go down pretty satisfying as well!”

The goblin with the arrow wound made its way to the staggered Cleric (<+1 to hit, Black 8), stabbing at her and crying out in its own language, but unable to get past her swinging shield or chain. The hobgoblin with the arrow wound threw itself at Wyn, its sword slashing low, making the elf jump and dodge (<+3 to hit, Black 3) with relative ease, avoiding getting hit. And the last goblin, seeing Kovid had killed its cousin, shrieked at the dwarf, “I HATERS YOU!!” and tried to brain the dwarf with its club (<+1 to hit, Purple 13), catching him on the shoulder and helm.

Back at the web, the lead revenant was scrabbling through the webbing to attack Abraxas (<+2 to hit, -2 web interfere, Green 3) but the Fighter was able to keep far enough away for now.

(Initiative 2 vs 2, reroll. Party Steel 4 vs Enemy Red/Black 6)

Still pressing its attack, the web slipped a few more strands and the revenant was able to grab at Abraxas with one arm, clawing at his forearm and hand with its talon like fingers (>+2 to hit,-2 web interfere, Green 19), shredding skin and peeling flesh off, blood leaking down from the ragged wounds (1d6 no 1, Red 3 – Take 3 Damage!). “Stop hitting us!”

“Make Room!” Came the call from the hall as the hobgoblins charged closer. “Isolate and destroy!”

“Yes Captain!!”

Lyra continued to face off with the goblin as it moved to the side to allow others to enter the room behind it, the greenskin slashing low, high, and then a few stabs at her face (<+1 to hit, Yellow 6) but she blocked and pulled back, head twisting side to side. “Fight them off, Lassie!” Kovid cried out as the goblin he was fighting got a lucky grab on his beard long enough for it to bop the dwarf square in the middle of his forehead (>+1 to hit, Yellow 20 – Critical, Max Damage, Take 6 Damage!), making his grunt and see stars and flashes as more hobgoblins entered the chamber.

“Be cares, Dwarffriend!” Wyn called out, ducking the sword swing of the hobgoblin he was facing (<+3 to hit, Blown 6), the blade cutting air instead of his flesh. “I tink dat one is de Joe Fury!” As he was pointing it out, the next hobgoblin made it to the chamber and engaged the elf as well (>+3 to hit, Teal 17), the two of them working in tandem enough to get a blade slid through Wyn’s defenses (1d8 Damage, Red/Black 2 – Take 2 Damage!). “Merde!”

“Kovid, eh?” the larger hobgoblin asked, bringing its battle axe about before laying into the dwarf (<+4 to hit, Red/Black 11). “I look forward to using your head as a chamberpot, dwarf!”

And the rest of the hobgoblins had run up the hall by this time. And we could hear the clack clack clack noise of the hobgoblin’s finishing their loading of their crossbows for firing next round.

And the webbing was barely holding on for a few seconds longer.

Time now is Day 10, 4 PM


Web falls next round. 4 Revenants left, 1 lightly wounded by a dart spell. 1 goblin down, 2 standing, one lightly wounded by an arrow. Hobs in the room, one of them is Joe Fury. Crossbows loaded and ready to fire next round. Lannis has all his spells back. Lyra was going to Hold Person unless something changes. Good luck!

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