This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

PBEM, Episode 92 - Kill Grilljax, There and Back Again


Looking around wildly, Lyra commented, ““WELL that didn’t go exactly as planned. Where the fuck did they all come from?”

 “Thor’s sweaty sack, I hate slime! Let’s get this off me!” Kovid was watching down as the slime slowly dissolved his platemail, growing warmer, larger, and getting through dangerously close to his skin.

Stepping closer with his short sword, Wyn started cutting the main straps free from the armor. "Well, we are all 'appy Monsieur Dwarf opened de door for us. Merci beaucoup! Cen someone git the udder strap?”

Lyra and Abraxas quickly helped out, pulling the armor free, keeping the dwarf’s beard out of the growing hissing slime, and cutting with his silver dagger the other straps, Jowass temporarily placed on the ground.

“We should return the slime to the Suckit door,” the scout offered, ear at the last door. “He can suck it.”

Sawing firmly, Abraxas nodded his head. “Let's give this Gowan some of his own slimy medicine.” Looking back up the stairs, breath visible in the cold, he yelled, “We shall NOT be the ones sucking it tonight Señor! No, no, no, YOU can go on and SUCK IT!” At that point the last of the straps cut free and the armor fell aside. Abraxas slammed his hands down in a “X” crotch chop and then his eyes grew wide. “Ohhhhh, I get the name now amigos. His name is Gowan, and his occupation is Suckit. He must be a han-ee-tor of some sort."

"See?” Lannis cajoled, holding Kovid’s lantern aloft, “This is why I wanted to get rid of that stuff earlier, to stop nonsense like this from happening"

Moving with alacrity and care, Brendon grabbed the far end of the discarded and dissolving armor and dragged it back up the stairs, flinging it to the door that Gowan and the other kobold’s hid behind (<Dex check, Red 1), the armor flipping end over and planting the green slime side right against the door, the metal platemail perfectly positioned.

From the other door he could hear the two statues were at the door again at proceeded to batter this mortal down as well. He scampered back down as Kovid finished drinking his healing potion (Heal 1d6: Yellow 1 – Heal 1 hp!) but screwed his face up unsatisfied. “Ugh, I think I got a dud.”

“Goddess Aine, I call on you to cure this dwarf of his wounds!” (CLW 1d6+1, White 5 – Heal 6 hp!) As the red light flowed into him, he stood up straighter and the wounds on his face and chest dulled down. “There you go!”

“Thanks, Priestess,” Kovid said, looking around at Jowass, the kobold at Abraxas’ feet, the fighter about to pick him up. He went over, stomped on his forearm, and then pulled his hammer free. Getting right in the kobold’s frozen face he growled, “Mine!” (Add War Hammer [50] back to inventory) “These Kobolds are starting to anger me as much as goblins. What are we doing with Jowass? Smashing his face in? Let me smash his face in.”

Brendon pointed back upstairs. “Statues coming, Gowan still up there. We staying or going, but we need to decide now.”

Time now is 7:50
What’s next? Statues could be through door in 1-2 minutes. We have Grilljax, Jowass, and Brendon has chest again. Kovid has an AC of 9 and no armor. Stay or go?

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