This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Friday, August 28, 2020

PBEM, Episode 134 - Cleanup Time



The party brought all the items into the Statue room, shutting the doors behind them, and laid them out looking everything over. Brendon nodded and said, “I’d like to have a cinnamon stick, the taste covers the smell of this place, and a cloth bandage if no one minds. I’ll also carry one of the new found torches.” (Add 1 Cinnamon Stick [1], 1 Bandage [1], and 1 torch [5] to inventory) “Where to next? Bees? Butcher? Something else?”

Lannis glanced at the plinths and stood looking down at one of the manacrystals. “I vote we hold on to one of those mana crystals, we may need it later on. As for what's next, I still say the zombies, that was the original plan anyway, after a quick oil refill that is.” While he was pulling the dim glowing manacrystal [2] out of the plinth base, he also took 1 slowburn candle [1], the Sketch book with kittens in it [10], and shrugging, he also took a handful of loose iron scraps [10].

Kovid watched the Magic User as he took the items. "I agree with "The Brain". Let's get ourselves some more oil and continue north of the classroom. Knock down those zombies. Actually Lannis, may I see that sketch book?" Lannis pulled the book closer to his chest, glancing at the dwarf with distrust. "Have you checked it for magic? Perhaps the kittens are a disguise. Just a thought. If it never comes up I may ask you for a blank page or two for my map.” He held his hand out to take it.

Lannis looked at the dwarf’s hand and then shoved the kitten book into his backpack and said, “No you may not,” before turning away.

Blowing it off, the dwarf shrugged and said, “You like cats that much eh? Keep it. Never liked them myself anyway. Not enough meat on em. Hahaha.” He turned to Lyra, “Priestess, any chance to can give me a healing word today? I’m pretty beat up.”

Rolling her eyes at Lannis, she replied, “Oh my god, CHILDREN. Just share the god-damned cat picture book.” Placing her hand on Kovid’s shoulder, she said, “I have one more for the day, come. Lady Aine, Heal my dwarven friend of his wounds!” (CLW: 1d6+1, Black 3 – Heal 4!) Once finished, she looked through the items remaining and took 1 of the Bandages [1], the small pouch of dried blueberries [5], and spying the other plinth, she walked over and took the last manacrystal [2]. “Blueberries look good enough to eat.”

As she was putting her stuff away, she opened her backpack a bit wider, “What the heck?” and pulled out the kobold arm bone from the garden. “Why do I still have this thing?” (Remove Kobold Arm Bone [2] from Inventory).

"Priestess,” Wyn looked over pointing to the small pouch, “I believe we should 'old onto the berries in case we need something natural to trade wit de Beekeeper.”

“Sure, not going to eat them,” she said, “I just noted they LOOKED delicious is all.”

“Haven’t you eaten enough?” Lannis asked.

“Monsieur Offop!” Wyn scolded the magic user. When he got a rueful grin in return, the elf shook his head and looked over the accumulated items remaining. "I tink we should fill up our oil, den take dis chance to burn the rest of the green slime on de doors since we 'ave cleared out dis side of de castle. We don't want to 'ave to do it later on de day, oui? Kind of make sure fer be no more traces of doze blightin' kobs in dis place odder den dere dead... and doze zombies we release inta de halls.”

“Oil first, then slime,” Kovid counted off on his fingers, “then through the classroom door to the zombies…or take the long way around past the Butcher to the zombies? Assuming they are the same ones.”

The elf took 1 slowburn candle [1], 1 bandage [1], 1 cinnamon stick [1], 1 stone tipped javelin [15], and 1 stone dagger [10] while he mulled it over. “Lets do ze first two parts and then discuss wot our options are for zee zombies, oui?” He bent down and picked up Lyra’s sling and rock, handing it back to her. "Also, Priestess, I tink you also want to pick up your sling, oui? You seemed to throw it away for some reason in de battle."

“I know, it’s cursed.” She put the rock away and then smiled. “Could I sling the manacrystal?”

“Do not sling the manacrystal.”

“Fiiinee.” She pouted, “What if something’s weakness IS mancrystals? How about then?”

“Nothing’s weakness is manacrystals, Priestesse,” Wyn replied.

Staring at it she asked, “What if we grind it up and snort it? Could we then become wizards?”

Lannis stomped his foot. “That is NOT how you become a wizard!”

“You don’t know!” she retorted.

“I worked VERY hard to be a wizard!” Lannis fumed.

“You work very hard to put your pants on!” she replied.

Wyn sighed deeply, “I am not so sure she is the one to have one.”

“Relax, relax,” she said, “I’m just throwing ideas out here is all. Look,” she put it back in her bag. “See? All good, happy manacrystal all away and not being lobbed or turned into gravel? Ok?”

While all this was going on, Abraxas took 1 Cinnamon Stick [1], 1 torch [5], 1 stone tipped javelein [15] and 1 stone dagger [10].  “Aww, no more manacrystals for me to take? Boo! Amigos, enough standing here. Let us go. Vamonos. I agree we revisit those Guardians soon.  I still want to take out that Corfard Statue, though perhaps with a... how do you say.... plan... yes, plan of attack next time."

“That’s using the old noggin, Abraxas,” Lannis complimented the fighter.

From here, the group then opened the eastern door on the north side that the Ballista was in front of and looked down the passage. The slowburn candles had guttered low at this point, mostly a puddle of wax with a little flame still in it. The group headed east, extinguishing the flame there, and then the next one across from the Classroom. From there they listened to the door (no roll needed) and entered the close, closing it behind them. The chamber was not exactly as they had left it. The chairs and desks they had mounded against the north door had been shoved aside and then scattered along the eastern half of the room – leaving the door clear and free to open.

“Shh,” Brendon whispered, sneaking over there to listen (no roll needed) a few seconds before nodding to the group, “Clear.”

Kovid released the breath he was holding. “Ok people, by the numbers. Like we did yesterday.”

“I’ll supervise!” Lannis offered.

Lyra shook her head. “I’ll keep an ear and eye on the north door. Lannis, do the same for the door to the hall, would you?”

Brendon and Kovid lifted the blackboard away from the wall with care, the four party members moving it away to reveal the hole behind it. Reaching in, Brendon unhooked the bucket from the scaffold pin in the wall, made sure the rope was still tight, and lowered the bucket down to the bottom where a flick of his wrist had it tilt over, and a second one righted it up.

He lifted the bucket slowly until finally at the top where Kovid took it. “Thanks.” He took his last flask of oil and poured it into the almost empty lantern (full back to 6 hours), and then laid it and the other empty on the floor. “Bigbrain,” he whispered to Lannis. “Give me your two empty flasks.” From there he took the time to fill all 4 flasks again with oil.

Wiping them clean, he handed the bucket back to Brendon who dumped it down the hole into the pit again and proceeded to hang the bucket and rope on the scaffolding pin. Wyn lit a candle and as Kovid made sure each flask was clean and the caps on tight, the elf turned the candles around and around, melting wax off the top and resealing the flasks again.

The entire process took a bit of time but it was done swift enough. The four of them relifted the blackboard and worked it back again on the hooks and supports, stepping away with pride. “Good job,” Brendon offered, sighting along the edge of the board to make sure no one would notice casually what they had been doing.

“So? Burning slime around the castle,” he pointed to the door to the north where the furnishings had been shoved away, “or going through there?”

Time now is: Day 4, 9:04 AM


XP: Abraxas, Kovid, and Brendon – Add 50 xp for the Halfling Portion of Homework 3 (if you haven’t read it yet, do so – it’s funny).

Still following burn the slime around the castle plan?

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