This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

PBEM - Episode 542. Positive Outcomes!



Seeing the undead readying another attack, Wyn had his bow out and was loading up an arrow. “Monsieur Salazar, you be coverin de Priestess, oui?”

“Si! I’m on it!” Abraxas had his Scythe out, shoving the closest Guardian back a step, and sidled his way in front of Lyra.

“Let me dump Aine’s might on these chumps,” she said, holding her symbol aloft and starting her prayer. 

“De nada,” The Fighter blocked a series of blows, Kovid doing the same. “Amigos, let us avoid killing their weakest for now. Mueremos los Guardianos que tienen el vive mas. Tienes ese, Señora Leyrawr!”

“Get ready,” the closest Guardian moaned, trying to reach past the Fighter. “To face your doom!”

Getting a spell up in place, Lannis started his incantation, smiling in the Cleric’s direction. "Excellent thinking Lady Lyra, let Aine’s might sweep away our first! You are a credit to your vocation!"

“Ok, that is really starting to creep me the hell out,” Lyra muttered

“Yeah, Lass, us too,” Brendon had an arrow out, ready to fire, “Lyra you got this!”

All the Guardians said in a single voice, “Get ready to face your doom!”

“Lady Aine!” A wave of power started to run through the Cleric, a wind coiling behind her as she held her symbol aloft. “Lend me your blessing! Drive away the foes arraigned before us! Turn! Turn you abominations!” Her symbol burst into a white ball of power that flowed out and slammed into the undead with a constant roaring thrum (2d6 HD: White 6+3=9 hd!). And that build up to a shriek that tore through the three closest Guardians, ripping them apart and sending blackened grit and dust to fly down the hall as their forms were shredded.

Leaving a single Guardian remaining.

“Praise be to Aine in all ‘er sunshine glory!” Wyn cried out.

“How’s Aine feeling, Lyra?!” Kovid asked with a grin.

“Uhhhhh, good?? I think? I think Aine feels good!” she replied.

The last Guardian shuddered, black fire ran down his face and form, running over his body, encasing it in a black light devouring armor like glow. He smiled at the party and lifted one hand up to strike, the other held out to grab. “Thanks for that,” it said with a rumbling voice. “I’m going to kill you now in Corfard’s name.” And then it charged forward

“Ah, suck it!” Brendon fired (<+6 to hit, Red 4), his arrow hitting the Guardian and getting batted away with an errant hand. Abraxas and Kovid lifted their weapons high, ready to receive the charge and strike hard.

“’Llow me,” Wyn said, shooting (<+8 to hit, Orange 7 – miss. Sure Shot – reroll...>+8 to hit, Orange 16), his arrow seemingly curving down and then up again as it flew out, hitting the Guardian in the weak part of its armor (1d6 Damage, Orange 4), making it grunt from the impact, the undead still suffering the hurts it took from Lannis’ Fireball.

“Please, we just want to finish our mission and go home,” Lannis said, wrapping up his spell, “And your presence is impeding that. IN BET GRAV POR! Magic Missile!” (MM 1d6+1 Damage, Pink 6+1=7 Damage and killed!!) A pink shaft of magical chaos tore through the last Guardian’s face, blowing out the back side and arresting its charge forward, pitching it off its feet. It fell over and just…died.

“Well!” Lannis said with a sigh. “That was certainly a team effort. Great job everyone. Thanks for everything.”

“Do we have to hit him in the head again?” Kovid leaned over and asked the Fighter on the down low, Abraxas shrugging and giving a questioning nod in response.

Time now is Day 12, 11:52 AM


Wow – very anticlimactic. Lol

Monster XP: 95, 125, 155, 185, 215 divided

Kovid and Abraxas – 129 xp

Brendon – 130 xp

Wyn – 154 xp

Lannis – 194 xp

Lyra – 279 xp

Alright! What now and where to?

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