This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Monday, October 4, 2021

PBEM - Episode 553. Growing Menace



Bow out, eyes shifting, arrow loaded up, Brendon couldn’t make out a target amidst all the sounds and glanced back at the door to the hall. “Ok peeps! Whadda we doin? Staying or running?”

Gripping his Theystran Hammer in both hands, Kovid nervously looked around, “That doesn’t sound good. I advise we hug the walls or get to the stone paths. Quickly now.”

Pulling Lannis all the way to his feet, Abraxas propelled him to the door, taking his crossbow out and cranking it back. "H'okay amigos! Let's regroup outside!"

From somewhere south of us, muted but building in volume, we could hear deep mirthful laughter. “Ha..Ha ha ha…Ha ha hA! HA HA!!!”

“Oui! Out of de room mes amis!” Wyn joined the rest of the group, taking out another arrow, eyes peeled, heading for the door and hall.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Lannis cried, tears staining his cheeks, hobbling as he staggered, drinking his Healing potion (Heal 1d6: Pink 5 – Heal 5!!), feeling better but dismayed to see his legs were a fucking mess. The laughter continued and Lannis shuddered as he moved. “Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! That’s Corfard’s laugh! Ahhhhhh!!”

Once at the hall, Lyra took up a spot by the door, Lolthian Flail and enchanted shield up and at the ready, glancing beyond Kovid who was blocking the door, trying to see what was coming. “I agree! We should back up to the hall again. Whatever is coming might be able to get bottled necked at the door.” 

It was then we could see. Crawling towards us on long reaching vines and animated demonic looking roots, were those 5’ tall weird plants with the spiky thorns covering them. They undulated at a surprising speed, making good time across the ground as they made their way towards the party, menace and mayhem obvious in their approach.

“What. The. Fuck?” Kovid uttered. “Seriously?! What. The Fuck?!”

Corfard’s laugh grew louder, almost maniacal. “Run! Run you dumb sacks of meat! Ha ha HA!! The Decapus was the ONLY thing keeping them in check and from seeking you out! HA HA HA!! Run for your miserable lives!!! AHAHAHAH!!!”

They were making surprisingly great time, moving fast enough to make the party see at least 7 of them were within visible light range…although from the sounds in the room, there were more behind! They avoided the crushed marble path, but wove their way around everything to draw closer to the group.

(Initiative Party Steel 7 vs Enemy Red/Black 1)

Time now is Day 13, 7:38 AM


Mirror Images (3 for Wyn): 56 Minutes

Bless: 54 Minutes

Fire Resistance (Lannis): 16 Minutes

Shield: 13 minutes

What is the plan – 7 animated thorny spiky plants closing and closing fast (move about 60/20). You guys have initiative.

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