This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

PBEM, Episode 63 - Mosaic Spa, Rod, Collapse


“Ok, this is not for me. Wyn? Kovid? Can you come check this out?” Brendon walked away from the room with the PEDESTAL and stopped in front of the crab part of the mosaic. “I wonder if the key opens an area in which crabs come out or if the pool in the other room fills with them.” He patted Wyn on the back. “We could learn a lot from you!”

Wyn was nodding slowly as he looked around. “If water ees de womb en dere are monsters, den dis key’ole could lead to de mudder ov monsters, no?”

“Monsieur du Lac, may you check out the last doo to the steam room, too? Before dat, can we turn off de light for a few seconds to see if de infravision shows us anyting else of de tiles? Seems like someting de sex elves would do if dey be doing eet in de dark, no?”

“Probably. Maybe. I hope it doesn’t, honestly.” Lyra shuddered. “Don’t exactly want to meet the Mother of Monsters. Especially when we just murdered one of her children.”

She pointed past Kovid to the pool room. “Maybe if we turn the lights off we should just shut the door behind us? At least then we don’t have anything sneaking up on us while we can’t see.”

Abraxas nodded enthusiastically, tapping Lannis and indicated the partially used torch. "Perhaps we don’t ALL have to be in the dark? In case a Monster creeps up on us. I will light a torch for those that need light and we can hang out in the room with the dead Apa, while Señors Kovoid and Wynsie check out the rooms with their darkness eyes. In that time we can put the cabinet back into place blocking the door for now."

Brendon had given the crab portion of the mosaic a final look and was sure there was nothing there besides the key hole and of interest. He then went over to the north door with the steam at the bottom, and it felt just like the similar door OUTSIDE the Ishtari area – warm not scalding.

Lannis and the other 3 had filed out of the Mosaic room, closing the door behind them. The Magic User made his way towards the front of the Cabinet room and once Abraxas lifted the cabinet and began to move it away, “Grah-sigh-ass Say-nor Ah-brahx-ees,” he said with a genuine smile, waiting for some indication that he did well. He was still waiting as Brendon and Lyra both gave with withering glances, the Fighter grunting with effort as he replaced the cabinet.

He looked over the Ape with a practiced eye seeing if there was anything about the large beast that someone missed, not finding anything.

Meanwhile, Kovid was looking around the pedestal room, “Agreed Wyn, let’s see what this marble pedestal has in store for us. I bet my dwarf eyes are keener in the dark. What’dya say? If I find something of import first you owe me an ale, and if you find something first the ale is on you! HA ha HA ha!”

“ Maybe dwarfriend, you en I check de ped-ee-stall room in de dark first to see if dere be anyting hidden in plain sight…”

“That’s what I said. Except let me check out the pedestal first in the light.”

“Zen that iz NOT what you said.”

“It’s close enough.”

“But…you know what? Whatever. Go look at your rock.”

Kovid went up to the pink marble pedestal. The room did indeed feel…hollow to the dwarf, as if it was empty on some level. The pedestal was 5’ tall and the marble was pink (<Stonework, Yellow 1) naturally. It was all one piece and the dwarf gave it a nudge and tap, feeling around. He found no join marks, chisel marks, or anything like it. In fact the pedestal was without any sign of crafted by hand that he frowned, thinking it was formed by magic.

“Seems like so much cheating to me,” he complained. Wyn shrugged, letting the dwarf finish his investigation. The rock itself was solid…but had a different pass through on vibration. “Huh,” he grunted, tapping the stone again and feeling it with his other hand. “It’s solid,” he said, “but I think the core, the center of this pedestal is actually metal.”

“Zo…a metal core with featureless pink marble around it?”

“That’s what I would guess.”

“Hmm, weird.” Wyn turned back to the Mosaic room, Kovid following, lantern aloft. “Ok, Monsieur. Douse it please.”

Kovid turned the flame down on the lantern and it grew dimmer fast and then went out, and the dwarf and elf had their infravision flare to life. “Ah! Now ZHAT makes more sense!”

“Ugh! My eyes! Eww!”

The mosaic walls had changed now, with the scenes on the wall now looked the same but the subtle heat signature difference painted an altered depiction of the former layout. It was filled with bacchanal displays of sex and debauchery. The elves in the water were outwardly having sex, the mermaids were flaunting themselves, Ishtari had a hand inside her dress between her legs, the entire mosaic was overt and obvious. Wyn felt himself getting flushed and Kovid was feeling a stirring in his armor. However the spire of black rock and crab with the spread claws was now depicted as a set of spread thighs and a long spire reaching for the center – the center that had a warm glow to it exactly the same shape as the key.

“I’m going to say this is a tie. Just give me a drink when you can.” Kovid adjusted himself awkwardly, looking around. “And some eye bleach. Seriously, elves are just weird.”

“Oui. But if you were a goddess of sex and magic, you’ve got to admit thees iz a place for it.” He pointed to the pedestal room. “Shall we?”

The two of them walked to the door there and looked in. Even in the infravision range spectrum, the room still felt muted, cool, and unfinished. Waiting even. BUT the pedestal was not so much light blue but green in hue, indication that it was a good 15 degrees warmer than the rest of the chamber. Kovid looked around a last time and tapped Wyn as his relit the lantern. “Wyn if we decide to use the key in the crab hole, I think it might be wise for someone of your ear length to insert the key. Remember what happened to Abraxas with the cabinet? I fear it might be protected beyond master Brendon’s skills with all due respect to him. If we’re right the next ales on him.”

Time now is 10:01


Ok, what now guys? If get back in time, I’ll do another turn later tonight

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