This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

PBEM - Episode 535. Scry, Sense, and Walk-a-round.



Looking around at the group, seeing 3 or 4 of them just staring back at him with the same blank stare that he often gave them, Brendon folded his arms and grunted, “Yeah…So…Where to?”

Clapping his hands together twice, Wyn pushed himself up with his hands on his thighs and nodded. “If we not gonna do anytin wit de bugs, mayhaps we patrol de second floor en look fer some trouble?”

“That’s an idea,” Kovid agreed.

Wyn continued, “Or we cen try ta see iffin de observatory is still in a good shape ta do de “make a new manastone ritual”. We could even tink about running time forward iffin we don’t want to wait all day fer de golem ta finish its ting.” He turned around and walked up a few steps, head tilted to the side in thought. “We could also patrol de first floor. Maybe look on eidder floor fer where de body of Mirabellis en her cat were hidden ta nip dat problem in de bud before dey get all revenanty.”

He then turned and sat back down, eyes fixed on Brendon. “’Owever, if ye will be messin wit de locusts, Wyn’ll stay at de stairs.”

Spinning her Lolthian Flail idly, Lyra was bobbing her head slowly, pondering Wyn’s suggestions. “I say let’s patrol the second floor, try to get an eye on where the guardians and the decapus are exactly. If we’re really that scared of a bunch of bugs,” she scoffed, glancing at Lannis, “then these guys are next. I don’t really feel comfortable running in for a fight with those without knowing what their exact locations are. Unless Lannis can…AND is willing to scry,” she looked at the wizard hopefully, “maybe we should do that first and then go.”

Lannis gave a half hearted bow in Lyra direction and then scoffed. "Now that Snowman has come to her senses I agree that we should leave here, immediately. I'll scry on the garden, couldn't hurt, then let's see if we can figure out what we're dealing with. Let's start by getting somewhere safe where I can focus."

"Si, SeƱor Lanlix should Scry en el Jardin.” Abraxas gave Brendon a clap on the back, guiding the despondent Scout towards the front of the group. “Then sabemos exactly done el Decampus y Los Guardianos are en there o no. Despues de Scry-thing, we should fight o recharge tus spells. Pero estoy listo luchar!"

We left the locust hall behind for the second time, the vermin undisturbed and their cavern unexplored again. Lyra leaned towards Brendon and whispered, “Don’t worry, I’m real curious what’s in there too. Another time, ok?”

“Thanks, Lass,” he whispered back and then turned his attention back to the stairs heading up. The party made their way up, through the guard room, and up the long dark hall towards the Watchtower. We made our way through and to the scimitar hall (“Lannis Sucks!”) where we went on along (Continual Heal Pulse 1d4+1, Yellow 3+1=4 = Kovid heal 4 – down to 6 pts damage) and then turned to the north.

(WMC: Red/Black 2)

We passed the line of doors on the east and then around the north took us to the ruins of the Throne Room. Wyn produced the key and we entered, locking it behind us. We were in the secret hall and the Magic User took out the Crystal ball and stand, setting them up in front of him, his ass positioned on the edge of the mattress he slept on last night.

“Do your thing Big Brain,” Kovid said attempting to inspire the wizard, “Hocus ball time. See if you can get a read on the killer plant.” 

“Try not to drop a nut when shifting that keg of a beer belly over your other thigh, fatty. I know what I’m doing.” He peered deep into the ball and focused his energy on the occlusions within. Time passed and we waited (Continual Heal Pulse 1d4+1, Yellow 2+1=3 = Kovid heal 3 – down to 3 pts damage) as Lannis was working the Crystal, muttering, “The Garden, the Garden,” again and again. (>Int Check, Pink 19 – Fail! Holy shit) He started sweating and then cursed, got up and stalked right over to Lyra where he said, “Holy shit! Stop chewing your cud! I can’t concentrate! Just stop, ok!? Your fault. NOT mine! Sheesh!”

He then stalked back to the ball, sat down again, slapped himself twice in the face and tossed his hat on the ground in frustration. He plucked out a few hairs over his left ear, grimacing as he did so. “Ok. Ok. One more time. Fucking bullshit…”

Lyra meanwhile, got up slowly and walked over to the Magic User and glowered down at him. She took out her flail and shook it over his head from behind before backing up and settling down behind him, eyes fixated on the back of his shoulders. She withdrew her water skin, got an idea where the “middle” of his mattress was, and let a small stream of water leak out and settle on Lannis’ beddings; petty but it was enough to make her smile. The rest of the group averted their eyes and tried not to laugh.

Lannis went through the entire cycle again of scanning with the crystal (<Int check, Pink 4) before he finally smiled and said, “Alright. Finally. Much better without hearing my little pony mouth breathing in my ear all day.”

“What we got?” Brendon asked.

“Ok. Ok. Garden. Well…It’s big. And except for the edges…pretty overgrown. Light coming in through the skylights on the ceiling. Ceiling is tall too.”


“Well, I’m trying to see the entire garden and not specifically the Decapus, but..yeah, I see it. Its hard to make out, blends in with the vines and shit on the ceiling.”

“Can we burn them out?”

Lannis frowned, “Not sure, everything is pretty green and damp looking. Don’t think we can oil soak and light it up. I can fireball it our course,…”

“Si. ‘Fire Ball’. Si, of course,” Abraxas said with false enthusiasm.

“Whatever, man. Haters gonna hate.” He spun the image in the ball. “Anyway. It’s pretty big, 4, maybe 5’ diameter. Has at least 8 or 10 long assed tentacles. Looks like vines.”

“What else?” Wyn asked.

“Ok…4 doors to the room, North, South, East, West. South I would guess leads to Dragon. Don’t see any guardians, zombies or otherwise.” He frowned and looked some more. “There are a  goodly amount of weird looking bushes though in here. Spaced all over. Real spike-y looking. Like almost 5’ tall and I just don’t trust the way the look.”

“Anyting else?”

“Hmmm.. Yeah! Middle of the garden is pretty thick. But…There is a small pool there, fountain I would guess. Looks like the 4 elven goddesses are there, statues, not the real goddesses.”

“Figgerd dat.”

Lannis shrugged. “There are…flowers around it. White ones. Roses? I don’t know, not a flower guy.” He squinted. “Looks like it was a wishing fountain thing, lots of coins at the bottom of the pool.” He moved his head closer. “Really fading here.” Fingers brushed across. “There is sort of a path through the garden, but is pretty overgrown and doesn’t seem to lead directly anywhere.” He sighed and sat up. “Alright, Crystals’ dark.” He put it and the stand away and looked around. “So? We doing this or something else on Slim Picken’s Greatest Hits list?”

Time now is Day 12, 10:03 AM


Alright! Recon (took 2 tries) done. What is the plan?

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