This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

PBEM, Episode 49 - First Night, Well, Scout Cave


“Lady Lyra thank you for the healing words before,” Kovid stretched, smiling as he hung his waterskin on his pack. “Between that and this new skin of water I feel as fit as Thor’s fiddle to continue our quest! Shall be beat every kobold and goblin into an unrecognizable bloody heap?”

“Si, Senor,” Abraxas pointed to where the 4 mongrelmen had disappeared to in the city. "I do not want to tango with those big guys, amigos. I'd rather take my chances with Greeljack and Kowass than the big guys out in the city.”

"Might as well check out that north east area,” Lannis offered, “makes as much sense as anything else.”

 Lyra agreed. “I’m fine with checking that stairway. It’s close to our entrance at least.”

Brendon led the group back to the Castle, watching the area with care as they walked on. As they approached the door, he turned to Kovid and asked, “May we use your tarp again to hide our prints?” The dwarf agreed and once everyone was back inside, the two of them dragged the tarp across the ground behind them, smearing their prints and then rejoined the group within. Door closed, Kovid relit his lantern and the party walked on.

The dwarf motioned ahead, “Master thie... excuse me, Brandon would you scout the way for us.”

Nodding his thanks, Brendon smiled and let the group through the halls of Halgafar’s Castle.

Lyra kept a keen eye on the fallen stones about the ground, picking up a number of them and feeling them for weight and heft (White 8) eventually finding one more to add to her pouch of sling stones. (add 1 stone – new total is 9 and weight is 9). The group walked slowly and with care, taking great time and caution until they navigated enough doors and stairs to return to the Lower Barracks.

“Monsieur Lac and I will go an’ scout ahead. Si vous plait wait here.”

Brendon looked at Lannis and asked, “Do you have a torch?” watching at the magic user waited a few seconds before taking one out and handing it over. Lighting it the elf and scout left the group in the barracks with the door shut and proceeded back NORTH down the hall. Moving quietly (>Move silently, Red 76..>Move silently, Orange 14) they climbed the stairs cautiously until they arrived at the top. From there it was a short walk to the door on the North East corner where they opened it and beheld the stairs going down. The same slow drip drip drip of distant water echoed up.

They walked down the steps, one at a time, checking them area for anything that might trip them up or spring a trap. Brendon led the elf down, down, down – 40’ down eventually to where the finished stone changed to cavern rock. An overhang of stone was at the base of the steps and beyond it was a large chamber. With slow care, the two men entered.

The ceiling here was 20’ tall and rough rock at best. Some tremendous stalagmites were on the far end of the room where a pretty sizable pool of water had collected from a crack in the ceiling. Moss and lichen grew in the tremendous chamber. (<Wis +2 thief, Red 9…>Wis, Orange 12) Looking around, they walked in a bit further, getting a feel that the chamber was 40, 50’ wide and about the same in length. It appeared that the passage went on to the south but they stopped where they were.

On the WEST wall were three tremendous statues. The flanking ones were 10’ tall, and the center one was almost 20’ in height. They had been defaced and damaged, and a number of stone benches that once sat in front of them had been dumped over and broken as well. “Seems to be recent,” Brendon noted, fingering the sharp edges of the rocks. “Our resident greenskins?” he asked.

Wyn nodded in agreement. The statues were elven and larger than life, all female, and there was the sensation that they were deity figures but neither men knew who they might have depicted. They didn’t get closer to the POOL, and didn’t check anything else out, realizing it had already been 10 minutes since they had left the group. So they turned back, climbed the steps, returned to the hall, shut the door, and traveled south and down the steps to the Lower Barracks where they rejoined the party and shared with them what they had learned. The torch was extinguished to be used again later and Lannis took it back (torch with 45 minutes use)

Time now is 7:55


Room is big, needs to be checked out (if you want), and seemed to be more places to go to the south from there. Up to you guys.

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