This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

PBEM - Episode 546. Making Preparations



“Bon travail today, mes amis!” Wyn snapped his fingers and struck a heroic pose before laughing. “I be so happy doze guardians be gone. We earned a nice sleepy time tonight, oui?”

Brendon sighed, looking around wistfully. “Wouldn’t it be cool if the universe accelerated and we were standing at the door to the garden. All the potions were collected as well as both crystals and I was holding a part from the sextant ready to go in and look around.”

You have got to stop day drinking,” Lyra scolded the Scout. She went over to Wyn and laid her hands on the elf, “Aine. Give this fine elf a good blessing and cure his wounds. Lightly!” (CLW 1d6+1: White 4+1=Heal 5!)

“Merci fer de Aine’s blessin, Priestess. Dat feels much better.”

“Happy to help,” she answered. Looking at the group, she clapped her hands together and asked, “So we take a field trip and go get the potions? We should try to get a good night’s sleep after.”

“To de potions!” the elf cheered, “Den you should remove de manastone from de golem, Priestess. Dis way you have it in have fer tomorrow.”

Lannis shook his head. “In due time. The potions will not be finished until tonight, long after we have fallen asleep. As for the Manastone, I have one crafting now, and I assume I had done the ritual right. Either way, it will not be ready until the morning right after sunrise.” He opened his book and proceeded to flip through the tome. “We will go and gather our potions and mana stone on the morrow. We should gird ourselves now for the troubles that come. My friends, when we lay us down to bed…tonight may be the last time any of us sleep ever again. We should savor these moments as if they are our last, for tomorrow we may die.” He looked over at the party, smiling broadly. “I fear not however, for I shall have you at my side"

The Cleric cocked an eyebrow in Lannis’ direction but did smile in return, “If I die in this castle the rest of you better be dead too or I’ll just follow you all around until the rest of you die. I’m that petty.” 

Abraxas laid his mattress flat on the ground and then sat upon it, taking off his books and stripping out of his platemail.  "Si Amigos. Es our noche ultimo en ese Bastille. Mañana, con el grace de Aine, luchamos El Decampus y problamente Corftart una despues de el otro.”

Lyra nodded in thanks and then muttered, “I know something about Aine was just said, so I feel it was directed in my direction.”

The fighter continued, “Necesitamos strike rapido y con mucho fuerza. Y con Fuego. Fuego my mucho. Fuego, Fuerza y Corazon. Sin Corazon, no podemos ganar. Pero tenemos Corazon. Grande Corazons. Y mucho fuego. Y mas Fuerza que Cordlorp pienses que tenemos. Asi, mañana, luchamos con el drago y solomente el o nos caminar con ellos vida. Vive mas amigos. Vivemos grande y con mucho Corazon por mañana es la día ultima que miramos en ese Bastille. Dormamos muy bueno y con suertes bueno."

Lannis nodded, head bowed and a pious expression on his face. “I could not have said it better, hermano de mi Corazon.” Wiping a tear away he gave a single thumbs up and added, “Eres un príncipe entre los hombres.”

The party worked on getting their gear in top shape, talking and laughing. Wine was drunk, stories were told, tales were sung. Wyn idly took out an arrow and a stone, casting Continual Light on both of them, before putting them away on his person for now. Lannis had finished scribing his last Fireball spell and handed it to Wyn, who cast Read Magic to familiarize himself with the difficult incantation.

The party ate the last of the Iron rations anyone had (knocked off three) and supplemented the last of it with some of the magical elven rations we had taken from the Ispan’s vault, Kovid and Lannis supplying the enchanted victuals. Abraxas had checked the potions in the chest one last time and finslly it was getting time to rest. Lyra applied bandages to herself, Lannis, and Abraxas and by 9 PM, the party was going to sleep tucked away in the vault, comfortable without the need to leave a watch.

And the group rested. And rested well.

They awoke the next day feeling great (everyone is back up to full hp. Full!!) and the party then broke their fast, Wyn, Lyra, and Lannis studying their spells for the day. “Remember,” Lannis admonished, “Don’t cast anything yet Lyra, in the off chance we can get the Manastones, we need to be full up when we take possession of them.”

“Got it.”

“Incidentally,” he asked, rubbing his thigh, “I think I am nervous or something about today, because my mattress was damp. It is possible I might have had an accident while I slept.” Lyra pointedly was looking away during all this, feeling pretty bad at her action the other day, but opted to say nothing. “Oh well. I’d rather it happen now then during the heat of battle. Let’s go.”

Chcuckling, Kovid spun his Theystran hammer and flipped it once. “Everyone ready? I’d say this will be hoooorible but that doesn’t feel right. How bout: This is going to suck Thor’s balls!”

With a laugh, the group leftthe Vault through the Summoning Room, Wyn opening the doors for us, overriding the lock his uniform had imposed, and we made it to the hall. We travelled east and then south, working down the long hall until we arrived at the passage north of the Sanctuary. We passed through, the funk of the dead bodies a cloying smell in the air, and then went through the Sanctuary to the Chapel itself.

Lannis opened the door and went right to the table to check out the Manastone, picking it up and glancing at it, using the large window as a back drop. “Well?” Kovid asked. “How’d you do?”

(>Int Check, -8 Ritual difficulty, Pink 14) Lannis sighed, turning the gem a few times. “Poor. The matrix of the Crystal morphed during the night. There is a trinity of destabilizing inclusions that tank this possible specimen as a worthwhile manastone.” He frowned and then shrugged good naturedly. “I’m sure it’s ok, everyone fails the first time.” He flipped it in the air and laid it down. “I’m no agent of rituals. Only an oracle would have known if this would have worked.”

“I never know what the hell you’re going on about half the time,” Kovid grumbled. “Just say, No. Didn’t work.”

“Pretty sure I did, but I’m sorry if I wasn’t being clear. My training has taught me to see things in code.”

“To de potions den?” Wyn asked.

“Yep. The Lab.” Brendon and Abraxas had been checking over the Sextant at the table, the two of them confabbing and eventually the Scout taking the delicate tool. “I hope I get to keep this,” he said, hoisting it high (Add Sextant [50] to inventory). The party walked north, through Mirabellis’ chamber, the Duchess, the Goblin room, and ending up at the lab.

Brendon opened the door with the key and we entered after Lyra, the Cleric heading to the Iron Statue and the table (1d3+1: White 2: 1+1 = 2 Potions of Extra Healing). There were 2 gleaming vials there and she smiled. “Good job.” She held them up. “Ok. We have potions. Am I, er,” she pointed at the Statue and mimed yanking the stone free, “you know, doing that?”

“We should talk about the potions we have, what the plan is for the Decarpool, and then the Corflagle.”

Time now is Day 13, 7:00 AM


Sheets will follow. Ok. Do we have a plan? Who is taking the extra healing potions. Are we taking the Manastone and who is taking that?

Lannis: no potions. Lyra: 2 Healing, 1 Invulnerable, Wyn: 2 Healing, Abraxas: 2 Healing, Recall, Climb, Giant Strength, Haste, 4 Tainted invisibility, Brendon: Healing, Kovid: Giant Growth, Healing.

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