This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

PBEM - Episode 413. Hoots, Webs, Haste, and Fire



 "Señora,VayaConHoots,ElEsWaitingPorTu.” Abraxas was watching the Shebear as she struggled to free herself from the new loops of webbing, his Scythe swinging rapidly back and forth.

Tapping, she motioned for him to step back a few paces, leading the skeleton he was fighting further down the hall and making it possible for the Cleric to get a swing in on it. “I’m genuinely getting sick of undead,” She said with a pout. “And bears. I’m sick of undead and bears.” She looked around and shrugged, adding, “... and goblins.” 

Giving his quiver a look, Brendon slung his bow onto his shoulder and drew his poignard, hefting it throw. “Well at least the more we kill, the less there will be left.”

"Yep!” Lannis agreed, working a quick spell in place. “At least the harpies are dead, so it’s not all bad is it Applejack? In other news I'm rapidly running out of time to light a bear on fire sooo…IN BET FLAM! SPARK!" A shower of pink sparks splashed across the webbed shebear, frustrating the ursine…and then lit the web on fire! (1d6 Damage, Pink 6 – Whoohoo!) And the flames raced up the webbing and covered the bear, singing and burning her, making her howl as the webs caught fire.

Amidst the conflagration, Brendon hurled his dagger (>+6 to hit, Red 13), where it struck the shebear in the chest (1d4 Damage, Red 4), sinking up to the hilt and making her howl in pain.

“Ahora,CerraTusOjos.EsTiempoAMoveOn," Trusting in his speed, Abraxas spun his Scythe about and slammed it at the Shebear in a dancing display of acumen and skill (>+8 to hit, Blue 15…>+8 to hit, Blue 8). His first pass of cuts and sweeps (1d8+4 Damage, Blue 7+4=11 Damage) had the burning shebear spraying blood all over the Fighter and the dead Hoots, ripping and shredding, her pelt becoming slick with blood. It was his second series of haste induced strikes (1d8+4 Damage, Blue 2+4=6 Damage and killed!!) that slashed her across the throat and then had a 10 inch puncture wound hit her in the lung. She howled and moaned, slumped over and still on fire, passed out dying. “Andthat’showyoudoit! Jajajaja!”

At the other end of the battle, Wyn was standing shoulder to shoulder with Lyra, the two of them right behind Kovid, and two wounded skeletons in the front, the rest clamoring to get closer beind. “Ah... oui. Dis many squelettes be très manageable. Let’s get to it Dwarfriend!” The elf struck twice overhead and then tried to slam a short thrust in but (<+6 to hit, Orange 1 – Fumble: 1-2 lose weapon, 3-4 stunned, 5-6 hit friend. Orange 1. Direction dice: NE) the skeleton was swinging up at the same time and hit the elf in the hand. There was a ringing sound and the short sword passed up overhead and landed somewhere just past Brendon with a clang. “Merde! Dat’s mine, don’t lose it!”

Bending down to get the lost blade, Brendon suggested, “I can’t remember who said it before, but once everything is dead we could live here. Lower the shield to let in supplies than raise the wall for protection.”

“I don’t know,” Lyra said, swinging her Lolthian Flail, “the place has to reek of dragon. Let the new elves come and clean it up. Once the smell gets in the carpet, it’s a bitch to get out.” She hit the wounded skeleton that had just disarmed Wyn (>+4 to hit, White 19), the flail making a terrible crunching noise as it struck (1d6+2 Damage, White 4+2=6 Damage and killed!!). “And down!”

Kovid was attacking the last wounded undead, “These skeletons are no longer humerus! I’ve got a bone to pick with each one of them! Haw Haw Haw!” The dwarf laughed uproarious as he smashed the Theystran Hammer down (>+6 to hit, Yellow 8), cracking the undead in the head (1d8+3 Damage, Yellow 8+3=11 Damage!) and then crushing the rest of the body in a single two handed swing.

"Trying to hit the funny bone there Shot Glass?” Lannis laughed from the back rank, looking for marshmallows to roast over the dead burning bear but finding none. “Here's a tip: puns are the lowest form of humor, dwarfed by any other jest or jape."

(Initiative: Party Steel 6 vs Skeletons Red/Black 5)

“Wow!” Wyn looked around, “Dis is a novel experience. Monsieur Salazar, would you like?” He motioned to his spot in the front rank as the last three undead stepped forward. “I ‘ave to go an get me sword.”

“Graciasdon’tmindifIdo!” The Fighter ran forward, zipping around the Magic User and the Scout to join the Cleric and Dwarf at the front line who were already attacking in earnest.

“There’s no magic in your comments, Big Brain, puns aren’t sorcery, they’re funny. And I don’t think you can even spell jape.” (>+6 to hit, Yellow 18) He plied himself against the next in line, hammer hitting the skeleton in the ribcage, splintering half of them off, and then as the undead was trying to correct it’s lean, he slammed it in the opposite side (1d8+3 Damage, Yellow 5+3=8 Damage and killed), blowing it apart. “Two left!”

“I am so tired of you all,” Lyra said, flail swinging a silvery line in the air. “TIRED of you!” she yelled at the skeleton (>+4 to hit, White 20 – Critical – Max Damage 8 and killed!!) as she swung at an upward angle and shattered the undead from pelvis to breastbone.

“Bueno!Oneforme!” Abraxas filled in the last of the open spaces in the hall, haste potion still burbling in his veins (>+8 to hit, Red 6…>+8 to hit, Blue 6), lending speed to his blows. He hit and cut and slashed (1d8+4 Damage, Purple 3+4=7 Damage), busting the last undead a half dozen times but it refused to fall. So he reversed his blows and hit it again (1d8+4 Damage, Green 2+4=6 Damage and killed!!) making it blow apart, bones raining down the hall.

In the growing silence the party heard no other foes in the area and only the smoldering pop of burning bear hairs could be heard crackling over the party’s fevered breathing.

“So…that’s that,” the dwarf smiled.

“See what happens when you want to check out locusts?” Lannis scolded the group.

Time now is Day 10, 6:17 AM


Haste – 105 minutes

Monster XP: Hoots – 600 xp divided.

Shebear – 300 xp divided

11 skeletons @ 65 xp per divided

Brendon add 270

Kovid add 309

Abraxas, Lannis, and Wyn add 324

Lyra add 374

Great job all! What’s the plan? Still locusts?

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