This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

PBEM, Episode 108 - Scooby, Dresses, and Hallways


“Dresses!” Kovid scoffed nervously. “Just lady garments? Hahaha. Thor’s shorts I almost shat my own!”

"I tought dis may be de case,” Wyn said relieved. “Priestess, I tink we take de pair of dem fer now en see iffin they be magic later. It be weird that dey not be touched by time while everytin' else be a mess.”

“Phew,” the dwarf continued, “Never cared for spirits and the like. Gives me the willies. Oh well not ALL spirits o’course... I love my alcoholic spirits mind you, but you all knew that already, hehe”

Lannis sighed, "Those elves certainly know how to make a blue dress. I wonder what's kept them safe all this time. I wonder if we can use those dummies for some kind of shenanigans. Not much else to see I guess, grab the dresses, if they are magic I'm sure we'll find a use for them,” he glanced at Lyra and then down at himself, “for the both of them."

“Dis may be Wyn gettin' paranoid but Monsieur du Lac, cen you check to see iffin anytin will 'appen iffin we take deez dresses off? Want to be sure dere be no wire or threads.”

“No problem, my friend. But it’s yellow, Magic Man.”

Brendon gave the two dresses a quick look over while Kovid continued his concern. “Phew! That was a close one... Any one else feel warm? I’m sweatin’ in my chainmail, haha.” He squinted closer at the dresses. “Well now that yellow one is a looker. Might look mighty fine on lady Lyra if I might be so bold. Although, dwarves aren’t a fine judge of these sorts of matters of frilly fabric and lace, so what do I know.”

Abraxas had picked up the Pincushion with 50 pins (2) and the 30’ spool of blue ribbon (1) while Brendon was wrapping up his look. "Señor Korvix, the dress is clearly blue. Where do you see yellow? I will carry all these useable items. Perhaps before we rest, Señor Wynx can use his magic eyes to see if anything we have is magic? Especially if this dress obviously changes colors depending who looks at it!"

“Dis is clearly yellow, Monsieur Salazar,” Wyn chided, “but who to say whedder we see colors da same?”

As Brendon gave them the thumbs up clear, Lyra shook her head, “Blue? They’re clearly white and gold. You all need your eyes checked. Men.” She took them off the dummies and Lannis helped her take the second one down.  “Aw, Lannis. If you want to wear a dress no one here will judge you. Not too harshly at least.”

The Fighter took both dresses folded up neatly and placed them in his backpack for now (2 dresses [4]). Meanwhile Wyn was disturbed at the shadows that were thrown by the dummies. “Hm... what could have cast de shadow? Aren't we de light in dis room? From the wrong side of de screen?” He stepped up and waved his hand behind the screen then the other side. Then he moved the light and tried it again and gasped “Aha!”


“Zee panel curtain! It is one way!” He waved his hand to show that nothing was showing through. “If you are one side, regardless of the light, you cannot see through, and the other side you can.” He then moved one of the panels out and turned it around. “But see? Someone had reversed the panels so it was facin’ th’ wrong way.” (Good job Wyn on catching that – bonus xp later).

“Oh.” Abraxas shrugged. “So you can see a naked person if you are on the wrong side? Sounds like a fiesta to me!”

Pumping his arms and anxiously swinging the lantern, Kovid asked the group, “What’ya say we keep moving west down the hall here. Map needs fillin‘ in.”

"Onward to de ouest 'allway, oui!"

The party relined themselves up and proceeded walking west. They marched slow, Kovid painstakingly mapping as they traveled on. The passage was some 25 paces to the west before it turned it south for a few paces and then continued west again. There was a corner where the passage turned north again. The group was proceeding with care, looking for traps, issues, secret doors, or anything else of concern (no rolls needed).

At the north turn the passage went on at least as far as the lantern light and kept going. There were signs of traffic on the ground, Wyn and Brendon were sure this passage was used lightly but constantly. Distant sounds and echoes came back but nothing the group could identify. They proceeded north from here, time passing along with the slow burn of their oil and the scratching noise of Kovid and his mapping.

It was a good 45 paces until the passage turned to the left (WMC: Red/Black 2) and still luck was with the group. Sneaking up to it they peered around and could see another short 12 pace or so hall that turned north again. Being at an area of the map that Kovid had marked earlier as possible Butcher, Wyn and Brendon went on from here. The elf lit his partial torch and the two scouts traveled on with quieter steps (<Move Silently +10 bonus, Red 15..<Move Silently +1 bonus Orange 1) and faster movement.

At the corner north Wyn looked first, his infravision showing residual heat and nothing else, passage was pretty clear. So the two of them stepped out and scouted ahead. About 25 paces down there was a door on the right hand side and at the limit of the torch light was another door on the right hand side. Listening with care (<Hear Noise, Red 05..>Hear Noise Orange 16) Brendon checked out the local door and Wyn stepped a few paces down the hall to listen further in that direction.

Brendon checked the door out (no traps) and didn’t dare check if it was locked as from under the door he could see a wavering light like torch light from somewhere in the chamber. There was movement but not nearby, but he could hear it. There was also the scent of sand. And salt. And smoke. And a coppery smell. All mixed together. He motioned for Wyn to return to him, the elf coming back nodding his head slightly.

As they travelled back south the elf heard what Brendon had to say about the door and added, “I wasn’t sure, mon ami, but I would guess I ‘eard a few harp strings. Nothin’ clear, but some sorto music notes, I be sure o t’at!” The two of them made it back to the party, extinguished the torch again, and shared with them what they had learned.

Time is now 2:35
Figured I would make life easy for you guys and combine 3 turns (60’ travel) in one. Ok, two doors and a hall turning to the right at the end of the long hall. What’s the plan?

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