This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Monday, August 9, 2021

PBEM - Episode 497. Third Time's the Charm

Using the castle's layout properly to control a massive ass kicking fight and parsing it down to manageable pieces is totally the right and best way to handle this revenant scourge. The best weapon they have is the Cleric's turning, and by doing it this way, they got three turns out of proper planning.




Wyn looked tired, like his batteries were running low. The elf gave a stretch and swung his sword once. “So…,” he began with a low drawl, “Wyn be good to do what de party wants, as long as it not involve Wyn doin anytin stupid.” His gaze danced over to the Magic User and he added, “No comment from ye Offop.”

Placing one hand over his chest and effective a hurt expression, Lannis replied with false modesty, “I never made you do any of the stupid things you've done’ all of that blame falls squarely on your own shoulders.” Packing up his Crystal ball, he gave the dwarf a kick in the boot to rouse him from his rest and then added, “Speaking of dumb, let's get out there and kill those deaddos."

Frowning, Lyra checked the chain on her Lolthian Flail and sighed deeply. “Ugh, here we go again.” 

Abraxas moved the cabinet out of the way as Brendon opened the door and looked around, giving the thumbs up that the cavern nearby was clear. Nodding thanks, the Fighter followed him out and waved the rest of the party through, encouraging them with, "Vamonos amigos. Tenemos Undead y Ghoulies y Roberts y GreenJewels y mas a mueremos."

Kovid joined Brendon at the front, lantern high, with Lyra right behind the two of them. As the Scout was walking and checking the area out, he groaned, “Really??? This is getting tiring.” He tilted back his wine skin and took a swallow before wiping the top clean and resuming his check.

“What the hell was that?” Lannis asked from a few ranks back.

“Like Wyn said,” Brendon replied, “no comment from you Offtop.”

"I honest-to-whatever-gods-are-listening have no idea what you are talking about, and I'm starting to suspect you've been drinking behind our backs all day."


The party made their way wet through the caves with no issue, eventually coming to the stairs heading up. They took each step with care, eyes peeled and senses sharp, alert for anything on the way. The door at the top of the steps was left open, testament to the revenant’s passing in the recent past. As they came off the landing and into the Barracks Hall, at the limit of the dwarf’s lantern light, the rotting form of a dead hobgoblin with a hole in its back hove into view.

And it whirled on the group and snarled…with answering growls and shouts coming from the dark hallway beyond it.

“Do your shit, Lyra!” Lannis squeaked, the Cleric already had her holy symbol in place, channeling the power of her goddess.

(Initiative 2 vs 2 – reroll…Party Steel 1 vs Enemy Red/Black 6 – uh oh)

But the revenants for all their zombie look, were not shamblers. They ran. And they ran hard and fast, closing the distance to the group as Lyra was calling out her turn. Kovid nudged Brendon, hoisted his hammer high, and called out, “Brace yourself, buddy. Here…they…COME!!”

The lead revenants gave a jump past Brendon, the hobgoblin reaching out to swipe the dwarf’s hammer aside and then punch at Kovid with its off hand (<+2 to hit, Black 5). The dwarf remained stoic, weathered the hit, and drove the undead back a step with a blast to its chest, keeping any trailing hits from landing.

Brendon was facing two though, with the bulk of the horde, at least 10 strong and showing the distant form of the Shebear and Hoots trundling down the distant stairs. The lead one, a wiry goblin with a burned dart blast marring its throat, swept at the Scout (<+2 to hit, Black 10), who dove under the blow and then responded with a kick to the midsection. It was the burly orc behind with the slashed up chest who (>+2 to hit, Red/Black 19) hit the former pirate with a resounding blow (1d6 no 1, Red/Black 4 – Take 4 damage!), making him taste blood and see stars, barely able to fend off another pair of blows with his waving arms. “Come on, Lass!” He cried out, “We need you!”

Time now is Day 11, 12:41 PM


Found them! And they got initiative. Ok, Assuming Lyra turns first, let me know what the rest of the plan is and how you want to go about it. Check out the pic for placement and help. 

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