This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Friday, October 1, 2021

PBEM - Episode 551. Fire in the Garden

Decapus finally got a solid grab in on someone (lots of Mirror Images have been preventing that).




Abraxas tried to stand but fell flat on his face, Lyra rushing over, shield raised, trying to drag the fighter out of the line of fire. "Huh... buh... hnnngh.. jozfrirma...."

Meanwhile pumping his fist in the air in victory, Kovid hoisted out his heavy dagger and congratulated, “Good job, Big Brain! I think you got ‘em. Let’s hit it with everything we got.” (>+3 to hit, +1 bless, Yellow 14) He hurled the big knife and it flew end over end, (1d4 Damage, Yellow 2) sinking with a solid thunk near the center mass of the Decapus.

“We going to rush in together?” Lyra asked, glancing down at the Fighter, helping his up with care. “I’d rather not be the only one bum rushing the big giant angry plant octopus.” 

“Wyn will shoot the big nasty plant monster,” the elf announced, loading up another arrow, watching Lannis as he worked another spell. (<+8 to hit, +1 bless, Orange 4) The arrow hit, but failed to penetrate and the menace shrieked out in fury.

Having his own arrow ready, from a bit further back, the Scout matched his cadence to the elf and said, “Brendan will shoot the big nasty plant monster!” (>+6 to hit, +1 bless, Red 13) His arrow also struck, but went a bit deeper (1d6 Damage, Ref 2), making a yellowish liquid ooze from the wound.

"How strange, I would have been damn...” Lannis frowned and then continued, still working his spell, “Sorry...darn well sure that two farrbrool spells would have been more than enough to kill anything in here, minus the dragon. Oh well, nothing that can't be solved with some BFI! IN ARACHNE REIF!" Strands of sticky webbing flew out, hitting the Decapus in the back area as well as capturing 3 of its flailing tentacles.

“Huzzah, Big Brain!”

Giving an experimental pull, the arboreal monster fixated its rheumy eye on the wizard, and then launched a slapping series of blows with FOUR of its tentacles (@ +4 to hit, >17, >15, >13, >13). Two of them pummeled the magic user (1d4 Damage: 2 and 1 – Take 3!!) while two more wrapped themselves around the wizard’s arm, and torso…and then DRAGGED him out of the doorway and straight to the Decapus’ open maw!! (1d6 Damage, 6 Severs…Red/Black 5) Hanging upside down, screaming in terror, Lannis was kicking and flailing out but the Decapus shoved his left leg in its mouth and BIT down.


From the knee down (up?), his leg was inside the beast’s maw, blood running up his thigh and coating his robes as it chewed and gnawed and growled, trying to separate the wizard from the lower half of his left leg.


Of the two other still available tentacles, one of them reached down and snared a loose bit of brick work and let it fly (=+4 tohit, Teal 11), cracking Brendon in the shoulder (1d3 Damage, Red/Black 4:Take 2 Damage!!)

The last tentacle reached back and up, slapping at the ceiling a bit until it encountered and smoldering bit of burnt branch. It tore it free, swung it around…and set the web on fire.

Flame raced across the sticky webbing (1d6 Damage, Pink 1), lightly scorching the pretty charred up and wounded Decapus…but more importantly…it was free once again.

And Lannis, begging and screaming, dangled obscenely from its toothsome mouth, as it attempted to devour him.

(Initiative Party Steel 6 vs Enemy Red/Black 3 – that’s 3 in a row you’ve won so far)

Time now is Day 13, 7:36 AM


Mirror Images (3 for Wyn): 58 Minutes

Bless: 54 Minutes

Fire Resistance (Lannis): 18 Minutes

Shield: 15 minutes

Lannis needs to be freed this round or it gets a free 1d6 damage on him – he has 3 hp. If I roll a 6, it severs that body part. Go guys!

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