This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Saturday, July 3, 2021

PBEM - Episode 460. Making a stand



Looking back down the long hall, Brendon asked while shoving the cabinet forward, “Whadda we doin fellas? Are we holding here to gain some more experience or are we hoofing it outta here?”

“HOOFING IT?” Lyra gasped, swinging the brazier about, “Brendon, not you too!”

Putting on a burst of speed, Abraxas ran ahead into the room, racing up to the cabinet with the elf, the three of them looking to swing the heavy piece of furniture in place in time. "Keep running, Señor Korevid. Ayudo our amigos a plug ese Undead leak. Amigos, grab el cabinet y let's trip ese Undead! Then, luchamos!"

Fingers twisting about and getting ready to cast, Lannis looked back down the hall at the charging dwarf and the horde of dad things chasing him. "Look Taquito, we can’t run forever and this seems like as good a place as any to take the fight to them.”

“We sticking around fighting?” The Cleric asked.

Shrugging, Lannis nodded as the elf and both men rammed the cabinet at the head of the hallway, just behind the dwarf who skipped through the narrowing opening. “If it doesn't go well, we Web and Wun."

Skittering to a stop and bringing his hammer about, Kovid smiled and got ready to swing just as the undead hit. “Pluggo the hole-o, Big A! See your language ain’t so tough.”

(Initiative, 3 vs 3 – tie and reroll. Party Steel 3 vs Enemy Red/Black 6)

As the undead hissed and clacked and gibbered, pulling themselves UP the barrier after trying to shove it aside and failing, Wyn readied his sword and shield, taking position near the brazier and asked, “Hey Priestess?! Any idea what deze tings are? I never seen a zombie move dat fast.”

One of them was shoving and beating through the narrower gap along the north side of the hall, just making contact with Abraxas who was positioned there to keep them at bay (<+2 to hit, Red/Black 7), but the Fighter was able to shrug off the hits and his Scythe shoved it back in place when it got too close. “They move like skeletons, but have too much flesh on them,” she said (Cleric Wis>12, no roll needed). “Some sort of revenant I’d say. Think of them as a step above bone bags, but a step below shamblers.”

“Anything we should worry about?” Kovid wondered.

“Don’t waste your time trying to light them on fire, it doesn’t do anything to them.”

“Well fuck,” Brendon scowled, “There goes 50% of our tactics!”

“I tink dat number is a bit low, non?”

Lyra smirked and continued, “Also, they don’t get tired so as much as I’d hate to admit it, Lannis has the right of it, we gotta stop at some point. We’ll get tired before they do.”

“Genius!” Lannis crowed. “And you heard it!”

The press of the undead were getting tight behind the barrier, the sheer number of them facilitating their climb up the barrier where two of them got close enough to make an attack at Lyra (<+2 to hit, Black 7) and Kovid (<+2 to hit, White 13), but neither one was effective enough to hit. A look down past the horde showed a slower contingent of the undead coming up, these missing a foot or some other ailment making their approach slower…but no less determined. In the distance, we could hear the beating smashing sounds, muffled and dim, but definitely heard…of the larger group trying to tear their way out of the Freezer.

Time now is Day 10, 3:41 PM


Bottom of the round. And there we go. Contact! Check out positioning and let me know what the plan is. The ones that are not missing feet move 90’/30’, the ones missing parts move either 60/20’ or 30/10’ depending on how bad their extremities are. If you run, you can run 10 rounds/1 turn, + or - 5 rounds for every + or – of Con bonus. Then you are reduced to walking speed for the same period of time. The undead do not have that limit. Good luck, and plan accordingly.

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