This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Monday, October 11, 2021

PBEM - Episode 558. Plants and Solutions



Picking some of the loose thorns from the edges of his cloak, Wyn tossed them to the ground and looked around at the next two close by. “Ugh… en I tought de unholy union of kudzu en poison ivy de worse. Dis bit of thornsplosions is pretty awful.”

Holding his candle aloft, Lannis looked back, the dragon’s chuckling an undercurrent as they moved along. He bent down and scooped up a couple of the marble stones from the floor. "We are rapidly running out of solutions here, after the fountain and rocks I'm not sure what's next. Plus Mister Corfard is being very unhelpful right now."

“Press on to de fountain,” Wyn waved, “Ain’t notin ta see from where we be.”

 “We can’t make a plan until we figure out where they’re coming from.” Lyra strode on, following Abraxas as the Fighter moved along to intercept the larger green one between us and the fountain. “Let’s just get there first and see what we can see.”

"Vamonos amigos. Stay en el path. Nunca leave it, si? A el fountain!" He swung his Scythe high overhead and sped up, praying to Morrigaan as he presented his weapon ahead of him. "Dia Morigaan. Es Abraxas, tu servante humble. Por favor show us el path correcto. Haces el grupo mirar algun connection de Tu Scythe, el path, los bush beasts, y tus Hermanas. Ayudas me y mis amigos strike down Corkedfork con prejudice extremo. En tu nombre, Amen."

As they drew closer, Lannis tossed stones at the closest archer bush, hoping to slow it down, but the loose stones had little if any effect. Kovid was looking past and urged the Magic User on, “Let’s get to the fountain. Try to put as many marble paths we can between us and the bushes.”

Abraxas slammed the butt end of the Scythe at the reaching tendrils of the closer bush, stopping its advance, and then laid into it with a number of deep overhead hacking slashes (>+8 to hit, +1 bless, Blue 15), sending branches flying in all directions (1d8+4 Damage, Blue 5+4=9 Damage). Wyn hit next, stabbing deep into the monster’s midsection (>+6 to hit, +1 bless, Orange 11), scoring enough of a hit to make it shudder and slash out (1d6+2 damage, Orange 1+2=3 Damage), drawing some scratches on the elf’s arm. Lyra tried to finish it off (<+4 to hit, +1 bless, White 5), hitting it but failing to strike it anywhere but its edge branches.

From the back, Brendon lifted his bow and took aim, “I’m glad we left this room for future us to deal with, I can clearly see we’re better prepared.” He fired (>+6 to hit, +1 bless, Red 7), arrow stabbing at the bush’s dead center mass, shaft disappearing inside and causing the monster to shudder briefly (1d6 Damage, Red 6 and killed!!).

And then it exploded (Final Burst @ +3, Lyra >White 20 (critical – Max Damage 4), Abraxas <White 8, Wyn <White 3, Lannis >White 11 (MImage). The Cleric took the brunt of the flying thorns, at least a dozen of the long barbs lodging in her flesh. Even one of Lanni’s Images popped away as it was shredded.

And Corfard’s laughter grew louder and diabolically mirthful. “Great job!” he roared out, “You are doing so well! HAHAHAHA! Keep up….Hahah… keep up the great work! Ahahahahah!”

But the group made it to the fountain finally. It was about 3’ tall, and there were depiction of the 4 goddesses above set back to back, facing out, hands pooled up, where water would cascade down their hands and tinkle into the fountain’s bowl. Within the bowl were lots of copper, silver, and even gold coins. Some gem  stones could be seen glinting in the light. The water was clean and clear, but there was nothing on the fountain or about the water that seemed to indicate anything regarding the growth of the archer bushes.

In fact the last two had finally crawled close enough to swing at the party. The first rained branch swings down on Wyn (<+3 to hit, Teal 13 – missed by 1!), knocking a beat on the elf’s shield and causing more scratches and pulls, but no real deep damage. And the other had gotten close to the fountain and was taking the space between the fountain and the broken path to reach out and try and hit the dwarf (<+3 to hit, Green 6), but was stymied by his platemail.

As we were judging what to do next, we were dismayed to see that around the room, various bits and patches of the underbrush AND overbrush, had unseen moss clusters growing on them, getting larger and larger. Four of them were already about 2 or 3 feet in diameter, and two of them were approaching full sized at 4 and a half feet tall. And the two larger ones each trailed out a length of root vine and tendril, and began to drag themselves in the direction of the party.

“Fuck.” “Meirde.” “Shit.” “Fuck this place.” “By Thor’s Rectum!” “Poopie.”

(Initiative Party Steel 2 vs Enemy Red/Black 1)

And the dragon snorted deep…before launching into another paroxysm of chuckling laughter.

Time now is Day 13, 7:46 AM


Mirror Images (1 for Lannis): 54 Minutes

Bless: 46 Minutes

Fire Resistance (Lannis): 8 Minutes

Shield: 5 minutes

2 in melee range, 2 moving close, 4 will be ambulatory and move next round. And Corfard finds this funny. What do think?

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