This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

PBEM - Episode 414. Locusts!

A few players are completist, and the fact that the Locust area was the only area unexplored on the lower level had been grating on them since we hit the 2nd floor. So here was a chance to finally go an explore the Locust area and finish the map, even though the player running the Magic User was dead against it.




Taking a deep breath, Kovid glanced down at his bruised form and sighed. "I'm feeling a little banged up, anyone have any potions or heals they could spare? Only if you can spare it."

Lyra stepped over, “I have one more of my first level heals, whatever first level even means.”

“Thanks Lass.”

“Should we save it?” Wyn asked.

“The man is on the front line, look at him,” Lannis pointed out, “I think a bit of help since the locusts are going to kick our ass is merited for here.” His face fell, “Besides, I’m SUUUURE the locusts live in a healing pond or some such shit.”

“That’s some nice positivity,” Kovid laughed, “I like it.” (CLW 1d6+1, White 3+1=4 Heal 4) Lyra performed a quiet heal on the dwarf, a white glow settling over the worst of his hurst.

“You know, Offop,” Wyn smiled, “yer dislike fer de locusts only makes me want ta go even more? Anyone else feel de same way?”

"SiSiSiSiLocustsLocustsSoundBueno,” Abraxas was practically quivering as he answered through the effects of the Haste potion. “EsePotionDeHasteEsMuyExcellente. Let'sHacemosMasEnemiesMuerto! VamonosVamonosVamonosAmigos."

Brendon took his thrown dagger from the shebear and Lannis reclaimed his two thrown darts, putting them away. Slinging his pack higher on his shoulder, he dusted off his hat and drew up in line, ready to move on. "At this rate we'll probably run into Corfard looking for these cursed bugs. Your disdain for my advice will be small solace when they're eating your nipples off Banjo Boy. Let's get this over with before something else tries to kill us."

The group walked down the North hall, passing the dead bear and owlbear, and then moving on until they were lost in the gloom behind. "Bears, bones, and now onto... bugs!” The dwarf spun his hammer once in anticipation. “And another step closer to defeating the unblessed draggin' nuts. Nice job here folks, let's get going."

"I just want to make sure everyone knows I hate this idea," the wizard pouted

Lyra turned back around, giving Lannis a toothy grin,“I’m telling you, if I was hiding awesome loot I’d hide it in a locust room.”


“Is that going to wear off soon?” Lannis shook his head and rubbed his ears. “Under the best of circumstances I can figure out what bullshit you are trying to say, but now it’s like freebasing a bad batch of Telemundo.”

Abraxas gave the wizard a quick nudged, “RapidoConMuchoHaste.VamonosVamonosVamonos!”

“Ugh, I’m Vamonosing. I’m Vamonosing!”

The group continued north until they arrived at the Dining Room door which was ajar. Kovid had wanted to check it earlier, so the group ducking it quickly after verifying there was no one within. The major changes were the stone elven bodies were no longer around the table. They were instead jammed into and UP the chimney; arms legs, and torsos all mixed together. Almost 20 bodies of stone shoved in there and then…a 6 count of small but definitely viable shriekers – both outside the on the hearth as well as seen INSIDE the mass of jumbled limbs swelling and deflating slightly.

“That’s pretty horrible,” Kovid said.

“Oui! No respect for de dead.”

“Oh. Yeah, that too. I was thinking about the amount of work to clear that mess out as well as the noise those shriekers would make.”

“Nothingwecandoforitnow,” Abraxas tapped his foot rapidly a dozen times and pointed out to the hall. “LocustesSkinVerdesHobsGobsRobsBobsCorfobs-Let'sSlashSmashBashTrashTodos.TengoElFuerza!!!"

“Speedy Gonzalez has a point,” the Magic User nodded, “This might be a done deal for us. Let’s go.”

They returned to the hall and moved on the “T” intersection. Once it was clear, Brendon led us west and then north again, down the steps and past Travis’ chambers. We kept going north until the long hall, and then made the turn to the east and passed the Beekeeper’s room (WMC: Red/Black 5), still hearing the rain falling outside and nothing else. From there it was a walk to the rough cavern “T”, and then a turn south. We followed the winding passages with some speed, confident in our direction as well as our being alone down here. Eventually we came to the pottery room and the passage with the yellow fungus and then beyond that we travelled until we arrived finally at the 3 way intersection where the stairs on the south hall led us eventually up…and the north west hall beckoned the group, the chirping of locusts echoing back towards us.

Parking himself 10’ up the stairs, Lannis petulantly crossed his arms and sat down, staring at the rest of the party. Wyn spoke up, “As we discussed ‘afore, moi and Monsieur Du Lac will go down de hall to scout it first. We will NOT engage any o dem locusts, we just want a lay o de land. Once we ‘ave an idea o’ what we see, we come back and discuss wot to do an’ how to do it. Oui?” The party all nodded in agreement. “Dwarffriend, do you ‘ave a torch still I kin ‘ave?”

Kovid took it out, the brand had been lit twice before but still had some life left in it (good for 20 minutes). He lit it and between that and Brendon’s light coin, the two of them felt pretty good. “We’ll be right back,” Brendon offered, sword high as he stepped into the rough corridor, the elf right behind him.

“Good luck,” Lyra offered.

The two of them moved slowly and with care, eyes peeled and ears pitched. They did their best to move quietly (<Move Silently, +10% sort of alone, Red 44…>Move silently, Orange 10) as they went deeper into the passage. It turned a bit and then stayed roughly steady for some 20 paces, before winding about again and taking on a more decidedly north east direction. There were a few small cave locusts here, about the size of the palm of their hand. They seemed nervous and hopped away from the duo as they moved on. From up ahead, there was a dim bluish light, similar to the same phosphorous glow that was in the Aquifer on the other side of the Castle.

“Getting closer,” Brendon muttered as they moved on. Wyn nodded, hand gripping his sword tightly.

There was some sort of opening up ahead based upon the echoes and there were LOTS of them. The chirping sound was like a never ending rippling wave of sound and the number of locusts they saw as they got closer to the room was getting more numerous and thicker. Their pace forward slowed as the two of them gently shoved the insects aside with their toes until Brendon stopped and looked back at the elf. “Unless you want me to use that torch to try and chase them away, I don’t know if you want me to go any further or not.” There was some sort of room up ahead, but they would have to get another 6 or 8 paces down the hall to make the corner and that was going to violate the original rule Wyn had about their walk. Already the locusts in the area were very agitated and the two men had to occasionally stop and gently wipe a sitting insect off their leg, shoulders, or even heads. “What should I do?” The Scout asked.

Time now is Day 10, 6:52 AM


Haste – 70 minutes left.

As far as I can get you before I start making rolls. What’s the plan? Assume you’ve been in the hall at least 5 minutes.

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