This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Friday, February 26, 2021

PBEM - Episode 334. Duchess, Goblins, and More



Replacing his Theystran hammer with one of his original warhammers, Kovid  motioned Brendon to the South door and whispered, "Alright Lyra, let's see what Iron Fist can do. Abraxas, are you still peeking out the north door?”

“No Senor,” he whispered back.

“I’ll go lissen, mon ami,” Wyn offered, swapping places with the Fighter. “Oof, dis is gonna be good,” he muttered while laying one ear against the portal.

The dwarf stood a pace behind the Cleric, giving the Iron Statue a cautious look. ”I'm going to hang back and see what the statue does. Let me know if you need assistance."

The Scout shrugged, “Kovid, maybe direct the light into the door to the south as soon as it’s opened, it might disorient them.”

“It’s a lantern, Brendon,” he whispered back, “Not a spot light.”

Meanwhile Lyra was intently staring at the statue, trying to project her thoughts but getting no reaction from the construct. Nodding to herself he stood right up to it, her head even with the lower end of its chest, and held up a stern finger, trying to give it orders. “Alright buddy. There’s a bunch of guys outside of that door,” she pointed, the statue staring at her with the purple glow coming from the visor. “They’re bad. The guys you can see in this room including me? We’re good.”

Brendon was at the Southern door, the Statue glancing his way and briefly flashed white, but was uninterested in him. “She’s right,” he said with a smile, “we’re the good guys. We brought you to life. The bad guys want to hurt you.” He had the key palmed and was waiting for Lyra to give him to signal.

"If the statue has the goblins covered, maybe we all swing around north?" Kovid looked around hopefully.

Lannis shook his head. "Going around north might attract more unwanted attention, I don't like it." He took out a dart to throw and went to step closer but as soon as he got within 15’ of the statue, it whirled on him, visor going red. “Ah shit, Enough, enough,” he backed up again. “I can’t get to the door to help out, Johnny Five, if you’re going to go all Ed-209 on my ass when I step up.”

“Senor Lastic,” Abraxas sighed, “no one know what you are saying.”

“Not him, NOT him,” Lyra ordered, wrestling to get the statue’s attention once more centered on her, the visor changed back to purple and its stance grew calm once more. Throwing a withering glower at Lannis, she turned back to the statue once more. “When THAT door opens,” she continued with a point, “Your job is to go out and attack anyone out there ready to do harm to us or you.”

 "Go get 'em, Hombre Grande!" Abraxas whispered with a toothy grin.

Wyn had been listening to the door (>Hear Noise, Orange 16) during these few minutes but had heard nothing. He gave a thumbs up to the group and Lyra nodded back in reply. She pointed to Brendon who carefully unlocked the door and stage whispered, “Remember to move quickly and quietly.” He then withdrew the key and took a deep breath…turned the knob…and opened the door just as Lyra gave the Statue a hard shove and it took three deep purposeful strides forward.

As it exited the room the party heard, “Now!” in goblin in a harsh whisper followed by the swoosh of slings and twangs of bows. (>+2 to hit, Black 17) A flask of oil smashed into the Statue full on, coating it with burning fire (1d8 Damage: Red 3 – Take 2 Damage), making it squeal in response. (<+2 to hit, Black 8 – missed, Direction Dice: NW) A second flask of oil smashed into the door frame instead of the iron statue, making fire blow into the doorway as well as cover the hall just outside the door, 5’ flames crackling and burning as they reached up anxious to set the place ablaze.

(<+2 to hit, White 10) An arrow cracked off the statue’s thigh and spun crazily into the dark, (<+2 to hit, White 5) and a second one missed with a whiffing noise, clattering off the stone wall and lost. (>+7 to hit, Red/Black 13) A third arrow followed a moment later and hit the statue with a deep TWANG (1d6 Damage, Red 5, Take 3 Damage), sinking into its chest area and punching through its iron skin.

At the same time it was getting hurt, Lyra spasmed once, and then again, doubling over in pain (take 1 Damage and then 1 Damage), moaning as she dropped to one knee and gasped, “Holy shit, it feels like my skin’s burning up!” Indeed the Cleric still had what appeared to be static electricity coursing through her as her hair was again standing on end and her skin was flush.

Meanwhile from the hall, heard over the sound of the statue squealing and clanging, was the sound of laughter and then the Duchess’ voice. “Oh! Well played, Rabbits. Well fucking played indeed. Hahaha! Ok, this was unexpected.” She swapped over to Goblin and said, “Fade. Don’t engage. Leave it to burn. Reward’s for the infidels, not that fucking thing.”

(Initiative: Statue Steel 3 vs Enemy Red/Black 4)

Amidst the crackling flames and the statue striding through the oil fire, the group could make out the Duchess’s voice call out, “Mirabellis is going to be fucking pissed. Run Rabbits! We’ll try this another time.” And then from down in that direction, the group could plainly hear someone starting to ring a bell.

Time now is Day 8, 11:25 AM


Very exciting! What do you guys want to do. Time is fleeting and decisions need to be made now.

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