This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

PBEM - Episode 311. Bedrooms and Adepts

“Have you all decided where we’re going?” Brendon asked, hand on the knob to take us out of here, pointing to the lock and motioning to Wyn. “Know where we’re going?”

Unlocking the door to the Throne Room, Wyn moved back in line. “I tink we go nord den east en check out doze 4 rooms in de nord east corner. Goal would be to find de Duchess’ room en divest her of de potions.”

Lannis smiled, "Born ready surface tension, lead the way. Normally I'd argue for going to the lab first like a sane person, but I see the value in raiding Duchess' s shit first."

“Bedrooms then,” Kovid muttered, checking over the map. “May be two bedrooms... may be four, or some combination. Let’s find out.”

“Those bedrooms sounds as good as anything else,“ Lyra offered.

“Say Lyra,” the Magic user offered, “you’ve got something in your hair.” 

Giving him the friendship finger, the Cleric retorted, “Lannis, there’s something on your— oh. Never mind! That’s just your face.”

“Probably should listen to de doors first to see if we cen get any clues,” Wyn suggested.

“Was already going to,” said the Scout.

“Or just start at de top and work our way south.” Wyn sighed, thinking, tapping his thigh with one of Alha’s short swords. “Since Monsieur du Lac need to check fer traps en locked doors. I tink Duchess will have a locked en trapped room. I know dis be obvious, but I want to make sure it is said.”

"Also, Señor Lepsis saw that Ella Dykstra was en the room,” Abraxas was spinning his scythe, looking pleased with himself as he did so. “We should probably assume she has some sort of guard force - gobs, hobs or Orcasas - near her chamber. Tambien, we should assume tiene traps near her chamber. I'll stay in the back when it es tiempo a open la puerta."

“Oui! Good tinking.” Abraxas beamed as the elf continued his advice. “Keep a nose out for the smell of musty books and scrolls. Dere was a bookcase and scrolls everywhere on her room. Wyn will also keep his keen nose out for the smell of wolfsbane. She might need to have more of that on hand, just in case. Well not anymore since we messed dat wolf bitch up buon, but ye all know what I mean.”

“Um, speaking of gross things.” Lyra had her Flail out, frowning slightly. “Someone remind me - did we get the chance to cleanse the bandages today?”

“No, Lass,” Kovid replied, “That was yesterday.”

“Damn it,” she pouted, “Let’s just keep that in mind before we settle down tonight. I’m starting to feel like we’re going to need them later.”

“We’ll just add that to the ‘to do’ list, your worship,” Lannis smirked.

“Also are we sure they can’t raise these snakes again? Maybe someone wants to really get a good crush on their skulls before we leave if they’re not already?”

“Priestesse, dere is no more skulls so dere is no more raising. It’s tres bien.”

“Who knows what that goofy dragon will do,” the Wizard groused, “Might stitch them together, back to back and make a giant worm looking mess of a thing with no mouth but a bad attitude.”

“Let’s not give him any ideas,” Brendon said. With his bow and arrow out, he listened to the door one last time (no roll needed) and then opened it up, scanning the hallway. It was empty in each direction, and after a moment where Lannis stepped forward to look with his Detect Invisible spell going (saw nothing), he gave the thumbs up and Brendon led the party out and to the east.

Abraxas was the last out and he closed the door, where Wyn waited a moment to lock it again, and then returned to his place in line. There were some distant voices and noises, testament that the denizens of the castle were up and moving about; although none of them sounded nearby or of concern to the party. He took us slowly down the hall to the corner, where Lannis once again stepped forward to look around (still nothing to see), and gave the Scout a supportive tap on his back and nodded.

Brendon led the group down the hall a short distance to the first door on the eastern wall where he leaned in to listen and check for traps. While that was going on, the rest of the party was on high alert, weapons ready and senses high. The Scout ran his finger tips quickly along the jamb, leaned in to listen hard (>Hear Noise, +10 bonus, Red 97) and then gave the portal one last check over. The party could hear faint voices through the door, they were not immediately identifiable but they had the same cadence and sound that the Adepts had and we had faced the salamanders twice already. But the voices were too muffled and far away to make out anything detailed.

“Door opens away from us and into the room to the right,” the Scout whispered. “No traps, no locks, can’t tell how many are in there but the conversation leads me to believe at least 3 at the minimum.”

“Dey do cast spells,” Wyn muttered.

“Don’t remind me,” both Lannis and Abraxas replied, each grinning at the memory.

“We going in?” Kovid asked, hand gripping his hammer a bit tighter.

(Sense the group? >Wis check, White 20 – fumble – Lol – no!)

“I dunno,” Brendon shrugged. “But I do have a good feeling about this.”

Time now is Day 8, 7:50 AM
34 Mins, Detect Invisible. OK, at door 1. Going in? And if so – there will be a surprise check as they flubbed their listen/sense for the group.

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