This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Friday, August 7, 2020

PBEM, Episode 110 - Scooby, Dresses, and Hallways

We're back! 



The group decided to have Kovid open the door and as the dwarf went up to do so, Lyra laid a hand on his arm and whispered, “Before we go in this room - maybe we should consider some precautions? Stuffing some wax in our ears might be a good idea. We don’t know if this music is safe or not and honestly... very few things have been safe in this castle thus far.”

The party all looked at one another, Brendon opening his bulging backpack and rooting around for the dried wax candles within. “Good idea, lass.”

Kovid took the candle from Brendon and busted off a piece, sliding the wick out as he worked it between his fingers. “Hmm I am suspicious about this music as well. I fear it conceals danger. Thanks for the wax, Brendon, and for the idea Lady Lyra."

The Magic User held his hand out for the flaking candle as well. “"Yes Lyra, good thinking. I had already thought of it of course, but had yet to vocalize it, so I applaud you on thinking of the suggestion second. Hand me the wax, Brendon, please."

Wyn also broke off a piece of the candle, most of the group was now trying to work the wax softer. “Dis ees good idea, Priestess.”

Abraxas did not take a piece. "Someone should stay alert for dangers amigos. Es muy peligroso for all of us to have no one listen. Señor Lawmess y Señora Leyera, I have seen you freeze pendejos in their tracks. Can you perhaps be at the ready to cast it on me if I am enchanted? I will go in without the waxy ears, and keep my ears y eyes open. I will remain at the back, so can one of you watch me as I enter? Gracias amigos."

The elf nodded, clapping the Fighter once on the shoulder in gratitude. “En tank you Monsieur Salazar for keeping an ear open.” He looked at the party. “I shall keep one ear open, ready to plug it up should need be.”

“Again, having great ideas when I have them,” Lannis said. “I shall do the same but will do it first and Wyn shall do as I would have suggested to do.”

The minutes passed by as the group tried to work the candle softer but all it did was bent and break and flake off and after a few frustrating minutes Kovid tossed his mangled wax pieces to the ground and held his hand out to Brendon. “I have an idea, let’s try a candle that isn’t as dry as Loki’s Itchy Scalp, huh?” As the scout handed over a fresher candle that had taken from the box, the dwarf repeated his gesture with breaking off a piece and this time was able to work it and mold it swiftly to his needs.

The rest of the party did the same, discarding their older pieces in exchange for fresher until most of the group had their ears plugged except for Abraxas, while Wyn and Lannis only plugged one ear, a wax plug ready for the second one. Weapons ready, relying more on hand motions and what not, the all drew together as Kovid grabbed the handle and turned it, pushing the door solidly in and to the left.

And the door stopped before it even opened. He turned the knob a second time and pushed again. And again the door barely moved. “Stuck,” he said enunciating the word. “Barred from the other side.”

Abraxas tilted his head. “Senors?”

“Don’t think I should open it,” Kovid said, pulling one of the plugs out. “It’ll make a hell of a lot of noise. Should move on to the next room.”

“We have ear plugs in, nobody can hear us,” Lannis said.

“Senors,” Abraxas repeated.

“Butcher would hear us making a racket,” Kovid added.

“I’m sure he’s busy,” the Magic User suggested sarcastically. “Open it up.”

“Lannis, why don’t you open it up with your superior intellect,” Brendon scoffed.

“Don’t listen to that coward,” Lannis smirked. “Kick it in.”

“Don’t damage your foot, Kovid,” the Scout added. “Use Lannis’ thick skull.”

“The two of you, knock it off,” Lyra hissed, pulling out an ear plug as well.

“SENORS…” Abraxas whispered again intently.

“Eh?” Wyn asked.

“La arpa.”

“What about it,” Kovid asked.

“She has gone quiet.”

The group all grew silent and listened. Where before we could hear an occasional not being played. At this point, there was none. Nothing. It was silent beyond the door.

“Change of plans,” Lannis said, folding his hands over his chest. “Move on to the next room.”

“Oh. Thor’s Billowing Flatulence,” Kovid swore.

“Can still go in,” Wyn suggested.

“Barred, from the other side. And it’ll make too much noise.”

“Senors, let’s vaminos. Forward, si?”

The group was already moving forward around the corner, Wyn hanging back briefly to listen to the door one last time. “Zee music. I cannot ‘ear it. I wonder iffin dere be any song I remember from me younger days being played in dere..."

"Doubtful Wyn,” Lannis said, motioning the elf to go ahead of him, Abraxas taking up the rear. “That sounded like a harp of some kind playing; not a clay jug and wash board.” He scoffed, “To be fair, it could have been a banjo."

Moving to the corridor and turning east, Brendon resumed his scouting, head shaking with concern. “That is two doors we’ve now gone past and left at our six. We have to be vigilant from this point out, don’t want to be caught with foes behind us and before us.”

The passage had gone east maybe 40’ before opening up to a larger room. A wavering light was in the corner of the chamber. The north wall was crude and unworked cavern stone while the floor, south, and east walls were finished castle stone. There was a DOOR on the far end of the room, the door had been staved in some time ago and had a massive hole in the bottom of it but still worked on functioning hinges.

A raised round stone TABLE and pit 3’ around was in the southeast corner, a single flame was burning in the center, illuminating 3 figures surrounding it. They were in terrible shape, their flesh was mottled, burned, scarred, and missing in some places, showing raw muscle and ligament beneath. In the northeast corner was a wooden TABLE with 4 skulls on it, humanoid, and in each corner. In the middle of the table was a silver STATUE of some lizard looking figure. Two more badly hurt and carved up figures were standing there, one watching the statue, the other was facing the rest of the group, its hand upraised in a ‘stop’ action. (Reaction roll: Red/Black 3, 3 – 6 – neutral and waiting)

“See?” Brendon huffed. “See? What did I just say?”

“Leave,” the figure with its hand upraised said, its voice was raspy and deep, breathy and strange. “We are the Guardians of Corfard.” The other figured in the room all turned to look at the party, their muscles and joints making strange creaking noises as they moved. As one they all intoned, “Leave…We are the Guardians of Corfard.”

“I hate this castle,” Lannis bitched, holding his chest tight between his clenching hands, backing up so he was safely behind Lyra’s armored form.

Time now is 3:00


What’s the plan?

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