This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

PBEM - Episode 549. Fire in the Garden

At some point when it becomes available, most wizards and adventuring parties find fireball to be the tool to be used whenever possible.




Seeing the burning wreckage scattered about the center of the chamber, Wyn loaded another arrow and beamed, “Dat… was awesome!” His many copies all duplicated his movement, each of the elves taking aim. “But, I tink it knows we’re here now. Time ta shoot it.” (<+8 to hit, +1 bless, Orange 2) His arrow flew out and the Decapus pulled itself to the side, the shaft failing to strike true and flying off to the left.

"Once more into the breach dear friends, once more!” Lannis cheered, backing up to make room for others, keeping himself firmly out of the Garden for now.

Arcing back on a spear, Abraxas hurled it, "Comes Spear tu animal. Strike Amigos!” (<+5 to hit, +1 bless, Blue 9) where it struck hard, but the Decapus halted its impact with a flexing tentacle, and tossed the spear contemptuously behind it with a flick and growl. “Luchamos rapido y con fuerza!"

“Fight it in the hall!” Brendon cried out, staying back and making a shot (>+6 to hit, +1 bless, Red 13), his own arrow hitting with a wet thud (1d6 Damage, Red 3).

Staying where he was, Kovid spun his hammer and held it up at the ready, “I don’t want to find out what those tentacles are for. Let’s kill this thing.”

“Nice shot,” Lyra offered, Lolthian Flail held up, shield presented, also staying in the hall. “Also - is anyone else horrified at this thing? That’s a scary bitch!”

Working up the beginnings of an enchantment, the Magic User held off on finishing it, waiting to see if the Decpaus was indeed going to proceed to the hallway. “Perhaps we should tie up these appendages before someone gets hurt, now that would be a tragedy."

“Do anyone know wot squid be?” Wyn chuckled. “Or Hentai?”

The Decapus swung another wave forward and then slammed out with FIVE of its tentacles, getting a longer than expected reach in its effort to grab the elf! (Needs to hit AC10 for Mir Im, +4 to hit, >11, >20, >19, <2, <2) Three of them hit various images, shredding the copies of the elf and in one case, the tentacles actually seemed to rip through one of the Wyn’s heads!

“Ok, Now it seems pissed.” Kovid muttered.

Frustrated that it was unable to grab Wyn for some reason, the arboreal menace roared a shrieking wail that set everyone’s teeth to quiver, and FOUR more of its tentacles reached down to the ground where they picked up busted bricks from the underbrush, and spun the tentacles back and then ARCED them forward with the speed and force of a crossbow! (>+4 to hit, =11 (popped the last image), <11, =12, <4) Three of them struck Wyn, one of them tearing through the last image, one which was turned aside by the elf’s superior dexterity as well as his armor. The third one though struck him in the shin, and although it did pass aside (1d3 Damage, Red/Black 1 = Take 1 Damage!) Wyn did hiss in pain from the impact.

It sent its tentacles down to the floor again to seek out more projectiles, growled at the party through the door, but made no indication that it was going to follow the party out of the chamber to the hallway for now.

(Initiative 6 vs 6 – reroll. Party Steel 6 vs Enemy Red/Black 5)

Time now is Day 13, 7:35 AM


Bless: 56 Minutes

Mirror Images (2 for Lannis): 56 Minutes

Shield: 17 minutes

Wyn’s images have been used up. Decapus is far from stupid and looks like it will not follow you to the hall, but if need be, it is more than capable of hurling bricks at you guys. New plan?

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