This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

PBEM, Episode 44 - Grilljax, K800 & Gobs


Seeing the hall fill up as Kovid joined the fight hammer drawn and filed into the hall, Lannis glanced over the dying flames to see the last 2 kobolds running away at the hall to the east. “All this time I was expecting something to come and bite my nipples off.” He drew a heavily weighted dart, flipped it over hand, and arced back (>+1 to hit, -5 penalty throwing through fire wall, Pink 16) letting the weapon fly where is struck the kobold nursing it’s wounded arm (1d3 Damage, Pink 5: 3 Damage and killed!), slamming it in the neck and causing it to scream and fall to the ground, blood spraying. It’s companion looked in horror and then left his dying friend behind and ran off.

Lyyra had her hand out, trying to lay it on Lannis’ shoulder. He shrugged her off and pointed at Abraxas, “Priestess, save your healing for our front lines. If they fall we will all be dead either way."

“As you wish!” She stepped up to Abraxas and pressed her hand against his back, praying, “Aine... come on work with me today. Heal my comrade!” Yellow light flowed down her arm and poured into the Fighter (Heal 1d6+1, White 6: Abraxas heal 7) closing the worst of his wounds and adding strength to his tired form. “Yeeha!” she cheered.

“Gracias!” Abraxas called out, pushing his way down the hall to clear space for Kovid and Brendon who both filed behind him to add their efforts against the unrelenting kobold. Wyn swapped to his short sword, spinning it around in a dizzying pattern as he slashed at the other kobold. His sword hacked and stabbed (>+3 to hit, Orange 16) cutting the humanoid across the chest and the shoulder, before hitting it in the throat (1d6+1 Damage, Orange 6: 7 Damage and killed!) and ripping it open. “Die, vermin!”

"¡You are one slippery Cucuracha! ¡Come Mierda y Morir!" Abraxas swung around, sword ripping steely lines through the air, connecting again and again (>+5 to hit -4 penalty, Blue 16), the kobold staggering from the fighter’s blows (1d8+2 Damage, Blue 6: 8 Damage) but still outside of grunting, has made no sound of complaint or pain.

Kovid drew his war hammer and proceeded to bash the kobold along its side. “I can’t let you have all the fun over here! Let’s knock this freak on his ass!” His weapon arced around catching the kobold in the shin and tripped it. He followed up by a reversing swing (>+2 to hit, -4 penalty, Yellow 19) that caught it in the face, crushed its jaw, and twisted its neck awkwardly back (1d8+2 Damage, Yellow 3: 4 Damage and killed!) where it teetered briefly and then fell over at long last dead.

The party all fell over itself talking at once in relief at the length of the battle and the damage they had taken and given out. The hall was filled with dead kobolds and splattered blood, and the stink of burnt oil and fried slime was heavy in the air. Brendon took a step down the hall, ears perked up (Post battle WMC: Red/Black 1 – thanks Kelly!) and he hissed, “Shhh!!” (<Hear Noise, Red 02).

Coming from the direction of the sitting room and running in the party’s direction on bare flapping feet, the scout was able to hear high pitched goblin voices cheering and running, faintly their words of “Grilljax needs us!” and “Someone killted our brudders!” and “Corfard has our backsies!” and “Bounty fer Elf Ears!” as they ran.

“Neptune’s Trident,” he swore. “Company, coming, less than a minute. 5 Goblins! What do we do?”

Kovid spat, his bloody hammer choked up high in his hand. “Goblins? Only one thing to do.”

He swung his weapon once around and brought it to the ready. “Kill them all.”

Lannis swore and looked around. “Damn it? Is that what we want to do?”

Time now is 3:42

Battle ended with the kobolds, great job. But Kelly’s dice came up with another wandering monster – 5 goblins! They will be here at the end of the minute – gives you time to go somewhere, retreat, hide, battle lines – you decide and tell me quick.

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