This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Monday, August 31, 2020

PBEM, Episode 138 - Orcs, Zombies, Goblins



Wyn loaded up a sling stone in his new sling and gave it an experimental swing. “We fall inta ass-kickin' formation, oui? Keep dem in dat hallway to minimize de sound carryin' through de rest of de castle.”

“I’ve heard dumber ideas,” Lannis said, fingers crackling with magic, “From people other than myself of course. I’m a genius.”

“Right,” Wyn said, “Right. An idea homes,” and let his sling stone fly (>+4 to hit, Orange 18) where it thumped into the lead kobold coming our way (1d3 Damage: Orange 2 – 1 Damage) and ricocheted off. Brendon followed suit, a step back from Wyn and closer to the corner, (<+4 to hit, Red 4) but his stone was too high and was lost down the hall.

Lyra was looking around carefully, trying to keep out of everyone’s line of sight, but did send her sling stone (>+3 to hit, White 15) out where it hit with a bone crackling smack on the still advancing K800 (1d3 Damage: White 6 – 3 Damage) deforming it’s right shoulder. “Bueno!” Abraxas cried, standing near the corner of the corridor but giving Kovid his space and hurled his kobold stone dagger (>+4 to hit, Blue 13) with deadly accuracy, burying the crude but heavy weapon (1d4 Damage, Blue 3) into the zombies gut all the way up to the hilt. It staggered half a step and kept on coming.

“Um…getting closer…”Lannis muttered; sweat breaking out on his lower lip as he finished his spell, “In Bet Grav!” (Dart 1d4 Damage auto hit, Pink 3 – 3 Damage) and a silvery pink spinning dart of force tore through the kobold’s thigh, ripping the flesh open to the bone.

And it still approached. Kovid did not want to run down the hall alone so he stood at the corner, hammer upraised and poised to swing and waited a few seconds…and was rewarded as the zombie finally got close enough to strike at him. But he swung first (>+3 to hit, Yellow 14) and his Theystran Silver Hammer slammed into the k800’s side (1d8+2 Damage, Yellow 4 – 6 Damage) smashing ribs and bouncing it against the wall.

“Ha!” he barked thinking the zombie was done…but it pushed itself straight and attacked. (<+4 to hit, Red/Black 9) The dwarf was able to fend off the blows with the flat of his hammer, his platemail taking the few hits that came through his defenses.

The second zombie had closed the distance and Abraxas who was going to throw his stone tipped javelin next was forced to change tactics as the zombie got close enough to hit the fighter (>+4 to hit, Black 17). He rang back from the buffeting blow (1d8 Damage, Red/Black 7, Damage Deflection <Str, Blue 16, Take 4 Damage! Success means next to hit is @ -4) but was able to deflect some of the damage but rolling against it from his shield. “Shit! I forgot how hard they hit!”

Kovid was sweating, “Yeah. Slings are nice guys, but they do shit damage here.”

Initiative (Party Steel 5, K800 Red/Black 6).

The zombie the dwarf was fighting was in bad shape but was still able to hit with the unrelenting power of undeath (>+4 to hit, Teal 16) slamming into Kovid (1d8 Damage, Purple 4) hard enough to bruise the dwarf under the platemail. “Thor’s Infected Toenails!”

“Hang in there, amigo!” Abraxas called out in support, trying to line up the zombie for his own attack (<+4 to hit, Blue/Purple 4) while still avoiding getting struck in return.

Time now is Day 4, 11:20 AM


Bottom of round 2, Kovid’s k800 is in terrible shape (down to 1 hp), Abraxas’ is still whole. If you don’t finish them off this round, will do a WMC, just a heads up.

PBEM - Reward 2, Wyn

For the 4th "homework assignment", I had the group each write an answer to the question in their character's voice what they would want to do with their share of the treasure found and the reward money for returning the Prism Crown. Had to name a personal item, a real pie in the sky sort of item, and 2 other miscellaneous items they might want to spend their money on. Also, they had to pick one item that another party member should get. After receiving it, I wove it into a story format and we presented it to the group every couple of days or so. This is the second one, Wyn D'Endee, the Elf.


Wyn and Reward Money!

“Monsieur Offop,” Wyn said with a chuckle, “You ‘ave a too much of…I-Maj-Innay-Shun in you.”

“Says you, Leatherfoot,” the Magic User retorted, face flushed, “I have great ideas, and PRACTICAL ideas, on what I can and will do with my reward money.”

“We have to find it first,” Lyra said, spreading the contents of her backpack out and checking each item from breakage.

“What, a feed bag?” Lannis replied, “Make sure we get one large enough to go over your snout.”

“Lay off, Lannis,” Brendon growled from the shadows. “Have you looked in the mirror? Lyra is fine, you aren’t winning any trophies in the look departments, mate.”

“Oui, Lannis. I t’ink you throw out zeez nasty comments trumplike to account an’ corr’ct for ya own feelin’s o’ bein’ a jerk.”

Abraxas laughed, holding his sword up to check the edge before returning to oiling his weapon. “Si! I would say that you are being a grande pollo and a jerk.”

Lannis stomped his foot, ripping his pointed hat off his hat and tossing it to the corner. “So much bull and unneeded and uncalled for belittling of me for my decisions on what to do with my share of the money when I notice that none of you so much has come up with a bent copper on what they would like to do with the reward money besides I’m sure buy a beer, a meal, and a hot bath – and it shouldn’t be in that order.”

“We all ‘ave our plans I am sure, Monsieur Offop. But not everyone is as short sighted and sosh-ally retarded as you tend to go.”

“Hey!” Lannis held out a finger, “never go full retard.”

“Wot are you talkin’ ‘boot?”

The Magic User shrugged, sitting down on the side of the bed and unfixing the clasp of his cloak, draping it across his legs. “Don’t worry, you wouldn’t get it.” He snapped his finger, “Okay, Gatorman, how about you?”

“’Ow ‘boot me, wot?” Wyn asked, taking his quiver off and idly spinning one of the arrow shafts within.

“You. You’re so often in command of everything, taking in all our discord and picking the best parts like a fair haired Mynah Bird to digest and spit up when you need. What about it? When all this is over, what will you do with your share of the treasure we've found as well as the reward the Academy is paying us for the return of the Prism Crown?”

“S’riously?” Wyn scoffed.

“Thrill us,” Lannis replied.

“Hmm. Well, I won’t deny tha’ I hadn’t thought o’ this many times afore we even left Specularum.” The rest of the group grew still, silently watching the elf as he seemed to relax and compose his thoughts. Getting comfortable, he crossed one leg over the other and idly picked at the edge of his boot sole. “Me? Well, Wyn will be takin' de money back to de rest of my clan. Dat be de secondary reason I be out 'ere... makin' coin fer new buildin's or repairs or ta keep our people 'appy en thrivin'.”

“What?” Lannis asked, “The first thing you do is bring your money back to the ‘clan’? Are you Mafioso?”

“An’ why not? No ever’one is as selfish as ye be, Monsieur. Iffin' I 'as me choice, I be puttin' me coin towards a new altar en one ov our temples: de Cathédrale à l'ordre Sacré de la Sainte Mère du DaVingt Destin.”

Lyra frowned. “The Order of what?”

Wyn smiled, “De Cathédrale à l'ordre Sacré de la Sainte Mère du DaVingt Destin.”

She shrugged a moment later. “Yeah, still don’t have anything. Go on.”

The elf nodded, “I be 'opin' dat, wit dere blessin' mayhaps future quests I take will bless Wyn with anytin’ from better hunts, clear listening, some extra 'idden rooms... or just some more putain de flèches.”

Abraxas chuckled. “Language, Senor Wendy.”

“Seriously? No fleches? We ‘ave found stone tools and javelins and armor from a gras goblin, but th’ single most used item next to une epee, an’ it’s not ‘ere? I bet we find a Bec du Corbin ‘afore we find some putain de flèches.”

“Tell us how you really feel,” Brendon said softly.

Gathering his thoughts together, Wyn continued, “Fer myself, dough, Wyn might commission de Wood Elves ov 'Untington to craft 'im a mastawork bow... dependin' on 'ow dis all goes, mayhaps I cen 'ave dem carve some special runes into it ta commemorate dis adventure wit dis group, mes amis.”

“Leave lots of room to account for Lyra’s face,” Lannis chuckled.

“Leave no room to account for Lannis’ personality, likability, or dick size,” the Cleric fired back

“Ouch, Senor! ¡Quema!” the Fighter laughed

Continuing, Wyn added, “Oh... mayhaps... all dat cen suck on de rottin' left teet of Hel en I will just buy a damned Everful Quiver™.”

“How’d you do that?” Kovid asked.


“The little letters after Quiver?”

“Wot letters, Monsieur? There be no letters after Everful Quiver™.” He looked around. “I t’ink the dungeon is getting’ to Monsieur Dwarffriend a bit.”

Lyra shrugged, leaning over to whisper, “I think it’s an elf thing. So they don’t get sued, maybe?”

“Lawyers,” Abraxas snarled, “I rather face a monstruo cubierto de mierda than a blood sucking lawyer.”

Wyn smiled. “As fer the Quiver™, I know dey may be more coin den we get fer dat crown, but we already 'ave more coin in loot den de crown reward beden dat in just de loot alone.”

“Well,” Lannis drawled, “That all sounds so nice and helpful to and for everyone. Like all the elves sit around together and share lists so they all get a little piece of everyone’s pie. It’s like an Ashram but without the stink of patchouli oil or homespun wearing college dropout girls.” He sank back on the bed, folding his hands behind his head. “I have also done some thinking on what you should be buying.”

“Oh?” Wyn asked, voice dripping heavily with sarcasm. “Please, tell me, Monsieur. Wot dew ya t’ink?”

“For example, did you know the academy actually offers speaking classes? To improve one’s diction, and erase any unwanted accents,” he said slowly, enunciating each syllable with methodical care. “Should you master such a course I do believe you could then patronize yourself to join the academy as a student.”

“Wow, I t’ank ya SO very much, Monsieur,” Wyn replied exaggeratedly.

“Say what you will, Bayou Billy, I've been watching your spell work and I do believe you have real talent.” He smiled a bit condescendingly. “Time spent at the academy could be what you need to truly rise up as a Magister.” He waved his hand dismissively, “Think about it, I’m here for you."

“So we’ve noticed,” Kovid grunted. “So we’ve noticed.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

PBEM, Episode 137 - Orcs, Zombies, Goblins



Watching the portcullis for a bit longer, Brendon sighed, repressed a shiver, and whispered, “L-L-Let’s go back to the barracks, rest, regroup and discuss our next plan of action-n-n. I’ll t-t-take a double watch, unless anyone has an ob-b-b-jection, you guys need the rest more than m-m-me.”

Abraxas looked at Brendon sideways, shaking his head no. "Rest? We've only been exploring for Tres y media horas. The day is barely begun. We have new orcasas to worry about, slime, k800s, Guardians, Beekeeper, Butcher, a sorceress and who knows what else in there waiting for us? Resting now when we lose track of all of that is a bad idea. We need to at least tie up some loose ends before we rest up. That's my thoughts. We at least finish clearing out the southern part of the floor,” he snapped his fingers, “THEN we talk about rest, or meet up with the Bees, Meats, and Guardians."

"Good points have been made,” Lannis agreed, “I move that we nip this k800 and slime problem in the bud before we lose our chance. After that I would like to figure out where the hell that front door is, but I would be okay with dealing with the Bad Zombies."

Kovid tapped his forehead, giving Lannis a thumbs up and nodding.

Wyn took out his new sling and gave it a quick stretch. "We need to take out the known threats before de murderous shit-heel orcs come. Kob Zobs first.”

Sneaking a pair of fingers into her side pouch, Lyra popped a piece of hard tack into her mouth and chewed slowly and with Satisfaction. “I would also sleep better knowing those zombies are out of the way,” she said, swallowing her snack. “Oh! We still have the control undead potion - maybe we can get one Guardian zombie to turn against the others and do our dirty work? If you guys want to try to take them on physically ourselves first though we can do that.”

Brendon nodded, eyes lowered. “Sorry, s-s-seems the cold water has affected me more then I t-t-thought.”

Wyn smiled, clapping Brendon on the shoulder. “Ees alright, Monsieur Du Lac. We all together. Eef we're going to kill zee zombi k800s zhen we should go to zee door wit’ the Ball-Lihs-Da pointing down ze hall. Go in, close ze door, then go to the Warren wit’ Monsieur Dwarf and Monsieur Salazar leading the way.”

The party, aligned together on the plan, left their hiding area with slow care and made their way back east and south, following the walls of the Ispan’s Castle with care until they arrived back near the gazebo and then around to the secret entrance. After listening to make sure all was good, Brendon gave the door a quick opening and the party filed in, Kovid once again relighting his lantern (4 hours, 25 minutes of oil left at this moment).

“Hokay,” Wyn whispered. “First things first, we take zee long way ‘round and go take care of the zee zombis.”

(WMC: Red/Black 1, White/Blue 6 – Undead. HAHAHAHA – ok then!)

Brendon cocked his head to the side (<Hear Noise +20 bonus, Red 25) and looked down the long hall running north on the west side of the Sitting Room and then started chuckling.

“What’s so funny?” Lannis asked.

Brendon took out his bow and his sling, looking between the two of them. “Ask-k-k, and you shall receive.” And coming down the hall, shuffling towards the group, were the last two of Grilljax’ kobold zombie K800’s. “Let’s go people. Bring the noise.”

(Initiative: Party Steel 6, K800 Red/Black 5)

Time now is: Day 4, 11:19 AM


Dice did not want to wait.  Ok! 2 zombies coming – tell me who is where and what the plan is.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

PBEM, Episode 136 - Orcs, Zombies, Goblins



The group discussed option on what to do next for some time before boiling it down to 4 things in a particular order: Go to the Aquifier and refill the waterskins, then head Outside and pick some tomoatoes, then still Outside circle to the north of the Ispan’s Castle and check out the portcullis, and finally, comeback inside and take out the last two K-800’s that are most likely in the vicinity of the cold hall to the south of the kobold Warren.

As they were heading towards the Aquifier south and west of the original stone cask and green slime room, Wyn turned to Brendon and asked, “Monsieur du Lac, cen I 'ave one of doze slings you got, s'il vous plaît? I tink we cen take dis time to fill up our water at de aquifer. Cen probably pick up some slingin' stones in that cavern, too.”

“Sure,” the Scout replied, “That’s why I picked them up.” He handed a sling over (Sling [1]) and added, “I know we didn’t have time before, but I’m really interested in what items are on the bottom of the pool.”

“You’re going to be wet,” Lannis said.

“I’ll take my clothes off.”

“The water’s cold.”

“I’ll use the elven towel afterwards to dry off.”

The Magic User shrugged, “Suit yourself. What do I know, I’m just a genius who regularly reworks the building blocks of reality at my whim.”

Once down the steps, the temperature cooled until we were once again in the Aquifier room. The natural cavern reflected back at the party and in the distance of the cave (WMC: Red/Black 6) they could hear the squeaking of the giant ferrets but none of the beasts came out of the gloom. “Oh yes, I remember the Giant Ferrets,” Lannis commented, “We cooked one. I ate trail rations.”

“Speak for yourself, Monsieur,” Wyn shrugged, bending down to fill his skin. “I ate it and eet was De-Lish-Us.”

As Abraxas was filling his own skin, he brought up his concern with the K800 again. “I dont see why we leave these k800s with the slimesies. It can only... como dices... bite us in the ass, later. I dont like loose ends, amigos. They get slime'ed, they walk right through the doors, who knows how far they spread the slimesies before it eats them?”

“I agree with Manling Abraxas,” Kovid said. “We should kill these zombie kobolds and burn ALL slime so we know the places we’ve been are clear. Let’s get our water, sure, but let’s not spend too much time outside. Gather tomatoes, but I think the real food will be at the Butcher’s.”

As the last of the skins was filled, Lyra looked over at Brendon with a raised brow. “You are really going to… this?” she asked as the last of is clothes were stripped off and placed on top of his piled armor and backpack.”

“Yep,” he replied, dangling his legs in the aquifer and shivering. “Damn that’s cold.”

“Already blaming the actual size of objects on cold shrinkage?” Lannis chuckled.

“Ha ha.” He lowered himself more until just his shoulders and head were out. He was breathing hard and already his lips were quivering.

“Breadlung,” Abraxas frowned, “You do not have to do this. Loco and cold.”

“I got it.” He took a deep breath, was heard to curse quietly, and then dove down into the faint current of the aquifier.

“I am going to wait a while before drinking from here again,” the Magic User uttered, “I don’t want my water to taste like stale pirate, crotchety Scout, and unrepentant attempted murderer.”

“Silence,” Kovid barked. Brendon had dived to the bottom of the aquifer and had grabbed a wooden cup [2], two water skins [2] and a wooden bucket [10], and then kicked off the bottom and swam for the surface.

“Poseidon’s T-T-TITS!” he swore, throwing his bounty onto the rocky shore, “It’s g-g-god damned-d-d cold!!” (>Con checks +2 bonus pirate, Red 15) He was fumbling on pulling himself free, his hands seemed to be numb and his legs were kicking futily at the wall. Kovid and Wyn bent down and helped pull the Scout out of the water, noting how cold his skin was. He rolled to his side, patted around his open backpack and took out his Green Elven Towel from within and started to rub himself dry and warm.

Lannis took out his own towel and offered it as well. “Listen, I goof on you, but that was monumentally stupid. And I know stupid. A cup, bucket, and two waterskins was not worth hypothermia.”

“I-I-I’ll be f-f-fine in a few minutes-s-s,” he stuttered. The group watched silently as Brendon finished drying off and proceeded to get himself dressed. He still seemed to shudder now and again and was having a hard time getting warm. But eventually he finally strapped on his swordbelt and picked up his bow, slinging it over his shoulder. “S-s-so,” he asked, “Any rocks?”

“Oui,” Wyn said, handing over 5 stones to Brendon [5] and keeping 5 sling stones for himself [5]. “You ok?”

Brendon shrugged, his damp hair trailing across his neck. “N-n-never better,” he said (Failed Con Check, -1 to all rolls and checks until get 1 hour rest or 30 minutes warmed up by a fire) “T-t-time’s wasting, let’s go.”

Shaking their heads, the group fell in behind Brendon and left the Aquifier behind, making their way up the stairs and then to the Sitting Room. Opening the door they looked around (no roll) and saw nothing. The air was cool and the sky cloudy. The smell of rain was out there and there was a slight breeze which had Brendon shiver again. They party made their way south along the footpath to the Tomato Garden where Wyn hastily picked 20 of the reddest tomatoes and placed them in his pack (Add 20 Tomatoes [30] to inventory). Once finished the group silently nodded at him. “Around to zee north to check out zee entrance and portcullis?”

They followed Brendon’s lead as he picked the party’s progress east around the Ispan’s Castle and then north again. We skirted near the shed and the well house, noting that the rope had not been replaced. They keot far away from the white roses growing near the walls and made their way eventually to the north side of the Castle. There was a Barbican overhanging the main entrance, perhaps a dozen assorted statues loosely arranged outside the gates, but it seemed quiet and unmanned.

(WMC: Red/Black 1. Result: Red/Black 30 – Humanoid. Black/Red 84 – Orc. # Appearing 2d20: 11+3 = 14 Orcs. Distance: Blue/White 5: Between 50 and 100 yards)

“Shh! Down!” Brendon hissed, dropping behind a large bit of undergrowth in the area, eyes fixated just beyond the rainbow ward.

“What?” the group asked, mirroring his actions.

“Company.” He paused. “Big. Green. And Lots of them.”


He pointed north. “That way.” He squinted. “And they’re…Orcs.”

“What?!” Wyn snarled, trying to stand up to see better but was gripped hard by Brendon and Kovid who pulled him back down. “Why you do that?” he hissed at them (>Racial Hatred Wis Check: Orange 18 – Failed). “I just want to know how many filthy bastardz I’ve got to shoot before the sun sets?!”

“Enough,” Lyra leaned closer to the elf. “Just watch. Enough.”

Barely keeping himself in check, Wyn fumed as he peered through the branches and grasses at the orc patrol coming closer. There were 14 of them and they were well armed with spears, swords, and bows, and well armored with a mix of chainmail and banded mail with shields. Their clothes were travel worn and their cloaks had rents and stains in them. The leader was a tall brute, just over 7’ in height and had to be pushing almost 400 lbs. His skin was mottled olive green and his lower tusks were very pronounced, curling his lower lip out grotesquely.

They each ducked under the rainbow ward, their number reaching 14 as they scanned the ground with careful eyes and made their way to the main entrance and lowered portcullis. One of the orcs stepped up and banged on the bars with his shield and then stepped back.

It was a few minutes later that the portcullis was raised from inside and a woman stepped out. She was wearing black and blue wizard robes and an oversized witch’s hat. Her hand was gripped around an oaken staff with some cords wrapped around the ends. She looked over the orcs with little expression until even the brute lowered his gaze at which point she grinned briefly. “You’re late,” she said, her voice was both seductive and grating.

“Sorry, Mirabellis,” the orc leader replied, he reached over his shoulder where a rope was trailing and pulled it up and around. At the end of the rope were 5 severed elven heads, their hair tied to the end of the rope, tongues out, eyes slack. “Bastards didn’t want to stop running.”

“Never mind,” she replied. “Blessed Corfard will pay the bounty for them as usual.” There was a second person just barely visible from this side angle at the Castle’s entrance. It was a woman, that was for sure based upon the tight dress she wore. But she had a grey bag over her head and it appeared that the top of the bag was moving quite a bit. “Moira,” the wizardress turned back to the other woman. “You aren’t needed here. Thanks for coming.”

The other woman bowed shallowly and then turned back and went inside. “She gives me the creeps,” the orc said after the bag wearing woman had gone. “Why does the Blessed Corfard keep her around?”

“The Blessed Corfard keeps her around because the Ispan and his orgy loving elves kept her imprisoned. Enemy of my enemy and all that?”

He glanced at one of the statues and gave it a rap with his free hand. “She’ll lose her shit at some point, Mirabellis.”

“If she does, the Blessed Corfard will take care of it. Enough jabbering. The Blessed Corfard will want to see you soon and now.” They group began walking back into the Castle, but the wizardress’s voice was still faintly heard, “There’s some vermin that’s been infiltrating the Castle and he wants them gone.”

“Sounds like fun.”

The voices ended and we watched the last orc disappear around the corner and then a moment later, the portcullis was lowered until the heavy metal bars settled again on the floor. And then we heard the sound, even if we couldn’t see them, of heavy doors closing and finally the rasp of a turned lock.

The party said nothing, taking in what they had learned, while Wyn was shaking with fury at the sight of the orcs who had been here. “Those…fucking…scum,” he hissed out.

Time now is: Day 4: 11:04 AM


XP: North Grounds – Everyone add 25 xp.

Brendon add 10 additional xp.

Ok, a bit exposed out here, hidden in the brush and grass. For now. Portcullis does not appear to be an easy way in. Back inside? Talk? Where to?

PBEM, Episode 135 - Cleanup Time



"Wyn votes for de slime burning at de base ov each door,” the elf said,”En take out size candles in de hallway. We cen pick den up along the way en save dem for tonight."

Abraxas nodded vigorously and Lannis did too, adding, “I'm in agreement, unlike the ballista the slime is far too dangerous to leave laying around for future use. If we're in the area it might not be a bad idea to check on the status of the food closet, lest the growling of Lyra’s stomach give us away. If the food is still good we should pick a new spot to drop some for later. Beyond that, zombies?"

Lyra cinched her bag closed. “You think a majority of the kobolds and bug bears are taken care of in this area? We might be able to restock our ration supply... not that I’m always thinking about food.” She slung her shield up in place on her arm, “Also I’d prefer to deal with the slime - in case we need to make a quick get away somewhere we won’t also have to deal with accidentally stepping on slime later.” 

The dwarf spun his hammer once, “Yeah let’s burn that slime. Don’t want to see any more of that green shit for... ever.

Brendon took point, listening to the hall before motioning the group back into the hall south. From there we traveled east, eyes peeled and lantern high. Abraxas had relit his torch so we had a ready flame and the party started their walk. The first doors were the ones in front of the hanging hobgoblin (no slime there) and the stairs heading north to the Spy area – again, no slime there. We continued east past the long hall and then to the corner door heading to the catacombs. The slime was there and we burned it away. It left an obvious burn line on the floor which Brendon (Theif Int >12, no roll) shook his head and drew out an old piece of paper he had taken earlier and smeared it clean, obscuring the fact there had been anything there.

“Smart,” Kovid muttered.

Brendon led us down the steps into the Catacombs where we passed the vault of the Elven Goddesses and then up to the Ishtari Baths (slime). We fixed the slime there and then checked inside (no slime on any of the other doors in the baths), and moved on. The dead ape was getting rank and the number of flies and bugs had doubled and we kept going. At the stairs going up we had seen another slime line and corrected it (WMC: Red/Black 2) and then kept going.

We addressed both the Lower and Upper Barracks, cleaning up the slime line and then up the small steps to the main hall and fixed the slime in front of the three doors here (the storeroom we had left alone). From there we went south to the entrance hall and although there was no slime, looked anyway. We went to the west and looked down the hall and steps to the fresh water seeing no slime, and the door where slime had been store was open and there were numerous scrapes on the floor in here as they had first moved the cask.

The stairs going down to the sulfur room were clean and we went around to the north again turning to the west and the food room. Brendon held his hand up and we slowed as he peered into the open room.

It was filled with slime.

The entire room was covered wall to wall as the original food stuffs in here had been eaten by the slime that Gowan and his troupe had introduced in here. “Shit, shit, shit,” he cursed, holding his head.

“Monsieur, you ok?”

“No. Headache.” Brendon shook his head clear. “Well, fuck. They ruined it.”

“We did take some.”

“And they ruined that.”

“There are a few days in the Lower Barracks still hidden.”

Brendon pursed his lips, thinking. “Ok. Maybe…we approach the Butcher at some point? Probably has some meat?”

“Oui…,” Wyn agreed slowly. “Possibly.”

Pointing at the 400 square feet of green slime, Brendon took out his own torch and lit it. “Ok, nothing for it. Let’s get rid of this.” He looked at Abraxas and sighed. “You have your torch, going to help me?” and he stepped in, torch held low, and began burning the slime away one pass at a time, it hissing and popping as he waved his brand.

The Fighter sighed and muttered something under his breath, but entered the room and the two of them spent a little over 15 minutes burning off all the slime. The air was rank for the reek of burnt slime and charred chunks of ash and filth were everywhere, but they emerged satisfied and complete. Brendon extinguished his torch and drew his sword again, resuming his position at point and the party kept going on.

This left them with one hall left – the one that lead to the cold area. The same hall that the zombies had run down earlier when turned. “We know there was no slime here,” Brendon said, “we had come this way. And the only slime that would be here would be in the cask at the bottom of the steps when they threw it at Kovid.” Abraxas’ torch was pretty much done and he let the last of the flame gutter a few times and then extinguish.

He tapped his chin. “So, do we go that way and risk running into the K-800’s again to burn the very last of the slime away, or do we not and take the long way around to go back to the Classroom area?

Time now is Day 4: 10: 04 AM


All doors have been cleared of slime, no W/M this hour. What’s the plan?

Friday, August 28, 2020

PBEM, Episode 134 - Cleanup Time



The party brought all the items into the Statue room, shutting the doors behind them, and laid them out looking everything over. Brendon nodded and said, “I’d like to have a cinnamon stick, the taste covers the smell of this place, and a cloth bandage if no one minds. I’ll also carry one of the new found torches.” (Add 1 Cinnamon Stick [1], 1 Bandage [1], and 1 torch [5] to inventory) “Where to next? Bees? Butcher? Something else?”

Lannis glanced at the plinths and stood looking down at one of the manacrystals. “I vote we hold on to one of those mana crystals, we may need it later on. As for what's next, I still say the zombies, that was the original plan anyway, after a quick oil refill that is.” While he was pulling the dim glowing manacrystal [2] out of the plinth base, he also took 1 slowburn candle [1], the Sketch book with kittens in it [10], and shrugging, he also took a handful of loose iron scraps [10].

Kovid watched the Magic User as he took the items. "I agree with "The Brain". Let's get ourselves some more oil and continue north of the classroom. Knock down those zombies. Actually Lannis, may I see that sketch book?" Lannis pulled the book closer to his chest, glancing at the dwarf with distrust. "Have you checked it for magic? Perhaps the kittens are a disguise. Just a thought. If it never comes up I may ask you for a blank page or two for my map.” He held his hand out to take it.

Lannis looked at the dwarf’s hand and then shoved the kitten book into his backpack and said, “No you may not,” before turning away.

Blowing it off, the dwarf shrugged and said, “You like cats that much eh? Keep it. Never liked them myself anyway. Not enough meat on em. Hahaha.” He turned to Lyra, “Priestess, any chance to can give me a healing word today? I’m pretty beat up.”

Rolling her eyes at Lannis, she replied, “Oh my god, CHILDREN. Just share the god-damned cat picture book.” Placing her hand on Kovid’s shoulder, she said, “I have one more for the day, come. Lady Aine, Heal my dwarven friend of his wounds!” (CLW: 1d6+1, Black 3 – Heal 4!) Once finished, she looked through the items remaining and took 1 of the Bandages [1], the small pouch of dried blueberries [5], and spying the other plinth, she walked over and took the last manacrystal [2]. “Blueberries look good enough to eat.”

As she was putting her stuff away, she opened her backpack a bit wider, “What the heck?” and pulled out the kobold arm bone from the garden. “Why do I still have this thing?” (Remove Kobold Arm Bone [2] from Inventory).

"Priestess,” Wyn looked over pointing to the small pouch, “I believe we should 'old onto the berries in case we need something natural to trade wit de Beekeeper.”

“Sure, not going to eat them,” she said, “I just noted they LOOKED delicious is all.”

“Haven’t you eaten enough?” Lannis asked.

“Monsieur Offop!” Wyn scolded the magic user. When he got a rueful grin in return, the elf shook his head and looked over the accumulated items remaining. "I tink we should fill up our oil, den take dis chance to burn the rest of the green slime on de doors since we 'ave cleared out dis side of de castle. We don't want to 'ave to do it later on de day, oui? Kind of make sure fer be no more traces of doze blightin' kobs in dis place odder den dere dead... and doze zombies we release inta de halls.”

“Oil first, then slime,” Kovid counted off on his fingers, “then through the classroom door to the zombies…or take the long way around past the Butcher to the zombies? Assuming they are the same ones.”

The elf took 1 slowburn candle [1], 1 bandage [1], 1 cinnamon stick [1], 1 stone tipped javelin [15], and 1 stone dagger [10] while he mulled it over. “Lets do ze first two parts and then discuss wot our options are for zee zombies, oui?” He bent down and picked up Lyra’s sling and rock, handing it back to her. "Also, Priestess, I tink you also want to pick up your sling, oui? You seemed to throw it away for some reason in de battle."

“I know, it’s cursed.” She put the rock away and then smiled. “Could I sling the manacrystal?”

“Do not sling the manacrystal.”

“Fiiinee.” She pouted, “What if something’s weakness IS mancrystals? How about then?”

“Nothing’s weakness is manacrystals, Priestesse,” Wyn replied.

Staring at it she asked, “What if we grind it up and snort it? Could we then become wizards?”

Lannis stomped his foot. “That is NOT how you become a wizard!”

“You don’t know!” she retorted.

“I worked VERY hard to be a wizard!” Lannis fumed.

“You work very hard to put your pants on!” she replied.

Wyn sighed deeply, “I am not so sure she is the one to have one.”

“Relax, relax,” she said, “I’m just throwing ideas out here is all. Look,” she put it back in her bag. “See? All good, happy manacrystal all away and not being lobbed or turned into gravel? Ok?”

While all this was going on, Abraxas took 1 Cinnamon Stick [1], 1 torch [5], 1 stone tipped javelein [15] and 1 stone dagger [10].  “Aww, no more manacrystals for me to take? Boo! Amigos, enough standing here. Let us go. Vamonos. I agree we revisit those Guardians soon.  I still want to take out that Corfard Statue, though perhaps with a... how do you say.... plan... yes, plan of attack next time."

“That’s using the old noggin, Abraxas,” Lannis complimented the fighter.

From here, the group then opened the eastern door on the north side that the Ballista was in front of and looked down the passage. The slowburn candles had guttered low at this point, mostly a puddle of wax with a little flame still in it. The group headed east, extinguishing the flame there, and then the next one across from the Classroom. From there they listened to the door (no roll needed) and entered the close, closing it behind them. The chamber was not exactly as they had left it. The chairs and desks they had mounded against the north door had been shoved aside and then scattered along the eastern half of the room – leaving the door clear and free to open.

“Shh,” Brendon whispered, sneaking over there to listen (no roll needed) a few seconds before nodding to the group, “Clear.”

Kovid released the breath he was holding. “Ok people, by the numbers. Like we did yesterday.”

“I’ll supervise!” Lannis offered.

Lyra shook her head. “I’ll keep an ear and eye on the north door. Lannis, do the same for the door to the hall, would you?”

Brendon and Kovid lifted the blackboard away from the wall with care, the four party members moving it away to reveal the hole behind it. Reaching in, Brendon unhooked the bucket from the scaffold pin in the wall, made sure the rope was still tight, and lowered the bucket down to the bottom where a flick of his wrist had it tilt over, and a second one righted it up.

He lifted the bucket slowly until finally at the top where Kovid took it. “Thanks.” He took his last flask of oil and poured it into the almost empty lantern (full back to 6 hours), and then laid it and the other empty on the floor. “Bigbrain,” he whispered to Lannis. “Give me your two empty flasks.” From there he took the time to fill all 4 flasks again with oil.

Wiping them clean, he handed the bucket back to Brendon who dumped it down the hole into the pit again and proceeded to hang the bucket and rope on the scaffolding pin. Wyn lit a candle and as Kovid made sure each flask was clean and the caps on tight, the elf turned the candles around and around, melting wax off the top and resealing the flasks again.

The entire process took a bit of time but it was done swift enough. The four of them relifted the blackboard and worked it back again on the hooks and supports, stepping away with pride. “Good job,” Brendon offered, sighting along the edge of the board to make sure no one would notice casually what they had been doing.

“So? Burning slime around the castle,” he pointed to the door to the north where the furnishings had been shoved away, “or going through there?”

Time now is: Day 4, 9:04 AM


XP: Abraxas, Kovid, and Brendon – Add 50 xp for the Halfling Portion of Homework 3 (if you haven’t read it yet, do so – it’s funny).

Still following burn the slime around the castle plan?

PBEM - Reward 1, Lannis

 For the 4th "homework assignment", I had the group each write an answer to the question in their character's voice what they would want to do with their share of the treasure found and the reward money for returning the Prism Crown. Had to name a personal item, a real pie in the sky sort of item, and 2 other miscellaneous items they might want to spend their money on. Also, they had to pick one item that another party member should get. After receiving it, I wove it into a story format and we presented it to the group every couple of days or so. This is the first one, Lannis Offop, the Magic User.

Being that we are PBEM and the occasional/rare meet up in person if one of us drives to another's house or half of us meet at a park to chat or maybe a firepit socially distant and responsible, these assignments are supposed to get each person to think about their character that in reality they only really have to do maybe 10 to 15 minutes each day tops.

D&D players are a weird egg; you'll get the type at the table with a full written and executed backstory of everything they've done since age 12 and conversely you'll get the other type who have no plan and make the shit up as they go consistency be damned. I also know that it's the pandemic and people are stressed between lockdown, work or lack thereof, family and the constant pressure of being with them and only them can be wearing in its own way, and the paucity of social interaction.

And D&D, for all its nerdiness and what not, is a social game. You NEED friends to play, and you NEED to be with them for hours on end for it to work well. I have been part of groups that were a dumpster fire and I have been part of groups that were keen and finely honed.

I had gotten push-back for the first time regarding this homework assignment and it really surprised me since I was under the impression that everyone was enjoying the "taste" of D&D game we were doing and that it was pretty damned low impact. Read the post, discord a quick plan, write your response and email back. But one of my longer players and good friends fired a cannonade across my port bow so to speak about his reticence in doing that and the time spent on the PBEM. The other 5 players had a completely different view on it when I questioned them individually and assured me to keep on doing the homework assignments as they are once every 5 weeks or so if that, and is a chance to further flesh out their character and the game we are playing.

Asking players to participate in the game OUTSIDE of the game is always a slippery crapshoot and I tend to avoid it, but the pandemic and lack of face time plus the low impact 'fun' assignments I felt should not unduly put anyone out. Every player is different and every group is as well, but the axiom: You get out of it what you put into it, applies to every group, game, and gathering regardless if its D&D, family, job, or life.


Interlude - Lannis and Reward Money!

“So!” Lyra said, dropping her backpack down to the floor with a heavy jangle. “That was a hell of a day, huh?” The Cleric shoved the pack to the right with the side of her foot and lowered herself to her knees to unbuckle her leg greaves.

“Si,” Abraxas said with a foul glance at Brendon, letting his shield fall with a muted ‘TANG’ against the frame of the bed he had been sleeping on in the Barracks. Kovid’s lantern illuminated the majority of the chamber, but the corners were still shrouded in shadows, and it was there that the party’s scout was setting his gear down. “Let’s not have a repeat of that again.” He undid his sword belt, muttering, “Pendejo” as he did so, lips turned into a frown.

“Well, on a brighter note, tomorrow should be a lot easier,” Kovid gave all three of his warhammers a sharp look, running his thumbnail against the hammer’s edges, frowning at the nicks and burrs he found there. “I say we wrap up the kobolds and then get back to mapping.” He took out a small file and proceeded to hone up the edges of his weapon.

“Oui, Monsieur Dwarf,” the elf agreed. Wyn looked tired, still suffering from the wounds he had taken earlier in the day, the elf had a drawn out paleness to him that was not normal for the typically bronzed skinned demi-human. “I for one am looking forward to zee time when thees will be all a memory.” He snorted, taking out his arrows one at a time and checking the heads and quills for tightness. “A distant memory,” he added.

Brendon unlaced his boots, taking his hose off and shaking his head at the hole there. “Little bastard,” he muttered, taking out a small circle of thread and a curved needle.

“What?” Lyra asked.

“Nothing,” the Scout replied. “Nothing,” he threaded the needle and proceeded to sew up the hole in his hose that Jowass had cut there this morning. “Doesn’t matter what I say, no one ever seems to listen,” he muttered.

“Hey!” Lannis interrupted. “Speak up, man!” he removed his hat and dusted it against his leg, shaking the stray bits of grit and webbing off of it. “You going to hang out in the corner murmuring to yourself while fixing your socks, at least be entertaining.”

“Stow it, Lannis,” Brendon sighed, pulling the thread through and then pushing the needle back into the hose. “Going to be sore in the morning,” he griped.

“We all are,” Kovid replied, brows lowered as he slowly filed his hammer sharp again. “It’s part of the joy of adventuring. Plus it builds character. And we’re not anything if not characters, am I right? Ha Ha Ha!” he laughed, teeth splitting his thick beard. “Thor’s Crotch,” he swore, “I am funny.”

“Yeah,” Lannis drawled, rooting through his backpack for his spellbook and cracking it open, the heavy tome taking up the entirety of his lap. “Dwarves are known for their rapier wit and keen sense of humor. As my strange cousin used to say, ‘If you want to laugh at something, laugh at a dwarf!’”

Wyn shrugged, “Pretty sure you ‘ave that a bit wrong, Monsieur Offop.”

“I doubt it. I’m pretty smart. Everyone knows it. And I look forward to getting my share of the reward for the Colorful Elf Crown. And I hope to put all my ingredients of any color on the potions I’ll be making once we get the Rainbow Party Hat.”

“Lannis, you are being strange, even for Lannis,” Lyra had her armor off and was checking each piece to make sure it was free of cracks and rust. “It’s the Prism Crown. And we’re being paid very well to go and get it as well as all the treasures we’ve found so far.”

“True, true,” the Magic User grinned, flicking his hair out of his face. “I have big plans for my portion of that sweet sweet gold.”

“Really?” Kovid asked, one brow raised. “You? So tell me, Big Brain, when all this is over, what will you do with your share of the treasure we've found as well as the reward the Academy is paying us for the return of the Prism Crown?”

“Whatever I want. It’s mine.”

“Seriously,” the dwarf pushed, lowering his hammer and folding one leg over the other. He fixed the Magic User with an open look. “It’s a lot of money, just the finder’s fee. 200 gold crowns. That’s almost 7 years nominal pay.” He swept his hand towards Lannis, “What are your plans?”

The rest of the group all stopped to look at Lannis who returned their questioning glances with an exhausted resignation look. “Really?” he asked, closing his tome and tilting his head back, “What will I do with it?”

He tapped his chin, thin shoulders hunched forward as he mused. “What will I be doing with my share of the treasure you ask? Hmm, I suppose I HAVE been giving it some thought. First thing I'll do is get my own domicile.” He leaned back, gazing up at the ceiling with a faint smile on his face. “Staying at the Academy has grown quite odious, one can simply never get a moment a moment of quiet to one's self. While I'm quite sure mumsy is counting the days until my return…”

“Mumsy?” Wyn asked, head cocked

“My mother. Don’t elves have moms or do you just appear in a rainbow cloud of unicorn farts and broken accents?”

“I ‘ave a mom, Monsieur. But I don’t refer to ‘er as mumsy.”

“I’m sure you refer to her as ‘Lady of the House’ or in your case, ‘Lady of the Moss Covered Shanty’. Now where was I? Oh yes! Mumsy! I don't think I should like to have a roommate any more, certainly not once I'm a wealthy adventurer, that's right, no more sharing a bed for this guy!”

“Wait, wait, wait,” Kovid held his hand up. “You shared a bed with your mom? What are you, 5?”

“This is going to take all day if you keep interrupting me, ok?” Lannis grabbed the lapels of his robes and pulled them straight. “Ah yes! In addition, I would buy a collection of brand new robes in vibrant red.” He snapped his hands sharply off the fabric, making it ‘thwock’ loudly. “I'll not spend one more day wearing these pink nightmares. If you don't know how to do your job, which clearly that washer woman didn't, don't get mad when I correct you."

“I thought it wasn’t the washer woman’s fault,” Brendon tried to say but Lannis cut him off quickly.

“HER fault! Incompetent, a liar, and useless to boot. She should be out collecting field nuggets from the cow pasture since that’s all she’s obviously good for.” He snapped his fingers with a sense of finality. “Now, back to me. What else? Ah, my new home. With its own lab. MY lab. Mine.”

He frowned, “But the lab in my new home would feel incomplete without one important item.”

“What, Senor Lambis? Wot would it be?” Abraxas asked.

“My very own alembic, perfectly weighted, and no one will be allowed to touch them, much less throw them. Oh no,” he chuckled, “MY home is a no throwing zone for all lab equipment and literature. These rules will be easier to enforce of course with my most important of purchases, a special item I'll be having made to my specifications.”

“Dead hooker mounted to a pole?” Lyra offered with a grin.

“No, your mom’s not available,” he quipped back.

“Hey!” She exclaimed, tossing a worn pillow from the bed at him.

“I’ll tell you this much, Lyra. You are at least fishing in the right pond.” He held his hands up, just a bit smaller than his own height. “Now normally when you picture a Golem, you envision a large, hulking brute, right?”

“No one typically envisions a Golem, Manling,” Kovid said, beard wagging.

“I know, I know. Smart people and wizards who can re-sequence the foundations of matter with only a whim do. Pay attention. Golems. Did you know you can make them however you want?”

“Oh gods,” Lyra said, rubbing her temples, whispering low enough for Brendon and Wyn to hear her, “here it goes. It’ll be a broad, mark my words.”

“Mine will be the picture femininity,” Lannis said eyes gleaming with excitement, “painted in the finest flesh tones and wearing the most high end of maid outfits.”

“What a pig. I’m sure he’ll also fill it with semen every time he gets the urge. Shithead.” The Scout and the elf both nodded, mouthing apologies to the Cleric as Lannis continued speaking, not aware that he had already lost the attention of half the room.

“If I plan to have something doing my chores all the time it should at least be pleasing to the eye, right? Right? Right? Guys? Right?"

Abraxas had turned his attention back to his own weapon, whetstone scraping across the sword blade in slow rasping motions. The other three across the chamber were whispering amongst themselves. Only Kovid was giving the Magic User any attention, his hammer held on his thighs, hands holding the hilt lightly. “Well?” Lannis asked, “Pretty good use of my reward money, huh?”

The dwarf waited a few seconds and then chuckled, “Lannis, Lannis, Lannis. Ol’ Big Brain,” he pointed the hammer head at the far door of the Barracks, “He should go down to the local Hatter and get himself an adjustable hat. Better yet,” he snapped his fingers, “he should buy out the Hatter’s services for the next 7 years. Like a puppy this Hatter would follow the Manling, Lannis around, measuring his ever expanding head and documenting his brain growth.”

Lannis was frowning as Kovid continued his thoughts, “When Lannis’s brain gets so large it pushes out all of his hair, the chilly night air won’t bother his bald head, because he’ll always have a hat that fits just right.” He smiled deeply, “That’s what you should do with your money. If and when you get a chance to spend it.”

“You have no idea what’s a good idea, Kovid. I have great ones.”

Nodding and grinning, he lifted his hammer again and proceeded to once more tend to its surface. “Oh,” Kovid replied, “I’ll be sure to build the door frames of the Alehouse extra wide for when you visit.”

Thursday, August 27, 2020

PBEM, Episode 133 - Cleanup Time



Sighing, Wyn bent down in front of the first fallen kobold and began looking over the dead for anything of interest. Pointing at the Ballista, he suggested, “Someone dat knows someting about ballistas shud disarm dat ting. Den we shud damage eet so we don't hafta worry bout eet any more.”

Rubbing her tongue on her sleeve and spitting crumbling bits of cinnamon, Lyra shrugged her aching arm and said, “WOW OW, what the fuck was that all about?? Yea, I’m alright... How is everyone? Does anyone need healing or bandaging?”

“Lady Layra,” Abraxas limped over, “if you can ask Annie for some healing majik, I could use some.”

“I’ll drink my potion,” Brendon offered. “Heal Abraxas.”

Rolling his eyes sarcastically, Abraxas replied, “Oh! Thanks for the 'help' Brundine.” Lyra laid her hands on the Fighter muttering benediction to Aine (CLW 1d6+1, White 4 – Heal 5 Abraxas!) and Brendon drank him potion (Heal 1d6: Red 6 – Heal 6).

“Whatever,” the Scout shook his head. “I’m going to check the other room.”

"Anyway,” Lannis said, “I have an idea for how to disarm this ballista safely, but I'll need someone stronger than myself to help. First, we should release the tension on the cord first, then remove the bolt, so that if the ballista goes off or the string snaps the dry fire won't kill everyone around it…”

Kovid shook his head, “Let’s not break it or take it apart, we may need it in future.”

“Si,” the Fighter agreed, walking the room slowly, looking at the two statues. “Anyways, Señor Lassie, we should maybe just leave the Ballista as it is, no? Point it at the opposite wall, or whatever, who knows if we may need it later?”

“Yeah but leaving it in place wasn’t such a good idea.”

The Dwarf’s fire finally guttered out, “Woo. I think I’m starting to cool off. Which reminds me, we should refill our oil flasks in the classroom before pushing on.” He gave the room a last look over and then addressed the Magic User, “Just crank the tension bar back up, unload the bolt, and crank it back down. If the kobolds can it, you can too. Like Abraxas said, turn it to the wall and keep the tension off in case we need it at some point.” He called out, “Brendon, hang on, I’ll come help you.” And then walked out to the help the Scout look around the Warren. Before he left, Abraxas took out a torch and had Kovid light it so they would still have a light source.

“Yeah, great,” Lannis sighed. “I can do this. I’m smarter than a kobold. Easy peasy.” (<Int Check -2 penalty, Pink 3) The Magic User spent a few minutes looking over the Ballista, working the tension crank up until the chock was against the woven rope band. He locked it in place, withdrew the bolt from the cradle, and then dry fired the machine, the tension bar releasing and settling almost immediately on the chock. He then unlocked it and slowly wound the entire thing back into a resting postion, feeling really good about himself in the process. “Who needs fighters? Brains over brawns, baby.”

Meanwhile Wyn was going body to body, inspecting them, rolling them over, fumbling about the necks, shoulders, pockets, or anything to see if the kobolds had anything of value on them (<Wis, Orange 7). He did manage to uncover 2 Stone Daggers [10 per], 2 Stone Tipped Javelins [15 per], and (5d6 CP: 2,5,4,2,2) 17 Copper Pieces. In addition (Orange 19), one of the Arrows he had fired was still useable and he added it to his quiver. “Eight,” he muttered. “Not going to last.”

Lyra and Abraxas meanwhile were giving the Statue Room a solid once over, Lyra staying away from the statues themselves, and avoiding the “business” end of the Ballista as Lannis was screwing around with it. Most of the room had little more to offer but the two plinths did have some symbology to Theystra along the bases, and the words “Hilva” were written in alternating Elven and Common along the bottoms. “Senora,” Abraxas called out.


“This plinth here, it moves.” Abraxas slid the top of the stone where the Statues would be standing to the side. Inside was a fist sized bit of quartz that had some cracks in it and was glowing very faintly. “Brujah! It’s majiik?”

“Looks like it,” Lyra said, fumbling with the top of the other plinth and showed another similar crystal there. “Another one here too.”

Lannis glanced over (Magic User, >12 Int) and grunted. “Manacrystals. Pretty old ones too.”


“They are used to empower something magical.”

“Like…Stautes?” Lyra asked.

“I would say yes.”

“Do we take them?” Abraxas asked.

“Let’s see what everyone else has found before we make that decision.”

Meanwhile Brendond and Kovid went through the Warren slowly and methodically. They moved chairs, slid boxes, and poked through the bricabrac all over the place with care (<Search Wis, Yellow 4..<Search Wis +2 Thief bonus, Red 6), uncovering one item after another and piling them up near the door. Working together they managed to get through the entire room in a bit over 10 minutes and discovered: 3’ Diameter Tiger Beetle Shell [75], 150 Copper Pieces, 8 Cinnamon sticks [1 per], 2 Slowburn Candles [1 per], 2 Torches [5 per], 20 lbs of scrap iron pieces [200], 3 Cloth Bandages [1 per – surprisingly very clean], Small Pouch of dried Blueberries [5], and finally an old elven sketchbook filled with 60 pages of kittens [10]

Satisfied there was little else to see, they came out and rejoined the group in the Meeting Room where Abraxas was using his torch to burn the slime pile in here. “Ok, we found a bunch of stuff,” Kovid said, “But when we’re done, we are going to need to top off on some oil.”

Time now is: Day 4, 8:34 AM


XP: Explore 2 Rooms @ 15 per: Everyone Add 30 XP each.

Treasure: Everyone add 28 Copper Pieces, except for Lyra, Add 27 Copper Pieces.

Ok – taking anything? Manacrystals? Any of the other stuff? What’s the plan and after divide up, where are we going to go next?

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

PBEM, Episode 132 - Final Kobold Stand



As for the Scout, he gave the room a quick look over, dismayed that there was too much to look through and from the sounds two rooms over, there was a lot of combat going on. “Damn it,” he cursed the kobold woman on the floor. Reaching down he grabbed her by the leg, making sure there was no slime near that part (it was all the way up the arm and working on the chest and neck now), and proceeded to drag her out of the room and to the Meeting Room. “Couldn’t you have died somewhere other then where we need to check?” he bitched as he pulled her behind him, jogging the last few steps as her body began to breakdown, the green slime running through her body with increasing speed.

Meanwhile, Abraxas gave the K-800 he was fighting a swift boot to the gut and tried to shove his way between the Cleric and the Statue fighting her. He shoved a Cinnamon Stick at her, begging, "Priestess, por favor, eat some stick and share with Wynods. It is the only way to stop the statues!”

“How do you know?” She asked, ducking another set of blows aimed her way. “I mean, its cinnamon! You don’t just eat it!”

“Si! It is good! I know because Senor SaurKraut and me we both eat it and the statues no attack us. You instead smear it on you, statue attacks you.” He shoved hard (Strength Check: Abraxas Blue 9 vs Statue Teal 4 – Beat by 8 vs beat by 9 – Statue Wins) but could not interpose himself between the Cleric and the Statue. He could though stand there at her side, using his shield to upset the statue’s blows from striking.

“Por Favor! I can not take anymore hits, but will stand here. Eat the Ceenamoon. ¡Rapido, rapido!”

“I can’t!” she cried out, “It’s so terrible and gross! Maybe we can just do something else?”

“Oh for fuck’s sake,” Lannis cursed, biting half of his remaining stick and chewing on it, shoving the other half at Lyra who was holding Abraxas’ piece in her shield hand and trying not to vomit. “So sorry this is affecting your delicate constitution. I found that other shoe I was just talking about! Adventuring can be fun." Sighting the closest Statue, he let his fingers flex and fired off a Pause spell at the elven carved figure (>Save vs Spells, Black 20) but the enchantment fizzled and busted apart, the statue kept on attacking.

"Priestess... I know you 'ate de cinnamon but you need ta eat de cinnamon to live!" Wyn was pressed back behind the door, aware that if the statue decided to turn his or Lannis’ way they were in danger.

Lyra gave a dry heave as she smelled the cinnamon, turning her gaze away and tossing the stick back to Wyn. “Here! I know you want it!” she said.

Biting half of it and chewing hard, Wyn called back to her, “You need ta EAT de cinnamon. I tink dat was Salazar's idea de 'ole time eet only click with me now dough.”

Kovid slammed his hammer at the K800 he was fighting (=+3 to hit, Yellow 9) and connected with the expressionless kobold (1d8+2 damage, Yellow 7 + 2 – 9 Damage!) and shattered bone, twisting it’s body in an almost impossible angle. “Lady Lyra,” he asked, “Are you alright?!”

“Arrgh!” She growled grimacing at the stick Lannis was shoving in her face. “Is it worth dying over? Aine help me!” With her free hand she snatched it out of the Magic User’s hand and shoved it in her mouth, chewing obnoxiously. “MMM! LOOK IT’S DELICIOUS. WOOOOOW SO GOOD! I LOVE THIS SHIT! SO SPICE!” She hacked and coughed and tried to force it down, crumbly bits of cinnamon and phlegm spraying from her curled lips as she tried to force it down.

And the Statues stopped attacking her, glanced at Lannis and nodded, and then glanced at Wyn and nodded. Just standing there.

“Great job, getting that down, Lyra!” Lannis chuckled. “Now the undead please?! I mean I’m sure doubled over trying to swallow something disgusting is a normal weeknight activity for you, but you need to work as well.”

“I am so…HACK!…I am so going to…COUGH!”

“Yes, yes. You will. Later.”

“Aine! For the suffering I am going through, TURN these zombies!” A red aura surrounded Lyra and then billowed out, catching both of the kobold zombies (Turn undead – Auto. 2d6 HD. White 5+2 = 7 HD). They staggered back, looked around the room, and seeing the open door, ran away with increasing speed, lurching into the Meeting Room where Brendon hunkered back and watched them turn and run south through the open door and down the  steps.

In the growing silence, Kovid took a shuddering breath and looked around with some concern. “Where’d the thieffff-I-mean-scout go? These statues are just staring at me. Thor’s crotch itch am I still on fire?!”

The statues were indeed just standing there, swords pointed at the floor, and the group drew a collected breath (WMC: Red/Black 5) before letting it out and relaxing at long last.

Time now is: Day 4, 8:14 AM


XP Time. Green Slime: 30 xp Divided

6 Kobolds @ 15 per: 90 xp Divided

3 Zombies (1 killed, 2 turned) @ 65 per: 195 xp Divided

2 Living Statues (Made ineffective) @ 120 xp per: 240 xp Divided

Lannis: Add 132 xp

Lyra: Add 122xp

Wyn: Add 98 xp

Abraxas: Add 203 xp (bonus for cinnamon and scrapes)

Brendon: Add 97 xp

Kovid: Add 113 xp

Battle finished. Nothing came. You have a loaded Ballista and if interested, the Warren room to check. Many dead bodies as well. What’s the plan?

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

PBEM, Episode 131 - Final Kobold Stand



"Monsieur Dwarf... I tink yer flame is goin' out a bit,” Wyn noticed, “You wanna bring it back to de high glow for de full effect? Give me one ov yer flask ov oil en Wyn'll top ye off."

Quickly Kovid tossed a flask of oil to Wyn who upended it over the dwarf and his fires raced high again. “It’s my spell,” Lyra commented, “But I have to admit, it’s weirding me out.”

As Kovid spun his hammer in one hand and made ready to race in, Lannis said, "Besides from some minor set backs this all seems to going surprisingly well. When is the other shoe going to drop?"

And then Kovid burst into the next room, one hand over head, fire racing ahead of him (< Remove Trap +5% bonus, Yellow 11! Success) and caught the bowl full of slime with one hand! “HA!” he crowed, pressing his burning hand into the slime and cooking it instantly. As for Gowan and the rest of the room, there was a moment where the beheld the flaming dwarf and the ballista 2/3rd turned to the door (Burning Dwarf Raction check, White 1+1 = 2 – Stay) and the moustached kobold screamed, “AHHHH!H!H!HH!H!HHHAHAHAHH!H!H!”

(Initiative: Party Steel 3, Enemy Red/Black 1)

“Stop them from turning the ballista!” the dwarf cried as he charged across the chamber, hammer spinning wildly. Gowan turned and dropped into a fighter’s stance, a sharp looking stone knife appearing in his grasp and measured the approaching dwarf with a keen eye and set himself up to counter the first attack. Kovid swung (>+3 to hit, Yellow 18). The hammer whistled and hit (1d8+2 Damage, Yellow 6 – 8 Damage and killed!). And Gowan’s head caved in like a melon! “Suck it, yourself!”

Abraxas was a half step behind the dwarf when he ran but the fighter put on a burst of speed (Charge, double movement), sword held out like a lance, skirting around the wall and aiming for the kobold near the back corner. He shouted, "Hilva! Hilva, we say, protect us stone guardians de Bastille Ipsen! Goedwan, it is now time…” At this point Gowan was killed with a single blow by the dwarf and Abraxas shook his head as he hacked at one of the 2 kobolds here. “Really, Senor? I had a whole thing I was gonna say!” (>+5 to hit, Blue 14) His blade stabbed in and out three times at the kobold, drawing blood each time, before he pulled back and riposted, tearing the life out the overmatched anklebiter (1d8+2 Damage, Blue 2 – 4 Damage and killed!!). “Ah. It’s ok. Suck it to you!” he addressed the dying kobold.

Leaving one.

Lyra was in the room sling whirling overhead. “Keep the door clear,” she commanded, “I’m going to need a lane for these zombies to flee to.”

“K800, Senora,” Abraxas offered.

“What? They’re zombies.”

Lannis shrugged, right behind the priestess, his hands already dripping with sorcery. “Are we consistent or correct? We can’t be both.”

“Ugh! Never mind,” she replied and let her sling fly (>+3 to hit, White 1 Fumble! Result: White 3 – Lose weapon) but something happened and she hurled the stone and the sling away from her and into the corner behind the last kobold! “Aine! Really!?”

“Haw Haw Haw,” Abraxas laughed, “You missed him, Senora! Mayhap Manana!”

“Nicely done, Lyra,” Lannis offered, wrapping up his spell.

“Bite it, Manmeat,” she replied.

“Not now. Busy. IN BET GRAV!” (1d4 Damage, Pink 3 and killed!) A bolt of chaos ripped from the air in front of Lannis and burrowed into the last kobold, burning his chest and neck and sending him screaming to the ground, dying from the efforts. Wyn was the last in the room, sword in front of him, giving the door a wide swath of space for Lyra’s turning.

Meanwhile, Brendon opted not to follow the party into the combat, instead opening the door to the south that Lannis had closed and then opening the door with the holes in it at the top of the stairs, his own short sword in his hand. Inside was a kobold woman on the ground, green slime more than 2/3rds of the way up her arm, and an additional bowl of it near by. He looked down at her and hissed, “Show me a fucking key already, you mother fucking camael sucking douche bags fro Staten Island!” as he shoved his sword into her head and killed her (yippie).

He then turned to look at the room. There were 4 statues in each corner of the chamber, each one was of a larger than life elven maiden in some sort of dress. They were pretty and had a serene look on their face. There were 4 plush chairs that had a number of small cuts in them from the sharp scales and claws of the kobolds who had sat upon them. The reek of kobolds was strong in here. A variety of cast off piles of stray grasses, cloth, bits of boxes, and what not made up sleeping areas for at least a dozen kobolds or more, but as of now, only 1, the dead one, was here.

Back at the combat, the two statues had been moving slowly but then with slowly building speed as they marched across the chamber. They each turned to look at Kovid…and nodded briefly. Then Abraxas…and nodded briefly. Then Lyra…

And attacked the Cleric with their stone swords. “What the fuck!?” she cried out, shield up hastily as the statues slammed their stone blades at her. Each one was sure and focused, and struck repeatedly at the Priestess (<+3 to hit, Red 11..>+3 to hit, Black 15). She was able to avoid most of the blows but was slammed by a solid shot that sent vibrations up her arm and had her grit her teeth in pain (1d6 Damage, Red/Black 3 – Take 3 Damage). The other statue also tried to hit the cleric (<+3 to Damage, Teal 4..<+3 to hit,  Green 5) but her armor and shield were able to protect her from most of the shots. “Why are they attacking me!?”

“I don’t know,” Lannis said. “I’m just glad it’s you and not me. Those blows look like they hurt!”

“You think?!” she cried, struggling to draw her club.

Meanwhile the two zombies, K800, finally joined the fight, one going after Kovid and the other heading for Abraxas on the other side of the Ballista. Kovid’s assailant (<+4 to hit, Green/Red 9) struck at the flaming dwarf hard but failed to do any damage to him, instead, from being so close to the flaming dwarf and engaging him in hand to hand combat, the zombie suffered burns for its efforts (take 2 damage) as it stoically struck at him.

The last one on Abraxas (<+4 to hit, Purple/Blue 4) was in no condition to hit seriously as the Ballista kept hampering its attacks and Abraxas was able to keep it at bay. “Are we going to turn them, Senora?!”

“I hope so!” she cried, ducking another terrible sword swing at her head.

(Initiative: Party White 2, Enemy Red/Black 4)

“Not now,” Lannis cried back.

Lyra had to struggle against a concentrated attack from the two statues (<+3 to hit, Steel 4..<+3 to hit, Steel 9..<+3 to hit, Blue/Red 10..>+3 to hit, Grey/Red 15) blocking what she could and taking some hits, wearing down a little more (1d6 Damage: Red 4 – Take 4 Damage). “Aine Damn it! Stop hitting me!”

Kovid’s K-800 was struggling again to connect with the dwarf (<+4 to hit, White 10) but was unable to, and again took some burns from the fire’s proximity (Take 2 damage). “Well, Thor knows I’m hurting it.”

“That’s using your fire!” Lannis cheered.

The last K800 finally got under the ballista’s firing arm and was able to strike at the Fighter with fervor (>+4 to hit, Green/Red 16) connecting solidly with the big man (1d8 Damage: Red/Black 8! Damage Deflection Strength Check Blue 7, Reduced to half – Take 4 Damage!) who was able to turn part of the assault away with his shield, his head still ringing from the blow.

“Ok! It’s time for us to change the tempo!” Lannis smiled and then looked around. “Where the hell is Brendon?”

Time now is Day 4, 8:12 AM


Bottom of the round, your turn. The statues ignored Kovid and Abraxas for attacks, and Lyra was the next in line and attacked her. There is a clear line out of the room if you’d like to turn. Lyra has taken 7 hp, Abraxas 4. The normal kobolds are all killed. Brendon, the room you are in is pretty big and messy and the only kobold in here is being eated and has been killed. Door to the room is closed, there is light coming from the light stone in here.

Monday, August 24, 2020

PBEM, Episode 130 - Final Kobold Stand



Kovid threw his shoulder at the K800 he was fighting, splashing some burning oil on the stoic kobold as he knocked it back a step and then swung his hammer at full extension (>+3 to hit, Yellow 10), slamming the ensorcelled head into the zombie’s chest (1d8+2 Damage: Yellow 3+2 = 5 Damage!) and cracking half a dozen ribs there.

Seeing it was still upright, Abraxas launched (<+5 to hit, Blue 6) a series of cuts and slashes at it, "Corres, you undead abomination! DIE!" hacking off chunks of flesh and opening up rents in the kobold, but nothing critical was hit for his efforts.

Lyra had another sling stone loaded and launched (>+3 to hit, White 14) where it hit the kobold in the left arm (1d3 Damage: White 1, 1 Damage) snapping the bone but little else. “Oh come on!”

The K800 was readying itself for another assault when Wyn took one of his dwindling supply of arrows (down to 7 after this shot) and sighting the ruined eye socket as his target (>+5 to hit, Orange 12) let his arrow fly where it found its mark (1d6 Damage: Orange 4 and killed!!) and it fell over dead. “Enfin Termine!”

Abraxas and Kovid (still on fire!) made their way over to the eastern door, the Fighter taking out his mirror, Wyn watching them with care, while Lyra looked back at the South hall and whispered to Lannis and Brendon, “Any idea if there’s more of these guys in the next room?” 

"Working on it Lyra,” Lannis whispered, “you'll know when we do, Brendon get that light stone in there so we can see what lies inside.”

Holding it with his two fingers, the Scout flicked it expertly through the door (Dex > 10, no roll needed) where it illuminated the next chamber. Peering through the holes, the two friends were able to see a warren area and sleeping section for the kobolds with a single female of the species asleep just inside the door, on the ground and unmoving. There was a single stone bowl about half filled with green slime in it near her…and another bowl, turned over near her hand where she was slumped over sleeping, a rather large patch of green slime on the floor and on her hand and arm, burrowing deeper and spreading across the enchanted sleeping kobold.

“Oh,” Lannis quipped, “That was unexpected and works.” He coaxed Brendon to follow him and the two of them closed the South door behind them. “One problem with kobolds solved. Made a new one with green slime, but hey, you have to break some eggs to make that omelet.”

Checking out his own quiver of dwindling arrows (Down to 11), Brendon drew his short sword and glanced at the dead kobolds in here, “I’m getting sick of these fucking things.”

Kovid was near the open door and listening (>Hear Noise, Yellow 17) but outside of some movement and kobold voices cursing and muttering, nothing specific stood out.

“Senor,” Abraxas held up his small mirror, “Allow me, si?”

“I don’t know, Abraxas,” Kovid muttered, voice sounding odd in the fire, “Not a good chance to spot much with that. Don’t get your hand bit off.”

“I’ll be careful,” and Abraxas hunched low, held the mirror before him and tried to angle it into the next room (<Wis Check -4 penalty with mirror, Blue 1 – Perfect!) and panned the glass back and forth. “Hokay. I see..hmm, 2 statues, Si. Dos. They are not standing on the plinth block but looking at the uno, dos…tres kobolds! Si, Tres. One of them ‘as a ridiculous moustache glues to his snout. Must be Senor Gowhands. They are trying to turn the grande ballista from the door but it is muchos heavy. Oh, and there are one…dos of the zombie k-800 as well just standing there.”

He straightened up, lifting the mirror and stopped. “Ohh!”


Abraxas pointed straight up, “The door! It is open like when I did this to my brother when we were jovenes! The is a bowl up there! Stone.” He put his mirror away, “But given that it is de mierda kobolds, I would guess it is not aqua in the bowl.”

“So,” Kovid muttered, “Green slime in a bowl balanced on top of the door. 2 Statues, 2 K-800, and 3 kobolds with a ballista, 1 of them Gowan Sukiht. Is that it?”

“Si! Imagine if I could see more through the door.”

The group shared with the party what they had learned as Kovid’s flames guttered lower (out next round).

Time now is: Day 4, 8:10 AM


Ok! This is it! Last of the kobolds and last of Grilljax’ zombies. What’s the plan?!?

Sunday, August 23, 2020

PBEM, Episode 129 - Final Kobold Stand



Taking her shield back from Brendon, Lyra turned to the scout and offered, “Say the word Brendon and I’ll burn a healing spell if you need. Or anyone else for that matter. Just remember it’s still early in the day.”

“Lets zee ‘ow th’ day goes, Lady Lyra,” Wyn suggested, tossing the slime covered cushion into the barrel and handing the shield back to Abraxas. "We close dis door, den press forward, oui?” He pulled the door closed into the long hall giving Kovid a side long glance as the dwarf was burning away but only the oil poured on him was being consumed. “So, erm, Real disturbing, but…” he motioned to the top of the stairs, “Do we bash down de door? Monsieur Dwarf... do you want to be on fire?"

Looking down at himself through the flames, the dwarf’s grin was wide, splitting his beard with a show of oil dripped flames and white teeth. “Oh. Like Thor’s Smithy, on fire of course.”

Keeping a wide distance between him and the burning dwarf, Lannis drew his Rod of Ishtari with one hand and another flask of oil with the other, popping the top, and said, "Well this hasn't exactly gone according to plan, but as we all know the sign of a good leader is their ability to improvise. Here, let me help you out there burning man, I'll try not to since your NIPPLES.” And poured the oil across the dwarf’s head, reigniting the flames and causing him to fire up with a crackling oily scent.

Making an attempt to clap the dwarf on the shoulder and then thinking against it, Abraxas grinned and said, "Vamonos Señor Koivish, let's charge those Kobs!"

He had his silver hammer in two hands and charged up the stairs, Abraxas half a step behind him. Wyn with his bow followed and then Lyra, also half a step back to avoid the flaming dwarf followed, her sling spinning over head. And finally Lannis and Brendon who gave his new STONE TIPPED JAVELIN [15] a rue grin and stowed it under his backpack strap before taking out his bow and arrow and said as an aside to Lannis, “You’re right, that didn’t work as I expected but I did get a new weapon to play with.”

At full speed Kovid slammed into the door ON fire and saw the same Grilljax room as before, but only 3 kobolds were along the east wall, the two that had run from us after knocking down the Cask, and a seemingly uninterested kobold standing between the other two. The far door to the east was open ajar about a foot and the group could faintly hear some kobold voices cursing in there. For a moment everyone just looked at each other and then Abraxas yelled, “Su es SEÑOR KOVID MANSLAYER, 19th of his line, adventurer, slayer, champion. Yo soy ABRAXAS SALAZAR, you have attacked mi amigo and now, las cosa que ultimo miras, ES FUEGO!”

(Surprise Check: Red/Black 6)

(Initiative: Party Steel 4 vs Kobolds Red/Black 1 – Party wins)

(Morale check – flaming dwarves will do that: 4+6 = 10 – FAILED! That was fast)

The two kobolds looked at each other and started to cry, one of them making the sign of warding against evil, while the middle one continued to be unimpressed.

And then the burning dwarf hit (>+3 to hit, Yellow 17) with his war hammer at full two handed extension, connecting with the lone kobold looking to back up (1d8+2 Damage: Yellow 5 +2 – 7 Damage and killed!!) and crushing it chest and sending it careening back to the wall where it hit and bounced off dead, Kovid shouting ,”Hilva! HIlva!” as loud as he could.

“Bueno! A fine hit!” Abraxas cheered targeting the other kobold who seemed to be wetting himself, his sword slashing down at a fierce angle (>+5 to hit, Blue 17) and connecting with the anklebiter’s shoulder and ripping an slash through its midsection (1d8+2 Damage: Blue 3+2, 5 Damage and killed!) causing it to scream and gurgle in its own blood as its lungs were torn open.

Wyn was next, sighting at the now moving calm kobold. “k800, Priestessiere, Magic or silver?”

“Nope,” she replied, “Standard Aine despised bog variety zombie.”

“Ah de bog,” he shot his arrow (>+5 to hit, Orange 13), “Reminds moi of ‘ome.” The clothyard shaft quivered as it struck the kobold square in the chest (1d6 Damage: Orange 5) and drove it back half a step, but it ignored the effect and stepped forward again.

“Ugh, zombies!” Lyra cursed, letting her stone soar (>+3 to hit, White 19) where it cracked with bone shattering force against the kobold’s head (1d3 Damage: White 5 – 3 Damage) and caved its eye socket it, but the zombie remained upright and approached. 

Still in the hall and getting to the top of the steps was Lannis and Brendon but the Scout stopped and glanced at the west door (Hear Noise, Red 08), noting that the wood was in poor condition near the bottom of the door, thin, splintered, and had a number of ragged 4” looking holes in it from where the green slime had eaten it. “You son of a…” he cursed, slinging his bow away and pulling his new stone tipped javelin out.

“What?” Lannis asked.

Brendon smiled, lined up his shot at one of the holes and the shadow on the other side, and replied, “Oh nothing. Just this!” and SLAMMED his javelin through the hole until his hand hit the door (>+1 to hit -2 penalty, Red 14) and the javelin stabbed into someone on the other side, howling out in kobold as the scout drew his javelin free, the end stained with blood (1d4 Damage: Red 2).

“Oh no,” Lannis shook his head and aimed his fingers at the door, “Not this time, Kobolds. ZU!!” The scent of roses filled the air as pink streamers and smoke sieved through the holes in the door and filled the room inside, the magic user shoving the spell as far away as his magic would let him in order to hit the unfamiliar chamber (2, 4, 4, 2 – 12 hd) and the two friends in the hall were rewarded with the sound of something falling to the floor inside the door and then stillness except for faint snores.

“Great job, Lannis.” Brendon offered, the two of them finishing them progress up to the room.

Inside the K-800 had finally gotten close enough to strike at the fighters (Random d6: 1-3 Kov, 4-6 Abr – White 4 – Abraxas) and struck out at the human. Abraxas had his shield in place and traded blows with the preternaturally strong kobold, (>+4 to hit, Black 15) getting bruised and smacked about in the process (1d8 Damage: red/Black 6 – Damage Deflection Str Check: Blue 1, Take 3 Damage) the fighter rolling with some of the hits. “Senor! I forgotted how hard these banditos hit!”

(Initiative, Party White 2 vs Kobold Red/Black 4)

The kobold struck out a series of blows and buffets again, its movements quiet and its visage strange with its eye socket caved in and a arrow sticking out of its chest (<+4 to hit, Red/Black 9) but the Fighter was more than ready for the fight this time and blocked the majority of the blows with ease.

Kovid’s fire was still burning for this round and all the next, anyone in the next room had NOT come in to investigate the fighting although the door was ajar and the combat loud, Hilva was yelled twice but we don’t know if that had an effect, and Lannis had slept whatever was in the room to the west that Brendon had stabbed in.

Time now is 8:08


Bottom of next round. What’s the plan?