This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

PBEM, Episode 136 - Orcs, Zombies, Goblins



The group discussed option on what to do next for some time before boiling it down to 4 things in a particular order: Go to the Aquifier and refill the waterskins, then head Outside and pick some tomoatoes, then still Outside circle to the north of the Ispan’s Castle and check out the portcullis, and finally, comeback inside and take out the last two K-800’s that are most likely in the vicinity of the cold hall to the south of the kobold Warren.

As they were heading towards the Aquifier south and west of the original stone cask and green slime room, Wyn turned to Brendon and asked, “Monsieur du Lac, cen I 'ave one of doze slings you got, s'il vous plaît? I tink we cen take dis time to fill up our water at de aquifer. Cen probably pick up some slingin' stones in that cavern, too.”

“Sure,” the Scout replied, “That’s why I picked them up.” He handed a sling over (Sling [1]) and added, “I know we didn’t have time before, but I’m really interested in what items are on the bottom of the pool.”

“You’re going to be wet,” Lannis said.

“I’ll take my clothes off.”

“The water’s cold.”

“I’ll use the elven towel afterwards to dry off.”

The Magic User shrugged, “Suit yourself. What do I know, I’m just a genius who regularly reworks the building blocks of reality at my whim.”

Once down the steps, the temperature cooled until we were once again in the Aquifier room. The natural cavern reflected back at the party and in the distance of the cave (WMC: Red/Black 6) they could hear the squeaking of the giant ferrets but none of the beasts came out of the gloom. “Oh yes, I remember the Giant Ferrets,” Lannis commented, “We cooked one. I ate trail rations.”

“Speak for yourself, Monsieur,” Wyn shrugged, bending down to fill his skin. “I ate it and eet was De-Lish-Us.”

As Abraxas was filling his own skin, he brought up his concern with the K800 again. “I dont see why we leave these k800s with the slimesies. It can only... como dices... bite us in the ass, later. I dont like loose ends, amigos. They get slime'ed, they walk right through the doors, who knows how far they spread the slimesies before it eats them?”

“I agree with Manling Abraxas,” Kovid said. “We should kill these zombie kobolds and burn ALL slime so we know the places we’ve been are clear. Let’s get our water, sure, but let’s not spend too much time outside. Gather tomatoes, but I think the real food will be at the Butcher’s.”

As the last of the skins was filled, Lyra looked over at Brendon with a raised brow. “You are really going to… this?” she asked as the last of is clothes were stripped off and placed on top of his piled armor and backpack.”

“Yep,” he replied, dangling his legs in the aquifer and shivering. “Damn that’s cold.”

“Already blaming the actual size of objects on cold shrinkage?” Lannis chuckled.

“Ha ha.” He lowered himself more until just his shoulders and head were out. He was breathing hard and already his lips were quivering.

“Breadlung,” Abraxas frowned, “You do not have to do this. Loco and cold.”

“I got it.” He took a deep breath, was heard to curse quietly, and then dove down into the faint current of the aquifier.

“I am going to wait a while before drinking from here again,” the Magic User uttered, “I don’t want my water to taste like stale pirate, crotchety Scout, and unrepentant attempted murderer.”

“Silence,” Kovid barked. Brendon had dived to the bottom of the aquifer and had grabbed a wooden cup [2], two water skins [2] and a wooden bucket [10], and then kicked off the bottom and swam for the surface.

“Poseidon’s T-T-TITS!” he swore, throwing his bounty onto the rocky shore, “It’s g-g-god damned-d-d cold!!” (>Con checks +2 bonus pirate, Red 15) He was fumbling on pulling himself free, his hands seemed to be numb and his legs were kicking futily at the wall. Kovid and Wyn bent down and helped pull the Scout out of the water, noting how cold his skin was. He rolled to his side, patted around his open backpack and took out his Green Elven Towel from within and started to rub himself dry and warm.

Lannis took out his own towel and offered it as well. “Listen, I goof on you, but that was monumentally stupid. And I know stupid. A cup, bucket, and two waterskins was not worth hypothermia.”

“I-I-I’ll be f-f-fine in a few minutes-s-s,” he stuttered. The group watched silently as Brendon finished drying off and proceeded to get himself dressed. He still seemed to shudder now and again and was having a hard time getting warm. But eventually he finally strapped on his swordbelt and picked up his bow, slinging it over his shoulder. “S-s-so,” he asked, “Any rocks?”

“Oui,” Wyn said, handing over 5 stones to Brendon [5] and keeping 5 sling stones for himself [5]. “You ok?”

Brendon shrugged, his damp hair trailing across his neck. “N-n-never better,” he said (Failed Con Check, -1 to all rolls and checks until get 1 hour rest or 30 minutes warmed up by a fire) “T-t-time’s wasting, let’s go.”

Shaking their heads, the group fell in behind Brendon and left the Aquifier behind, making their way up the stairs and then to the Sitting Room. Opening the door they looked around (no roll) and saw nothing. The air was cool and the sky cloudy. The smell of rain was out there and there was a slight breeze which had Brendon shiver again. They party made their way south along the footpath to the Tomato Garden where Wyn hastily picked 20 of the reddest tomatoes and placed them in his pack (Add 20 Tomatoes [30] to inventory). Once finished the group silently nodded at him. “Around to zee north to check out zee entrance and portcullis?”

They followed Brendon’s lead as he picked the party’s progress east around the Ispan’s Castle and then north again. We skirted near the shed and the well house, noting that the rope had not been replaced. They keot far away from the white roses growing near the walls and made their way eventually to the north side of the Castle. There was a Barbican overhanging the main entrance, perhaps a dozen assorted statues loosely arranged outside the gates, but it seemed quiet and unmanned.

(WMC: Red/Black 1. Result: Red/Black 30 – Humanoid. Black/Red 84 – Orc. # Appearing 2d20: 11+3 = 14 Orcs. Distance: Blue/White 5: Between 50 and 100 yards)

“Shh! Down!” Brendon hissed, dropping behind a large bit of undergrowth in the area, eyes fixated just beyond the rainbow ward.

“What?” the group asked, mirroring his actions.

“Company.” He paused. “Big. Green. And Lots of them.”


He pointed north. “That way.” He squinted. “And they’re…Orcs.”

“What?!” Wyn snarled, trying to stand up to see better but was gripped hard by Brendon and Kovid who pulled him back down. “Why you do that?” he hissed at them (>Racial Hatred Wis Check: Orange 18 – Failed). “I just want to know how many filthy bastardz I’ve got to shoot before the sun sets?!”

“Enough,” Lyra leaned closer to the elf. “Just watch. Enough.”

Barely keeping himself in check, Wyn fumed as he peered through the branches and grasses at the orc patrol coming closer. There were 14 of them and they were well armed with spears, swords, and bows, and well armored with a mix of chainmail and banded mail with shields. Their clothes were travel worn and their cloaks had rents and stains in them. The leader was a tall brute, just over 7’ in height and had to be pushing almost 400 lbs. His skin was mottled olive green and his lower tusks were very pronounced, curling his lower lip out grotesquely.

They each ducked under the rainbow ward, their number reaching 14 as they scanned the ground with careful eyes and made their way to the main entrance and lowered portcullis. One of the orcs stepped up and banged on the bars with his shield and then stepped back.

It was a few minutes later that the portcullis was raised from inside and a woman stepped out. She was wearing black and blue wizard robes and an oversized witch’s hat. Her hand was gripped around an oaken staff with some cords wrapped around the ends. She looked over the orcs with little expression until even the brute lowered his gaze at which point she grinned briefly. “You’re late,” she said, her voice was both seductive and grating.

“Sorry, Mirabellis,” the orc leader replied, he reached over his shoulder where a rope was trailing and pulled it up and around. At the end of the rope were 5 severed elven heads, their hair tied to the end of the rope, tongues out, eyes slack. “Bastards didn’t want to stop running.”

“Never mind,” she replied. “Blessed Corfard will pay the bounty for them as usual.” There was a second person just barely visible from this side angle at the Castle’s entrance. It was a woman, that was for sure based upon the tight dress she wore. But she had a grey bag over her head and it appeared that the top of the bag was moving quite a bit. “Moira,” the wizardress turned back to the other woman. “You aren’t needed here. Thanks for coming.”

The other woman bowed shallowly and then turned back and went inside. “She gives me the creeps,” the orc said after the bag wearing woman had gone. “Why does the Blessed Corfard keep her around?”

“The Blessed Corfard keeps her around because the Ispan and his orgy loving elves kept her imprisoned. Enemy of my enemy and all that?”

He glanced at one of the statues and gave it a rap with his free hand. “She’ll lose her shit at some point, Mirabellis.”

“If she does, the Blessed Corfard will take care of it. Enough jabbering. The Blessed Corfard will want to see you soon and now.” They group began walking back into the Castle, but the wizardress’s voice was still faintly heard, “There’s some vermin that’s been infiltrating the Castle and he wants them gone.”

“Sounds like fun.”

The voices ended and we watched the last orc disappear around the corner and then a moment later, the portcullis was lowered until the heavy metal bars settled again on the floor. And then we heard the sound, even if we couldn’t see them, of heavy doors closing and finally the rasp of a turned lock.

The party said nothing, taking in what they had learned, while Wyn was shaking with fury at the sight of the orcs who had been here. “Those…fucking…scum,” he hissed out.

Time now is: Day 4: 11:04 AM


XP: North Grounds – Everyone add 25 xp.

Brendon add 10 additional xp.

Ok, a bit exposed out here, hidden in the brush and grass. For now. Portcullis does not appear to be an easy way in. Back inside? Talk? Where to?

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