This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

PBEM - Episode 464. Making a stand



"Señor Wayne!” Abraxas called out, grabbing the revenant’s outstretched hand in his own, shoving the undead into the wall as he tried to line up another Scythe swing.


“Can tu usas tus ojos majik a miras down el hall? Miras si necessitamos run, y make sure we dont get stuck aqui!”

“Yous keep em busy,” Wyn called out, swapping for his shield and sword, “I go check down dis hall in case we needs to get out.”

“Gracias!” The Fighter replied, “En el tiempo tu haces que, we will keep thinning ese herd.”

Her Flail working wildly, Lyra added with a final call to Wyn, “What Abraxas said. Make sure we don’t get stuck, thinning ese herd.” 

"Go make sure the path’s clear, Witchblade,” Lannis called out, still slamming out with his staff. “We don't have all day, we're cutting into Lyra’s nap time."

The elf gave a fast salute and then entered the hall, his vision swapping over to infravision with a flash, the sure footed spellsword feeling his way swiftly and carefully down the passage.

Brendon swung hard at one of the undead on this side of the barrier (>+4 to hit, Red 14), his blade ripping into the revenant, the enchanted blade parting the necrotic flesh with ease (1d6+1 Damage, Red 3+1=4 Damage!). Meanwhile, Abraxas was laughing as he swung again and again. “Amigos, thin this herd!"

Scoring a solid blow on the wounded one that Brendon just hit (>+4 to hit, White 10), Lyra shook her head at the mound of dead littering the floor and hall. “Let’s just put a pin on the zombies and get the hell out of here.” (1d6+2 Damage, White 1+2=3 Damage!)

The Fighter’s Scythe hit (>+8 to hit, Blue 12), shredding the next undead almost in twain (1d8+4 Damage, Blue 8+4=12 damage and killed!!), the split corpse tumbling backwards, guts strewn about the floor. Seeing the wounded one the Lyra and Brendon had each hit, Kovid shifted his attack to that one, his Hammer reaching out to strike (>+6 to hit, Yellow 17) with enough force to cave its skull in (1d8+3 Damage, Yellow 1+3=4 Damage and killed!!), taking one of the undead on our side of the barrier down at long last. ‘I don’t think we can do this forever folks,” he said worriedly, hearing the distant horde howling as they approached. “Theystra’s telling me it’s time to get out of Dodge.”

"We're in a castle,” Lannis deadpanned, his staff whacking into the last revenant on our side of the cabinet (>+1 to hit, Pink 15). There was a cracking sound as one of its arm bones snapped (1d6 Damage, Pink 2), it growled at the Magic User for the insult given to it.

Feeling uncomfortable, Brendon glanced back at the dark hall that Wyn had disappeared down and suggested with a smirk, “Let’s make like a tree…and beat it!”

Chortling, Lannis threw a snarky glance at the Scout and said, "It’s make like a tree and get out of here. You sound like a damned fool when you say it wrong."

“I know it’s wrong… buttttt it’s still funny!” Brendon laughed as he turned his attention to the last undead on our side, sword testing its defenses.

"People with no sense of humor shouldn't try to be funny."

Meanwhile Wyn was going down the hall, eyes wide, ears perked. “Dis seems like a damned stooped idea, Wyn,” he thought to himself. “Undead be de same temperchur as de air, and I dunt see anyting. So I go real slow.”

He did his best, sliding forward, sword held low and shield high, just peering over the rim. “Is dat a trip wire? Dat would be shitty. Is dat a pit? Dat would be shitty. Dis whole idea is shitty. It’s a shitty shit idea full o’ shit. Who de fuck made all de damned undead, eh? Like dey knew we was gonna go an’ check out de Freezer.” He had gotten far enough down the hall that his sensitive hearing was able to pick up the distinct sound of the fight behind him…and nothing from the hallway ahead (no roll needed). “Well, Mon dieu! I can see de corner from ‘ere and I dunt hear nothing. Do I go further into de dark hall all alone, or do I turn around and tell ever’one its tres bien?”

(Initiative Party Steel 5 vs Red/Black 1)

Time now is Day 10, 3:46 PM


Ok! 1 on our side wounded, 1 on top about to step down, and 4 on the other side of the barrier. Best guess? 3 minutes until the lead end of the horde arrives (based upon their speed before getting here – which was 3 rounds of running, plus an additional round for crossing the Butchery). So far, holding well – and you guys got back to back initiative – so that helps.

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