This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

PBEM - Episode 489. Dining Hall, Revenants.



Brendon grabbed another spear and handed his finished one off to Wyn. “Hand me the rest of the spears, I’ll fashion more harpoons.”

Seeing the mass of undead trying to rip apart the barrier from the other side, Abraxas grabbed the top of the barrier and hoisted himself up, leaving his spear behind. He then pulled his Scythe out and proceeded to crawl across the narrow space to the other side. "H'okay Amigos, I'll cut some cabezas, you figure out una plan, si?"

Taking care that the Fighter was safely up and out of the way, Kovid resumed his attacks through the long gaps in the mass of furniture. “I don’t want to be dragged into the dead, Brendon… but thanks.” (<+5 to hit, -4 melee reach/cover, Yellow 5) His blows failed to do anything more than drive the undead back briefly, no damage was delivered.

Seeing the spear Abraxas had left behind, Lyra picked it up and idly looked at it. “Shit, I should probably hold onto my stones. It’s doing shit.” She shook her head and but it back down, “But I made an oath and vow not to use any bladed or piercing weapons, so Aine knows, I’m using slings for now.” She loaded a stone and asked, “We have any better plans?”

Standing on the back chair, looking up over the battle, Lannis shrugged. "Suggest a plan, whatever the opposite of that is, should be worth considering."

Abraxas hacked down from his position near the end (<+8 to hit, -2 poor positioning, Blue 5) and although he did hit, he sliced flesh but nothing debilitating, the revenants growling and snarling, reaching up for him.

Weaving the rope through the end of the spear, Brendon continued to make a rough harpoon, giving a bark of laughter at the wizard. “Whadya mean suggest a plan? Where have you been? We’ve already discussed what the plan is. Once again you’re wrapped up in ‘your’ own world and not joining in.”

Sighting over the furnishings and leaning away from where Abraxas was perched, Wyn hoisted his harpoon back and said, “Ok, Wyn will throw one of deze roped spears du Lac has made.” He hurled it (>+6 to hit, -2 cover, Orange 15) and gave a shout of triumph as it hit (1d6 Damage, Orange 4). The revenant hissed and growled (Str check, Orange 1 – perfect), but the elf pulled back HARD and the revenant was held tight against the barricade as the others around it tried to rip it down. “I tink we cen only stay here another minute or so before de barricade falls… hopefully we cen take a few out before dis happens.”

“Hold him a sec, Wyn,” Lyra said, spinning her sling up to speed and then letting the stone fly (>+5 to hit, -2 cover, White 15), the rock passing under the bookcase and over the gap in the table (1d3 Damage, White 4:2 – Take 2 damage!), whacking the undead goblin full in the jaw, shattering the bones there. “Just die you prick!”

Looking back down the hall, Kovid asked, “Whatdya say we drop back and pull a ‘crazy Ivan’ on these guys?”

"What in the blue fuck is a Crazy Ivan?” Lannis asked incredulously, “I'll not abide this ridiculous nonsense."

 “It’s an old dwarven strategy, Big Brain.”

"So is drinking until you black out and spending decades hitting rocks with other rocks, what's your point?"

(Push: 2 Str checks: White 11 3 @+2 (Under 2..Under 8 - fail) and Black 9 3@+2 (Under 5..Under 10 – success). 1d6 Structural damage: Red/Black 5. 17-5=12 to go)

The revenants shoved and surged forward, the barrier shifting a bit, the ones in the front cracking the tables and pulling on the bookcase. The barrier held but it did sway, making Abraxas hang on with one hand as he Scythed down with the other. “Someone get a rope on Doc if we need to pull him back,” Brendon called. The barrier was holding but with the maddened revenants screaming and howling to attack the party, we knew that it wasn’t going to last forever. And still in the back, were the undead hulking forms of the bears, wolves…and Hoots.

Time now is Day 11, 11:22 AM


Sorry for the delay, I was shot! Ok! We are BACK baby! What’s the long term and short term ideas? Barrier is great, no one has been hit, but your ability to damage is seriously muted for now. Except maybe Abraxas, but he’s in a potentially dangerous space.

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