This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Friday, September 3, 2021

PBEM - Episode 523. Going after the Last Mongrelman



Looking over the treasures, Brendon picked up the boots and held them against his feet. “If it’s ok I’d like to try the boots on.”

Wyn nodded, taking 2 of the arrows and a flask of oil for himself. He held out 2 arrows to Brendon and suggested, “Du Lac, maybe ye new cloak en boots cen help ye hid in de shadows en wait to backstab it?”

“Backstab what?” he asked, taking them.

“Yeah,” Kovid asked with a frown. “I thought it was time for regrouping in the secret room now that we are mostly clear up here?”

“Yea regrouping in the secret room sounds good,” Lyra agreed. “I’m out of healing for the day and wouldn’t mind considering calling it a night…”

Lannis interrupted her with a snort, pointing through the roped off south door. "Regroup? Did you forget the ogre sized loose end in the other room? I didn't. We need to get in there and find him.”

Wyn nodded. “We need to get rid of dis guy, en we have plenty of healing to deal wit it as long as we smart about it.”

The Cleric sighed, shaking her head. “Oh okay…I guess we’re still going. If that thing kills us all it was not my idea.” 

Leaning on hiss hammer and grunting, Kovid grumbled, “Thor’s balls, back into the meat grinder, eh?”

“Alright people form up,” the Magic User tried to cajole the group, “We're making a search party."

Brendon was pacing back and forth, boots and cloak on, unsure if they were working or not but feeling good about it anyway. “Once inside, I’ll stay closer to the door to see if I can figure out where it moved too.”

Wyn was tapping his chin in thought. “Cen ye tie yer light count to a dagger en hold it in ye hand to not cast light, den leave de dagger in de mongrelman after ye stab him so it can’t run away?”


“I dunno, Wyn just be brainstorming.” He looked over at Lannis who had Mirabellis’ spellbook out, flipping through the pages. When he found what he was looking for, he turned the book to face Wyn and tapped the spell. “Excellent. So Offop, we do de double mirror images en confuse de hells out of de Mongrelman? Den we go in first wit Salazar en de odders behind us, as we sweep around de room?”

“As the royals are known to address themselves as…We.”

“Um…dat makes no sense.”

“And you’re welcome for it.”

“…” The Elf turned to Kovid after giving Lannis a blank stare. “Ah yes, Dwarfriend! Cen lock de doors too? Maybe your connection wit de hammer cen tell ‘im details about his “congregation” while he be in dere too? Who knows?

“Stanger things and all that, Elffriend,” Kovid said. He spun the hammer and smiled. “Let’s do it.”

Sporting his Scythe, Abraxas was untying the rope off the handle to the Sanctuary door, back tense and waiting. "Amigos, vamonos."

Both Wyn and Lannis cast the same spell, the Elf taking it from Mirabellis’ book, the words boiling away from the pages. “KAL EGO MULTOS!” There were some orange and pink sparks (1d4 Images: Orange 2, Pink 3) and when it cleared, there were 3 copies of Wyn and 4 copies of Lannis.

“I hate this spell so much,” Lyra sighed.

“We all hate you, Buttercup,” the 4 versions of Lannis retorted.

Once ready, the group opened the door and walked in. There was a circle of light in the northern portion of the room where the ghoul  had died, the continual light spell still glowing on the buckle on its waist.  “Alright Theystra, lend me your eyes here. Where’s the mongrel?”

The many versions of Wyn and Lannis flanked Abraxas who had his Scythe out, the party of three sweeping across the chamber, hands waving, looking about, stepping around the crude beds and furnishings the orcs had set up in here, eyes wide and looking for the Mongrelman (<Camouflage, Red/Black 52). Meanwhile the other 3 were at the door, backs to it, watching and looking around, Brendon paying acute attention to the chamber, head tilted as if listening deeply (>Hear Noise, Red 99 – ugh).

It took them a good 10 minutes to sweep the chamber but when they had finally gotten to the center, they hadn’t encountered the Mongrelman…if he was even still in here.

“Now wot?” Wyn asked.

Time now is Day 11, 5:15 PM


Continual Heal – 2 more instances on the “3’s”.

Mirror Image – 50 minutes

Ok, walking around and feeling about didn’t reveal the Mongrelman, and Brendon can’t hear if it’s in here. Another idea? Some change?

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