This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

PBEM - Episode 329. Trying to find the way



"I would like to reintroduce the motion that we hide in the lab,” Lannis suggested with a harsh whisper. He held his hand up and looked around angrily, “Show of hands?” He lowered it quick and began pushing Lyra to turn around and head back. “Motion passes. I have an extra towel if everyone else wants to go in ahead of me.”

Taking the hint, Lyra began making her way back down the stairs, allowing the elf and dwarf to pass in front of her. “Who names themselves…OR a child Smallpox?”

“Could be worse, could be named Lyra.”

The Cleric shook her head and stepped down hard on Lannis’ heel, making the wizard jerk a moment before she grabbed the back of his robe and yank him back from tripping down the stairs. “Ooops,” she sneered, “You know me and my hooves.”

He rubbed his foot as he kept his comments to himself, following the rest of the group. (Party Move Silent >Red 18) But he did slip off the end of the next step and clattered down two more with a buffeting thumping noise, before coming to a stop at Kovid’s back, the sound of the platemail being hit echoed briefly through the halls.

Brendon whirled around, eyes wide, hands in the air, staring death at the rest of the party as we strained to listen (Enemy sense group -2 penalty distance, +4 bonus too much noise, >Black 15 – still no) but after 20 or so fevered heartbeats there were no untoward sounds or approaching enemies coming.

Abraxas gave the Cleric and Wizard a piercing glower, "Silencio, amigos. Necessitamos muy muy quiet. The Lab is closest, si. Pero we dont know if it will have another exit. It could just be a death trap. Pero if that's our option solo, let's do it, mas rapido."

“Labs?” Kovid whispered to Wyn.

“Oui,” he agreed with a frown, “It’s now or never. Cent go west, nord or down... time fer de lab.”

“Wow, lab huh?” Brendon snickered, “Wish I’d have thought of that.” He tapped the two and motioned ahead. “Let me go and check the door one last time.”

Wyn nodded, “Good luck, Du Lac.”

The Scout gave the door a third look over (no roll needed) confident that it was closed, but not locked (there was a keyhole), opened away from us and to the right, and there were no tripwires, plates, or anything that he could sense from this side. After getting quickly briefed, Kovid draped his towel over his head, Wyn doing the same, and grabbed the handle…and turned it, opening the door into the room.

The chamber was pretty sizable and the lantern light only dimly lit the opposite side of the chamber. Stuffed animals and heads were about the room and there were shelves of books and scrolls. Countless jars, powders, and herbs covered most of the remaining available shelf and table space. Symbols had been painted on the walls as well as charts of formulas. There was an almost 20’ run of tables covered in alembics, glass tubings, scales, burners, braziers, and the likes. The far end of the room had a faint glow of embers coming from a combination glass furnace/fireplace, and there were three liarge barrels stacked against the north wall. A work table had more of the same, a single chair with some extensions nailed to the bottom, making the chair sit about nine to twelve inches higher than normal.

There was another door on the far end of the room, also closed. And dimly seen in the south east corner was a 7’ iron statue of an elven knight, a polishing cloth covering its shield and what seemed to be a dirty leather apron hanging from one gauntlet.

With the group quickly looking around and knowing that wandering goblins or the like could be walking the hall any moment, the decision was simple – in and shut the door, or out and go somewhere else?

Time now is Day 8, 10:35 AM


Shorter turn – 5 minutes elapsed time. Ok – are we all in or not? Decisions. And if in, who wants to do what? Don’t forget, there is another door on the other side of the chamber.

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