Warhammer influenced my goblins some time in the past, so much so that if you do come across a goblin artifact- your best bet it to leave it alone. For non goblins it has a chance of blowing up, breaking, or just not working at all like its supposed to. But I did not expect to see it get targeted and then blow up the boss. Very cool!
And goblins will play to their strengths - spilt up the party, mass numbers, and missile, missiles, missiles!
From under the webbing, Lannis was scrambling and pushing, making no headway at all, terrified at hearing Smallpox’s declaration and seeing down the hall, various candles that had been situated begin to move. "Uh, guys...problem...fire problem...Pokey, are you there?”
Lyra stepped up as close to the web as she could get, digging the Lannis artifice doll from her pack. “I got Lannis,” she said, glancing down at the doll and shrugging. “I think.”
“Not funny!” The Magic User cried out, voice getting shrill, “Hey Argo, help, me out here! I'm about to be burned to a crisp...please stop laughing..."
Her mirth was tinged with a grim smile as she was working up a spell, hands pressed tight against the doll, channeling her goddess’s energy into it. “Don’t worry Lannis, I hear burning to death is only the second most painful way to go!” As a white glow settled around her hands she intoned, “Aine, give the ability to resist fire to my pink retarded friend who’s about to get barbecued.”
"Don't say it like that!” Lannis cried out, “The dizzy broad might do it on Brendon or something by accident!"
A burst of protective energy flowed into the doll as well as Lannis who was getting more frantic as the fires in the back of the hall started to crawl over the webs there with increasing speed.
“Burn those bastards,” Smallpox called out. “Prentice! Get your ass out here! Spinner! As soon as you can, hit the hall. Let’s go goblins!”
“Sounds like you gots your hands full,” Wyn sneered, hands working a quick spell, eyes fixed on the goblin artificer. “Let moi shed some light on dis situation! Ye not even important enough to call out by name ye vert little putain de merde. FAIT LUX!” An orange spark of light burst from the elf, passed through the webbing and swelled up aiming for Smallpox’s face (Save vs Spells, >Green 18). The goblin gasped and turned his head just in time as the light spell burst right where his face was just a moment before. He rang off the side wall, dazzled briefly from the spell that was hanging in the air, shaken, but ultimately giddy that he wasn’t blinded.
“You FUCKING elf!” he crowed. “What the hell?!”
“Just die, you li’l puce puke,” Wyn cried back.
Meanwhile inside the chamber, Kovid was choking and gasping, let his hammer fall to his side as he struggled to get his waterskin (1d4 days: yellow 3 – reduce water to 1 day) out and upended it over his face, drinking, coughing, and sputtering in an effort to clear the vinegar. It meant he wasn’t actively defending himself, but the dwarf felt the risk outweighed the trouble. He glanced back at the jammed doorway and called to the Fighter who was still swinging his Scythe, “We can release the door jams later Abraxas! We have more green heads to pop!”
Looking through the hole in the door, Brendon loaded up another arrow , knelt down, drew, and took aim. The target was small, and with Kovid and Abraxas sort of in the way, he was a bit concerned. “Please don’t hit them in the back,” he muttered and fired at the same goblin he had wounded earlier (>+6 to hit, -3 cover, Red 13), the arrow actually striking it in the thigh (1d6 damage: Red 2). It pitched back cursing at the shaft in its leg, and pulled it out, cursing at the unseen Scout through the portal, waving its spindly arms about and spitting wildly in Brendon’s direction.
The Scout smiled and drew another arrow.

Abraxas though continued his one man foray against the goblinoid ground forces (>+8 to hit, Blue 9..Haste Attack: >+8 to hit, Blue 18), his Scythe dancing about him in a silvery flow that made it almost impossible to track. To him the battle was just going a tad slow. The goblins were off a bit in their thrusts, not blocking in time, and took wounds and cuts that he was sure under normal circumstances they would be able to blunt or block – but to his heightened senses under the Haste potion – he was death incarnate. He spent the better part of 15 seconds hacking a determined greenskin fighter apart that failed to move in time (1d8+4 Damage, Blue 2+4=6 Damage and killed) while at the same time engaging another one that was too close to the dwarf who was unable to defend himself at this time, hooking her close to him before sweeping down and dismembering her left foot at midcalf (1b8+4 Damage, Blue 3+4=7 Damage and killed!!). One he had them both controlled, it was a flurry of hard swings that followed and had the next two goblins on the ground bleeding out and dying horribly.
“Jajajajajajajaja!” he laughed, looking around for the next targets to hit.
(Morale, Smallpox: 5+2=7 – Stays!)
“What the FUCK is taking so long!” Smallpox growled from the hall, working up a spell, his eyes set on the elf who tried to blind him. “BURN it!”
“We’re on it, Boss!” Came the call from the hall. “Here it comes!!”
A rippling wave of fire raced across Lannis’ webbing inside the hall, the goblins trapped there crying in pain as they were burned, and then the same fire raced into the hall and tore over Lannis’ position, burning webbing falling about the magic user (1d6 Damage: Pink 3 – both goblins take 3 damage each – Lannis takes NONE (Resist Fire – 20 rounds)).
“And for you, elf! IN BET GRAV POR!” Smallpox called out, finishing up his spell. A magic missile ripped out, streaked across the hall, and struck Wyn in the chest (1d6+1 Damage, Red/Black 5+1=6 – Take 6 Damage!), blowing the elf back a step and leaving a trail of smoke dancing up from his chest. “How about that!? Huh!?” The two burned goblins hit the hall and Smallpox was frowning as he noted Lannis was not only not dead, but was in the process of casting a spell! “Hey..HEY! TAKE THE SUCKY ONE DOWN!”
The 2 goblins, singed and hurting, did immediately engage the magic user (<+0 to hit, White 11..<+0 to hit, White 10), hitting and smacking at him with their clubs and swords, but the enchanted gloves were turning the blows, allowing Lannis to concentrate on his spell.
A third one stepped out and turned south towards Smallpox, the same one that had cast a spell at the party yesterday. A fourth one just managed to hit the hall and turned north, spear stabbing out at Lyra was the next closest in line (<+0 to hit, Black 15), the Cleric blocking the stab with her shield.
Meanwhile inside the room, the goblin that had knocked the wedge aside, turned it’s mallet to the poorly defended dwarf, and proceeded to knock him as hard and as often as he could while Kovid was rinsing his face clean (>+0 to hit, +8 no defense, Green 12). Kovid grunted from a few of the blows (1d6 Damage, Green 2, Take 2 Damage!) but shrugged off what he could.
On the raised chairs, the goblin that had been shot by Brendon convinced its counterpart to try and drive the Scout away, both of them firing at the door, hoping to get a luck shot through the hole (<+1 to hit, -8 Cover, Steel 4), one of them thudding into the door, arrow quivering. The other shaft though (>+1 to hit, -8 Cover, Steel 20 – Cannot critical with cover – 1d6 Damage, Red 3 – Brendon take 3 Damage!) DID pass through the hole and in the hall, the Scout cursed loud as the shaft ripped through his bicep before cracking against the back of the hall. “I am going to remember that,” he muttered, looking back through at the goblins on the perches laughing and capering with glee.
The 2 goblins that had the vinegar bellows dropped them and using short swords, one of them hit the dwarf while the other stepped in front of Abraxas, hoping to catch the fighter unaware. The one on Kovid swung again and again, also getting some good blows in as the dwarf was wrapping up his cleansing (>+0 to hit, +8 no defense, Black 11). Once more Kovid grunted from impact but the dwarf (1d6 Damage, Yellow 4 – Take 4 Damage!) was no greenskin and shrugged off most of the hurt. Finally finished, he lifted his hammer once again, and took stock of the two goblin’s flanking him.
The one that had gone to the Fighter, was full of hope and strove to land a solid blow, any blow (<+0 to hit, Teal 17) to help stall his advance across the chamber, but he was unable to do so. As the two fighters were planning out their next assaults, they couldn’t help but hear the sound of something wooden being broken on the other side of the barrier where at least a goblin or two was still situated.
And finally at the end of all things, robes covered with burnt webbing, two goblins struggling to strike him, finishing up his spell at long last, Lannis let the last of the eldritch power collect in his palm as he called to Smallpox, “Shazam bitch! Fuck you and your bracelet! IN BET GRAV!"
He fired a dart spell specifically at the ornate artificed gauntlet Smallpox had on his right arm. The pink projectile trailed a spray of light as it twisted up and down and then hit the gauntlet dead on. (1d4 Damage: Pink 4 – 4 Damage to gauntlet! %chance of blowing up: Damage done x 10%. 4x10% = 40% or less. Red/Black 37 – Goblin Artifact Blows up. 3d6 Damage: 6+5+6=17 Damage and killed!!)
There was a brief cracking noise and then the destabilized gauntlet…and Smallpox…Blew up.
“Holy shit!”
Chunks of dead goblin and gore sprayed out in a 15’ radius from the impact site, coating anyone and everything in the area with green skin and blood.
“Is there ANYTHING I can’t do?” Lannis said without a trace of sarcasm…or humility.
(Initiative: Party Steel 6 vs Enemy Red/Black 5)
Time now is Day 10, 7:31 AM
Haste – 31 minutes.
Resist Fire – 19 minutes.
Holy shit – smallpox blew up. Lol! Ok – Spinner hits the hall (and Lannis) this round and whoever is still in the rooms is going to be coming back to the open areas since the door to the south doesn’t open. Right now only morale check is the few in the hall (3 melee gobs and the last gob spellcaster apprentice) since they were the only ones around to know of Smallpox’s blowup. You guys go! 3 rounds in a row you have won initiative! Nice.