This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Friday, August 21, 2020

PBEM, Episode 126 - Slime, Doors, and Halls



“There is a nipple shooting ballista behind that door,” Lannis hissed. “We should have a well thought out plan that everyone agrees on.”

“Go invisible and open it.”

“Go around.”

“Just open it and ‘it zee floor or back wall.”

“How about a rope?”

“Hold the melon cart,” Lannis said, “What about a rope on the door and open it?”

“Whose idea was that?”

“Who knows how these things happen? I’ll just say it’s mine because its smart and I would have said it if I didn’t.”

Wyn fidgeted, “One ov us should open de door very quick like back on de wall.. probably betta iffin they are invisible... en covered from potential slime."

Kovid nodded. “Ok, so we tie the rope to the door here and then go back,” he looked down the hall, “um, 90’? Ok, 90’ to the corner and we open it then.”

“Knob turns,” Brendon offered.

“For zee invisible stay ‘ere an’ open zee door, Wyn not gonna ask anodder ta do eet. I willin' to do eet iffin Brendon cen give me de coat en de potion."

“Don’t think we are doing the potion, champ,” Lannis said.

Abraxas took both coils of rope the group had and tied them together. Brendon sighed. “I’ve got this.”

“You sure,” Kovid asked. “I was going to do Rock, Paper, Scissors with Wyn to see who would turn the knob.”

“I would do it, Dwarfriend.”

“It’s ok. I was going to pick Rock because rock beats everything.”

“Not paper, mon ami.”

Brendon had taken out a sheet of paper from his pack and Kovid pointed to it. “Rock smashes Scissors. Rock rips through Paper. Rock always wins.”

“That makes no sense,” Lannis whispered. “Maybe in dwarf town that’s the way it is, but everywhere else, Paper covers rock.”

“That’s the way dwarves always play it.”

“Sigh, then why would anyone play Rock Paper Scissors with a dwarf then if that’s the rules you use?”

Kovid shrugged. “Don’t know. We never understood why you silly humans do the things you do.”

Brendon took the other end of the rope from Abraxas and went to the door, crouching low. HE turned to the group, “Go. I’ve got this. There’s no need to put anyone’s life in danger. I’m trained for this sort of thing.” He pointed to the light stone Wyn was holding, taking it when it was proffered.

"I am in awe of your bravery,” Lannis replied, always fading back, “You’re a hero among men.” Lyra saluted to him and the two of them started walking back to the far corner.

Trailing the rope out as he walked, Abraxas shook his head. "Bueno Suerte. Seems loco to me, pero I have no better idea. Vaya con dios.”

Kovid was walking with them and Wyn was staying with Brendon, brows furrowed. “Just wot are you dewin’?”

“Just…Fine. Rubbing chalk on this paper to make it have less friction, then folding it up, and working it into the jam here until I can get the latch to lodge open. Then the rope can be pulled and the door opens,” he pointed back down the hall. “Just cover me if something goes wrong.”

“Oh dat ees a much betta idea. Tought de door be too heavy fer sometin like dat.”

“Don’t know, but we’ll see.” Wyn gave his short salute and then crossed the wide gulf of darkness back to the party. It took some doing (<Dex -2 penalty, Black 6) but he managed to get the paper in place after a few tries before sheltering the stone’s light with his body, jogged back to the waiting party. “All good.”

“So, ees dat sometin’ dey teach you een de ‘scout’ school, mon ami?”

“Nope, I had to learn to get my stuff back from my siblings without them knowing it.”

“Eet is time, Senor,” Abraxas hissed to Wyn. The party all had their weapons out as Abraxas turned back to the corner, rope looped over his shoulder and walked forward, pausing as the rope’s slack was taken in, bounced once, and then followed along as the door opened at the end of the long hall.

The group could hear it, the faint squeak of the hinges. They were quiet, no ballista shot at them, and a peer around the corner showed no light down the hall or beyond the opened door. But they did hear the faint clatter of grains of sand or hints of gravel falling down the steps, and besides the refreshed cool breeze coming their way, there was also faintly the sound of stone grating briefly on stone but it was fleeting and did not repeat.

“Ok, door is open,” Lannis observed. “Besides needing to reclaim our very long tied up rope and the fact that there isn’t a Ballista pointing at us, what’s the plan?”

“Wot are those Kob’s doing?” Abraxas wondered aloud

Time now is 7:55


Ok – Great plan with the door, and if there was a ballista pointing down the hall – it would have been wonderful. What now? Also, let's get the posts to be before 8:30 please for a change - been running late this week. Thanks!

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