This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

PBEM, Episode 112 - Guardians and Plans



Seeing Abraxas held off the ground, left arm twisted behind him locked by the shield, Wyn nocked an arrow swiftly and drew aim, “Oui oui. Defiler defiler. Arrow in de face. Etc etc. Salazar, be more careful next time, s’il vous plaît?” He drew bead at the one holding the Fighter by the neck (>+5 to hit, Orange 10) and the arrow flew. It scored out and struck unerringly on the Guardian’s chest, causing it to grunt and hunch a bit as the blunted arrow dropped to the ground.

Kovid spun his Hammer of Theystra in a wide angle and stepped to the two that were approaching.  "I think we need to communicate better as a team if we don't want to die in this castle!" The Guardians had a odor of rot on them that made the dwarf grimace but the doughty fighter stayed the course and thrust and pivoted with his war hammer (>+3 to hit, Yellow 13) slamming the silvered head into the rightmost Guardian’s chest. There was a stink of burnt corruption upon impact and the figure (1d8+2 Damage, Yellow 6 – 8 Damage) shuddered and squealed in pain, wisps of smoke rising from the new wound.

Brendon took up the spot that Kovid has just vacated, his own arrow up and aiming at the other figure holding Abraxas. “Really, Doc you must learn to govern your passions; they will be your undoing. Logic suggests...,” his bow thrummed at the released string (>+4 to hit, Red 17) the clothyard shaft hitting the Guardian under the raised arm and weakened its grip on the fighter, the bent arrow fell out and clattered to the stone floor.

“Si! Si! Hot head. No!” Abraxas was struggling to break the grip of the two holding him. “To be fair, I really thought there were only TRES in the room!”

“Yeah,” Lannis agreed, hands waving as he worked a spell. “I can totally get how two of those guys just faded into the woodwork. Oh wait, there wasn’t any woodwork.” The air before him was crackling with energy. “"Hey guys I feel like I was left out when we decided on this plan and now I look like an idiot in front of the Corfard guys. Next time we make a plan I think it’s only fair that we tell everyone about it. IN BET GRAV!" Taking aim at the one that Wyn had shot holding Abraxas, a pink dart of chaotic energy streaked out and flashed into that Guardian (1d4 Damage, Pink 2 Damage) where it raised a fresh rip in the creature’s skin and a wisp of burnt smoke rose from the impact, a hiss of pain escaping its thin rictus lips.

“I don’t know, I feel kind of bad,” Lyra sarcastically lamented, sling whizzing overhead. “We did infringe on their right to congregate and worship in their cult.” At the apex she let the lanyard go and the sling stone (> +3 to hit, White 12) arced out at the one Kovid was fighting, slapping against its face, turning its head briefly, as the stone bounced off into the room.

Meanwhile, gritting his teeth and seeing the other figure still leaning over the fire pit trying to get the missing statue, Abraxas flexed hard and scraped his boots down the one holding him by the neck, trying to relieve the strain on his left arm (Combative Strength Check: Blue 3 [beat Str by 14] vs Black 11 [beat by 7] and Teal 14 [beat by 4]) growled and cursed at the Guardians while whipping his body around. “Pendejos, you worship un dio falso! Él no es uno dio, he is a hombre muy malo. If we cannot convince you, comes mierda y morir!"

Their grip slipped, strained, and then broke as Abraxas stepped back drew his sword and hacked it into the closest Guardian, arms at full extension (> +5 to hit, Blue 10). There was a crash as his sword blade smashed into the figure, bowling it over and backwards, stumbling it to the table where it briefly held itself upright and staring at Abraxas, pushed itself back towards the fighter its midsection looking no worse for the wear.

“Um…Senors? I hit it, but I don’t see…” That was as far as Abraxas got as the two Guardians struck out at him.

“Defiler,” one of them intoned, voice breathy and gravelly. “You shall pay with your lives.” It beat at Abraxas who had his shield up in time, the blows falling like rain on a metal roof, clattering against his bulwark (< +4 to hit, Green 6…< +4 to hit, Purple/Blue 11) and although stunning his twisted arm, did no lasting damage.

“Defiler,” the one assaulting Kovid said (=+4 to hit, Red/Grey 10), “You shall pay with your lives.” It was a buffeting series of hits and the dwarf’s chainmail, although well made, was not the same as the platemail he had been wearing earlier in the adventure, and some of the damage did pass through to him (1d8 Damage, Red/Black 1 – Take 1 Damage).

The second Guardian, the one he had hurt earlier, also murmured out, “Defiler. You shall pay with your lives.” (> +4 to hit, Red/Black 12) Kovid tried to roll with the hits but their blows were sure and strong (1d8 Damage, Purple 3 – Take 3 Damage) and the dwarf felt them through his armor and into his bones.

Lastly, the one that was leaning over the fire trying to get the statue (50/50 grab: Red/Black 4 – no) was having no luck. “Defiler.” It howled, skin popping in the flames. “You shall pay with your lives.” It pulled itself entirely into the fire pit and began scooping out hot burning embers from within and throwing them out of the pit while looking for the tossed lizard looking statue.

(Initiative Party Steel 1, Guardian Red/Black 3, Guard…PARTY wins initiative.)

Time now is 3:02


Even though the party did not roll well on the initiative, your side acts first. Lots of hits, very few recorded damage. What’s the plan?

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