This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Monday, July 13, 2020

PBEM, Episode 87 - Kill Grilljax, There and Back Again


Abraxas turned to Brendon and whispered, "Señor Laccas, did the check for the traps, si?"

“Yep Doc,” the scout replied, stepping back and nocking an arrow, “I checked it all.”

Kovid moved Abraxas to the side, shifted his lantern to his other hand, and gripped the door handle looking back.

Lyra caught his gaze, rock steady and comforted. “We're ready and have your back. Open this bitch up.”

“Pop it open and lets start taking nip…names,” Lannis offered, dart at the ready and cocked to throw.

“Bonne chance,” Wyn offered while a worried expression crept over Abraxas’ face, “Good luck Señor Kovydere.”

Kovid pursed his lips, beard bristling, turned the knob, and in one fluid motion, pushed the door open and stepped in.

No one was in here. “Huh!” he exclaimed.

The chamber was sizable, about 40’ wide at the close end, and narrowed down on the far side of the room. Two helms and armored stone and crystal warrior statues flanked the inside of the two eastern doors, one leading to where the group came in from, the other at the northern side of the room. Some older interesting elven carvings were on the inside corners of the cut in, and there was a 3rd door on the west side of the room where the group could hear kobold voices.

Lots of them. (no roll needed)

Stepping in with care, the group kept up battle formations while Brendon gave the room a quick once over (>Find -10, Red 35). The smell of cinnamon was a bit stronger in here and there were more cast off nut shells on the ground. “Don’t step on them,” Brendon whispered. “Noisy.”

Kovid tilted his head. “Has to be at least 10 kobolds beyond that door.”

“12 or more, Monsieur Dwarf.”

“Yeah…like I said…at LEAST 10. Meaning 10 or more.”

“Oui. And 12 is more than 10 and a more accurate number.”

Brendon finished his circlet. “Doors aren’t locked or trapped. Room is travelled a lot.” He pointed to the west door. “And 10 or 12, there are a lot of kobolds beyond there. So whatever we do, we are on borrowed time, so look alive people and bring the noise.”

Time is now 7:40
Tick tock! What’s the battle plan and make it snappy!!

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