This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

PBEM - Episode 509. Operation Ghoul Patrol



Waving the rest of the party in to the Guard room, Lyra kept one hand on her holy symbol as she watched the presently controlled ghouls. “Doing good Kovid. Don’t let them smell any fear or weakness on you or they’ll immediately turn around and eat us all.”

“Yah, dis is marginally better,” Wyn looked about with a practiced eye and then tapped the wall twice with his forefinger. “We should grab whatever we hid in dis area and move on. No leavin stuff behind here.”

Heading immediately for the secret compartment, Brendon popped it open and smiled to see his belongings had not been touched since he hid them in here 5 days or more ago. He started filling his bags with his coins (add 348 silver, 43 copper, and place Manacles w./keys [10] and Brass Ball worth 15 gp [20] back on inventory), keeping a wary out for the closest ghoul, an emaciated figure that was focused on the Scout with its dark rheumy eyes. “Let’s share the ghouls with the orcs.”

There was some discussion on where to take the ghouls next, but the party was leaning on heading for the hobgoblins and Rampant Zealotry next. “I would vote to go after de Hobs en gobs first wit de ghouls,” Wyn eventually summed up. “Stop by de hobs en gobs old room en clear out any stragglers, den go after de stairs… keepin in mind sometin Offop said before, dat de password might be changed.”

 "I am smart, aren't I?” The Magic User asked with a grin. The closest ghoul to him snapped its teeth at him and growled, making Lannis arch his eyebrow and move back to the main door. “Fine by me, if we get the ghouls to open the hob door I can fireball the end of the hallway and severely fuck up someone's day."

Brendon replaced the hollow part of the cabinet once more and went to the hall to listen. As he gave the all clear and we entered the hall, Abraxas suggested, "Amigos, we may want to check out el room del Ogre en el way a el room de Roberts. Asi no cosa can get behind us. Rapido amigos, tenemos tiempo corto con los Ghoulies antes de luchamos mas."

“Good plan,” Lyra agreed.

Focusing his will, Kovid gave the ghouls a mental nudge, getting 5 sets of critical eyes staring back at him, before they put the effort in and started moving, the dwarf making sure they were in front of the party. “Disgusting snarling dead… follow me, Kovid Alemaker!”

“Wouldn’t be the first time Mister Hairybritches tried controlling the rotting aspects of his life, eh?”

“Stow it, Big Brain,” Kovid grunted back, “This isn’t easy, you know.”

The party wound down the long hall, eventually coming to the Archway of the Goddesses, but stopping at the Ogre chamber first. Brendon gave a listen (no roll needed) and we opened it up, to show the place was still unoccupied. From there we moved on to the archway and went with care west to the goblin/hobgoblin area – and it too was empty and unused.

“All clear,” Brendon said, “We heading off to the watchtower area. Be alert, ok?”

The group then shifted their place in the hall and travelled east, passing back through the arches and then by the doors to the short hall and Garden area. At the “T” we listened (WMC: Red/Black 3) and heard nothing. Kovid had the ghouls go first and Brendon led the rest of the party north around the Alchemy Labs and then east again. We went slowly to the stairs and climbed them to the top.

The door was closed.

“So…” The scout turned back and looked at the group, “Do I try the password? Sending a dead dude? And if it does work, what’s the plan for the Roberts who I am sure might also have an eye from the Watchtower on this door? I served in the King’s armed forces and let me tell you, if I was Rampant Zealotry, I know I would.”

Lannis looked at the back of the nails and then buffed them on his chest. “I think Operation-You-Didn’t-Expect-Ghouls-and-Then-a-Fireball, might have to come out and play.”

Time now is Day 11, 3:52 PM


Control Undead – 60 mins.

Alright – at the top of the stairs before entering the Scimitar Hallway. 5 ghouls in the front of the group. Give me some Deets.

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