This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

PBEM - Episode 424. Great Goblin Battle and Fire.



Hearing the door’s slam echo down to their left, Wyn and his images struggled to try and finish off the goblin dogging him. “Uh... we got more company down de hall. Looks like de closed de door on Dwarf en Salazar.”

Preparing another spell, Lannis gave Lyra a half-hearted nudge and then said with little emotion, “Hey Pharfignewton, know what? I got nothing, something in my heart just told me I should make fun of you. Careful that flail doesn't slip out of your hooves."

Shield slamming the goblin she was fighting, Lyra glanced at the elf and asked, “You doing alright Wyn??” 

“Dis is a lot of verte skins. And dey is tenacious.” He stabbed deep (>+6 to hit, Orange 18), angling the blade up so it slipped under the goblin’s ribcage and burst through the monster’s heart (1d6+2 damage, Orange 6+2=8 and killed!!). He looked in its eyes as it died, twisting the sword as he pulled it free, a gout of blood following. “Just sayin’ we is runnin’ close to empty, oui?”

“I hear that,” the Cleric agreed. She swung the back end of the Flail at the goblin (>+4 to hit, White 11), catching teeth and making it stumble. A follow up of a shoved shield and then two power hits downstroking with her weapon (1d6+2 Damage, White 4+2=6 Damage and killed!!) caved in the goblin’s chest and dropped it with a blood filled gurgle. “About damned time.”

Brendon drew back and fired another arrow at the last goblin in the hall (<+6 to hit, Red 2), the shaft disappearing in the dark before ticking off the stone floor somewhere. “As usual,” Lannis quipped, “It comes to me. IN BET GRAV.” And a shaft of pink energy tore across the hall and buried itself (1d4 Damage, Pink 3 and killed!!) deep and burning into the lone goblin, pitching it backward and killing it. “And that’s why you have me arou…WHOA!” Lannis exclaimed as the manacrystal he was carrying made a crackling sound and energy filled the magic user, reinvigorating his entire compliment of spells. “And I believe I am ready to take on the world again, children. Bojangles, hold my calls. I’m going to be busy.”

“Ugh,” all three adventurers groaned in response.

Looking back down the hall, Brendon (Thief, no roll needed) frowned as he was able to smell some serious burning coming from the Adept room, and smoke sieving under the door. “I think we are on borrowed time, guys,” he said, “Silent hall or not, that smell is going to attract someone to come and investigate soon.”

Inside the chamber the smoke was growing thick and the heat was climbing. Using his beard to cover his mouth, Kovid pointed at the door with his hammer, “We need to get through this door now Big A.!”

“SI!” Abraxas replied looking around. “Pronto!”

Swinging the hammer once, the dwarf stood up against the door and squared off, cocked back and ready to swing. “I’ll get the hinges.”


“Can you push through with your fuerte power or whatever? Use the door like a shield if you can hang onto it.”

Shaking his head no, Abraxas picked up the dead wolf by the hind legs and lifted it up. “Thehingesareonourside,Senor! Thepuertoopenstous.”

“Umm. Yeah! So I’ll hit it and yank the door towards me then!”


Wiping the sweat off his brow, Kovid took aim at the two hinges and swung (BX Baby, <Str check -2, break the hinges off to open the door, Str 1 – pefect!), the Theystran hammer reflecting the flames consuming the chamber on its silvered surface. The hammer head connected with the first hinge (Need to do 6 pts damage each hinge to fully break it. 1st hinge: Yellow 7+3=10 damage!! 2nd hinge: Blue 8+3=11 damage!) snapping the metal shaft and pin clean off. Without missing a beat, Kovid reversed his blow at the apex of his swing and followed through the other way and angling down at the lower hinge, also ripping it free. “Ha! Thanks Thor!” He gripped the handle as Abraxas lifted the wolf higher.


And Kovid tore the door back (no hinges, no roll needed), the weight of it ripping it out of the goblin’s hand who was trying to hold it closed. The other goblins were not prepared and on seeing that he wasn’t getting peppered with slings, Abraxas smiled and said, “Ithinkthislobosisyours! Youshouldleashyourpets!” and then spun the wolf over his head and let it fly (>+4 to hit, Blue 13) at the greenskins outside the door (no chance to getting it to the crossbow guy). It hit the two of them and bowled them over (Dex check: >White 20…>White 18), burying them under the lupine and knocking them off their feet. The Fighter then brought his Scythe around, the doorway bathed in smoke and distant flames, his skin steaming, face covered in splattered blood.

And he said with a smile. “DidIcatchyoufuckersatabadtime?!”

(Morale: 1+2=3 – staying!)

(Initiative: Party Steel 6 vs Goblins Red/Black 1)

Time now is Day 10, 7:36


Haste – 26 minutes

Resist Fire – 14 minutes

Shield – 16 minutes

Wyn Mirror Image – 2 images Remaining

Good job this round! 2 gobs under a wolf, 3 standing with slings/short weapons, one in the sitting room with a crossbow. Sleeping wolf, and 2 sleeping goblins. You guys go!

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