This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

PBEM, Episode 105 - Class, Oil, Scriptorium


“Told you guys there’d be some monster crab thing,” Lyra quipped. “Wait, actually.”

Kovid laughed, “Nice shot bolt master, bolt blaster... Master blaster! Ah haha.”

Stretching out the aches in his arms and checking out his wounded leg, Wyn said, "Well, dat was weird... tank you fer de potion, Monsieur Salazar.”

“De nada, Senor!”

“I returned de empty potion vial and stopper to your bag in case we need it fer later.”

“Gracias,” the Fighter replied.

Once he felt better, Wyn continued, "So we still need to check de fireplace, de table, en de candélabre. Mayhaps Offop swap out fer du Lac?"

“Oh yeah,” Lannis agreed. “I’m done in there.”

"Du Lac cen check de table en de candélabre, while I go to actually look at de fireplace en look over de dead ting more closely. Be sure to leave yer pack in de 'all du Lac. Lighten de loud, oui?"

Stripping off his gear, Brendon said, “My pack is off, Only weapons I have with me are the dagger & sword"

“Wyn,” Lyra said, “Toss that spider thing to the door if you don’t mind, I’d like to give it a once over please.”

"Will do, Priestess,” Turning to Lannis who was getting untied of his harness by Abraxas, “Monsieur Offop, do ye want to 'old all de scrolls en books? Or de you want me to 'old de read magic scroll en one book for now till you 'ave time to read it?"

“Great idea,” the Magic User agreed. “Yes, yes, take the read magic for now, I still haven't decided what the best way to handle the other right now is. If you wouldn't mind taking one of the books I would appreciate it. This one about Prince Ellis would be great." (Swap 1 Scroll [1] and 1 Scriptorium Book [25] between Inventory)

Treading with care, Brendon and Wyn reentered the room while Lyra waited by the door and Kovid kept his vigil in the hall. Wyn went to the fireplace where he poked the Crab Spider one more time, satisfied it was dead, and then grabbed its back legs and dragged it toward the doorway. “Por vu, Lyra.”

“Thanks,” the cleric got down on her haunches and with care, started to look the creature over while Wyn went back to the Fireplace. Still watching the centerline of the room, he stayed on the west side while he went over the flagstones, poking the wall with his sword now and again at anything that looked even vaguely out of place.

After a few minutes of looking, Wyn was sure that he startled half a dozen very small, the size of a finger nail, baby crab spiders able to crush half of them but the others escaped up the flue. There were no loose stones, no hidden areas, and it looked like from the choking webs and dust above that the fireplace hadn’t been lit in decades. “Bah,” he muttered dusting his hands off and turned back to the doorway.

Brendon on the other hand looked over the table which was also on both sides of the room, staying as much as possible on the west side of the Scriptorium. Most of the loose papers on the table were yellow with age and covered with smears and practice scrawls as if some long ago student was practicing his or her letters. The blotter for the ink was dry and cracked, the two ink vials were empty and had been knocked over spiderweb cracks running through the bases. There was a wooden cup that had some strange stalks in it until the Scout realized they were quills, with none of the feather parts remaining on them.

It was under the table that he got lucky and there was a closed wooden box down there with a loose rope cover. He dragged it out and it was filled with candles and oil (Poor quality box with 12 Candles [12] and 3 Flasks of Oil [3]) under a layer of folded cloth. The candles had been protected from the passage of time and unlike the ones in the candelabras, they were not dried out and cracked and would be usable to the party. “Got it!” he said, bringing it to the front door where the group was happy for more light source material and were going to divide it up.

Meanwhile Lyra had been looking over the Crab Spider, anticipating finding a number or a “L” on it somewhere, but there was neither. She was pretty sure though that the Crab Spider for all its size and frightening demeanor, was NOT 30 years old or even close. “If I was to guess, maybe a few years old at most.”

The group now out of the room and Kovid reporting that there was still nothing to worry about, and Lannis turning the pages of the Mother of Monster tome slowly ad he devoured the words, all discussed what was to happen next. “The north door in the hall seems like the next logical location to explore,” Kovid said pointing behind him and then waving his map at the group. “I’ve marked it on the map. If it’s locked or a small room without more doors, we should continue west... Butcher, ice, and elven music. Hmm.”

Time now is 1:45
Divide up who gets a candles and oils (each weighs 1 coinweight) and this adds 30 hours of light to the party’s stores. Good job! Do we continue west or something else?

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