This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

PBEM - Episode 572. Final Fight!

The group is seriously rocking damage on Corfard, between the fighter being hasted, both heavy hitters with a striking spell, the bless, ripping spells out of the spellbook, and a number of great rolls, the dragon fight is collapsing faster than I had originally anticipated or expected. Tactics I had planned I had to scrap quickly as the damage output and striking overwhelmed what I assumed would be a drawn out boss fight.

But, I was able to use the last bit of tactic which was to save the 3rd breath weapon for the time when I could try and whack them when they were not under the window of the Statues - and even with a save, Kovid the dwarf hit well beyond negative 5 - and was slain.

However, the numbers are against him and this is pretty much his last possible round.




Seeing Kovid webbed on the ground, Lannis summoned forth a fast spell and shot it towards the dwarf. “Friendly's pinned down! On your feet soldier, this war waits for no man! Head down, fire incoming!" The trailing Spark hit the web (d6 flaming damage, Pink 4 – Kovid take 4!) and set it ablaze! As it burned, the dwarf took a number of trailing streaks of fire across his body, making him hiss in pain as he tried to stagger to his feet (half move & -4 to hit if able to at end of round due to being webbed).

Lyra meanwhile spat at Corfard as she downed her last healing potion (Healing potions 1d6: White 3 – Heal 3!) and then threw the empty at the dragon’s head.  “Hah. All this not dying is making me thirsty. Maybe you should try a little harder? Maybe the next bite will take me down finally?”

As the dragon went to reply, Brendon had been taking aim and let an arrow fly, aiming for Corfard’s mouth. “Choke on this!” he snarled (>+6 to hit, +1 bless, Red 16), the shaft hitting the Wyrm in the jaw and sticking this time (1d6 Damage, Red 3).

“You pissants are infuriating me,” Corfard warned, smoke trialing from his jaws.

"Suscorazonesstillfresh, no? Problamentebuenoconfrijolesyarrozyguacamol,” he swung hard, Scythe dancing about (>+8 to hit, +1 bless, Blue 14) cutting and ripping through a double depth of scales (1d8+1d6+4 Damage, Blue 4, Blue 4. 4+4+4=12 Damage!), making Corfard stagger from the impact. “Hijodeperro... ahoratengohambre!" He tried to repeat the swing (<+8 to hit, +1 bless, Blue 9) but the dragon was turning, showing thicker scales that had not been damaged yet.

“Lyra!” Wyn shouted out.


“Is he almost dead?” he asked.

She shook her head. “This big old bitch is getting there but he’s NOT almost dead!”

“Merde! Plan B!” Wyn tore through his spellbook, burning one his enchantments right from it (Mirror Image 1d4 Images: Orange 3) and 3 versions of him appeared around him! He then flew right in front of the Dragon’s face and shouted, “Hey ya big ol’ bitch. Yo mama so ugly she turned Medusa into stone. Yo mama so fat when I pictured her in my head she broke my neck. Yo mama is so ugly, Hel's dead half saw her, she started to cry! Yo mama so old... no... wait... she dead.” He snapped his fingers and spat, “And no one cares!”

“Senor Whistlin’ has come up with el stupid plan,” Abraxas noted, readying another series of attacks.

(Initiative Party Steel 3 vs Corfard Red/Black 4)

(Healing surge Abraxas 1d4+1: White 2+1=3, Heal 3!)

The Dragon scowled, contemplated smacking the elf out of the way, and glanced down at the Cleric. “Do you monkey’s know the definition of insanity?” he asked with a growl, “It’s doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different outcome.” His eyes lifted to Lannis, the Magic User blanching. “Let’s change the paradigm a bit here.” He reared back and moved with surprising speed and grace, wings unfurling, a gale force wind blowing about the chamber. Abraxas tried to get a free swing on him (<+8 to hit, +1 bless, White 10) but the dragon was a touch faster.

“There is no rule that says I need to stay in one spot and get beat up by you,” he said. “Nor do I need to keep blunting my teeth on you, Cleric Monkey, with bites that would have killed anyone else it seems.”

He took a deepening breath. “And although you are a tasty target, elf, you are a mayfly distraction to me and my majesty.” His chest swelled and smoke leaked from his snout. “So allow me to do what it is I do best.”

He lowered his head and grinned at Kovid from barely 15’ away, sighting past the dwarf to where Lannis and Brendon were looking for a place to hide right now. “And that…is BURN!!!”

And his jaws opened wide, and a cone of flame 90’ long, 30’ at the end, blew out of the Dragon’s mouth and coursed along the entirety of the room, washing over the dwarf with barely a pause before it rocketed into both the Scout and the Magic User, accompanied by the dragon’s howling scream! (Save vs Breath Weapon: >Kovid Yellow 18, <Lannis Pink 9, <Brendon Red 11. Kovid is NOT in any statue range, so takes HALF damage. Half of 71…is 36 (rounded up). Kovid goes from 17 hp…to NEAGATIVE 19 hp and is very very very fucking dead. Brendon and Lannis each take 8 hp damage (within statue range, reduced to 1/10th and rounded up) – bringing them to 3…and 6 hit points respectively)

Kovid had been reduced to a half melted burning mass of ash and meat, the reek of burning fat, charred hair, and something like bacon filling the air. As for the other 2, they were singed bad, but still standing. “Ah!” he turned to the shocked party and smiled. “Now that’s a bit better.” He grinned deeply from at least 45’ away, “Now, where were we?”

Time now is Day 13, 8:34 AM


Water Breathing (Abraxas): Expires 7:48 AM on Day 14!!

Giant Strength (Brendon): 94 Minutes

Haste (Abraxas): 84 Minutes

Invulnerability (Lyra): 74 Minutes

Mirror Image (Wyn): 60 Minutes – 3 images

Fly (Wyn): 46 Minutes

Silenced 15’ Radius, half power (Lannis): 10 Minutes

Bless: 8 Minutes

Striking (Kovid’s Hammer): 8 Minutes

Slowed (Wyn): 4 Minutes

Striking (Abraxas’ Scythe): Final Minute

Continuous Heal (Abraxas): 1 more on the “4’s”

Kovid’s dead, potion effects on him end at his death, so he reduces to normal size. Corfard is pretty damned hurt. Party is pretty damned hurt. But it’s the bottom of the round, and you guys go. He moved some distance away, 45’ from the melee people (including Wyn the Flier). Good news, he’s out of breath weapons right now. Abraxas, last round with the Striking on your Scythe. Good luck!!

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