This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

PBEM - Episode 544. Now what do we do?!



"Well that went about as well as we could have hoped.” Lannis rubbed his hands together, holding out one lightly curled fist with which he ‘bumped’ it gently with Wyn and then let it rise up, fingers spread. “Looks like we'll have a big day tomorrow and have some time to kill before our gem is ready, if I was up to muster that is.” He looked down at his dirty hands and sighed, “A bath would be lovely, and I would so like to see Candela again."

Wiping his hand idly on the back of his pants leg, Wyn agreed, “Oui oui. A bath would be nice.”

Grumbling, Kovid stood up and stretched, heading for the secret door again. Once it was opened, he arced his thumb at the ballista. "Okay back to the goblin lady it is. Don't tell me we forgot about the ballista when the time comes."

"Vamonos Amigos, a el Bath!" Abraxas made sure the rest of the group was out of the hall before closing it up behind them. Brendon was leading the party north through the Throne Room and then listened to the hall (no roll needed) before leading them east towards the Adept area and Baths.

As they were walking along, Lyra was watching Lannis as he whistled happily, almost skipping as he walked, head bobbing to some internal music only he could hear. “You know I hear if you almost drown someone it can cause brain damage. Maybe there’s a sweet spot for just enough drowning that can reverse brain damage.” She shrugged, “Just a thought.”

"Brain damage starts to occur after about five minutes of oxygen deprivation,” the Magic User said musingly, “and drowning can take less than forty seconds, but what brought that up?”

“Oh nothing,” Lyra replied, “Just idle thoughts.” They walked on to the corner and turned south, “I know Candela was pretty zen and unbiased but you guys think she’s cool that we just killed almost everyone in here?”

“I hope she isn't upset, I'd hate to make her sad."

As they approached the door, Wyn said, “I’m sure she’ll be fine. But I tink someone suggested asking Candela about Decapus while we be dere. I be doing dat while we be dere, too!”

The group made their entrance to the baths where the Matronly goblin was already waiting for them, the tub filled. “Well, well, well. Twice in 2 days. I am a lucky person, especially in these strange days we’ve been having. Welcome travelers. I assumed a bath was in order?”

“Oh yes,” Lannis said with a smile, stepping up and removing his hat. “May I go first? I have been having a doozy of a day.”

Candella gave the Magic User a beatific smile and gestured with a spread hand. “Of course. You look like you are either too much or not enough of yourself. Would you like a washcloth and pumice stone? You have some dried blood in your scalp line.

“I thought I did.” Lannis entered the tun and the rest of the group relaxed, Kovid and Brendon making sure the door was locked.

Most of the conversation was light and non confrontational, the Matron helping each person as they made their way through the baths, helping them relax and feel good about themselves. It seemed, in answer to Lyra’s gentle questioning, that she was growing lonely with the lack of daily visitors as of late, but, “Sometimes change is a good thing even if its implementation might be jarring or fraught with hardships. I have a hopeful feeling and am not too bothered with how things have been playing out.”

“Dats good. Glad to ‘ear it.” Wyn had settled back in the tub at one point, letting the hot water soak into his sore muscles. “Dere is still a big sumptin dough awaitin us. Madame, de ye know iffin Decapus was here before de dragon came around? Or did he cause it to grow?”

“That?” She shrugged. “Sometimes dragons have been known to make friends and allies with unsavory beings. And the Decapus, well, that is what happens when a bad alliance is made with bad influences. No, such a being would never be here when the Ispan Halgafar was in power.”

“Gotcha. Iffin ye know anytin about de monsta, besides de obvious head removal actions to be wary of, we would appreciate dis greatly.”

“I am a simple bath keeper, Master D’Endee. And not so learned about monsters and beasties. I can say though that the foul flora’s presence so close to the dragon’s position means that it is both a powerful defender and a staunch ally. I would make sure that you deal with it and treat it with that thought in mind as tasking yourself with the aforementioned Decapus, will be most likely the second most dangerous encounter you will have to face here, behind only Corfard himself.”

“Oh. Dat’s…bad den.”

“Indeed it is. And I am pretty sure, the Decapus is not alone in that chamber. It has had the time to work its twisted arboreal twinings on other plant life within there. And those menaces will seek to defend its benefactor and thwart you.”

The party listened attentively, but there was little more information given or to be gleaned. At the end of a bit over an hour, we had thanked Candella for her time and attention. “I suspect that I will not have the luxury of speaking with you again until after you have achieved your end goal…or not.” She smiled at the group and nodded her head. “But allow me to say that has been wonderful to have met you and I cannot thank you for all you’ve done to date. Go with my blessing, for all its worth. Remember, no task is finished, until it is entirely resolved. Good luck, adventurers.

The party left the bath, felt good, stood in the hall and asked, “Where to now?”

Time now is Day 12, 1:15 PM


That’s it! Where to?

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