This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Friday, June 25, 2021

PBEM - Episode 451. Labs and Downstairs

The player running Lannis SERIOUSLY hates the password and wants the group to spend time to figure out how to change it. No one is willing to bother with it, and instead look for opportunities to torture him with it.




The party watched the Statue work on the massive potion set up for a few minutes, it movements slow and exacting. During that time, both Brendon and Wyn kept a weather ear out through the doors for the distant hobgoblins. “So we wait 10 minutes?” Wyn suggested.

“Works for me,” Kovid muttered.

“Mebbe we’ll see where dey go. Den go downstairs en wait for them in a room.”

“They are on high alert up here,” Brendon observed. “I think we need some space between us. I agree, we head downstairs and take in smaller groups.” 

“If we wind up followin’ dem,” the elf said grimly, “we hunt dem down. And if’n we go down dere before de Hobs, we make our way to de barracks en try ta ambush dem dere.”

The party waited 10 minutes and then on the advice of the two listeners, another 10 minutes until the sounds of the hobgoblins faded quite a bit. Lyra was still getting positive reinforcement and feedback from the statue as it performed its tasks. Finally the party made their way to the north door and then on Brendon’s say so, they all cycled through and to the east, heading up the stairs towards the Scimitar hall and the Watchtower beyond. He locked to door behind us and we all moved.

At the top of the stairs, Wyn nudged Lannis in the shoulder and chuckled, “Everyone ready fer de password?”

“Lannis Sucks,” Kovid said with a smile, opening the door and then looking in, the three scimitar appearing as decoration on the ceiling. On seeing the wizard’s pout, he did offer, “Don’t take it personally, Big Brain.”

Arms folded across his chest, Lannis scowled, replying, "I feel like I should, it feels personal. Someone clearly meant it personally, and I feel like you guys are enjoying it a little too much.”

“Lannis Sucks,” Lyra said, stepping into the hall right after the Scout and Dwarf, almost giggling as she did so.

“See?” He complained. “SJP over here said it and she didn't even have to."

 “Say what? Lannis sucks?” Lyra glanced back and smugly shrugged. “Goddess, I don’t enjoying saying Lannis sucks. Lannis sucks is such a terrible password. Sheesh... Lannis sucks.”

As they were going through, even Abraxas tried to make light of it, “SeƱor Leanfest, just try it uno tiempo. Dices loud y muy proud. Con Fuerza! 'Lanquest Chupa!' It es mas refreshing. Pienso que tu will gusta it muy mucho."

“I am being unfairly attacked by beings we’ve killed and are known for eating their own excrement.”

We made it through and then at the Upper Watchtower, looked out at Acreage, a bit dismayed to see the arrivals from earlier had set up an encampment outside the Rainbow Ward, not leaving as of yet. We then went down to the lower Watchtower and from there down the steps eventually to the former Troglodyte guard room. As before, the lever to activate the trap was NOT here, and the trap was still in the “off” position, referring to the guillotine blade at the landing of the next steps.

We continued on down from here, the chirping sound of the locusts greeting us once again, their echoing cadence sounding from the northwest corridor. From there it was slow walking through the caverns to the Jailer’s area and then eventually the long hall by the Barracks and Beekeeper (WMC: Red/Black 4).

It was odd, 10 days in and the halls were quiet, just our footsteps sounding and echoing back. Eventually we turned south and after some walking made our way beyond Travis’ chamber and hidey hole, up the steps and then past the midsection of the Castle where the rituals to weaken the Shield had taken place. The reek of corruption was pretty rank as the dead bodies we had either left behind of the orcs, goblins, and hobgoblins had policed into various rooms continued their slow decay and rot.

“Yeah, we really improved the place,” Lannis chuckled.

At the “T” intersection, Brendon gave the all clear and we travelled east, coming to the end of the hall and at the door leading down to the Grotto of the Elven Goddesses, we instead turned south and made our way down the hall and eventually came to the Upper Barracks. The doors had been forced some time ago, and the stone cabinet we had placed behind it had been pushed aside.

A quick listen let us know the place was ok to enter, and the party made their way in. As they looked around, there was a splash of red color on the wall that had not been there before, in which a note had been stapled in place with a length of wire. They approached closely and read the page with care before turning to one another with brows furrowed.

“Now what?”

“Fuck de orc,” Wyn said without a backward glance.

Time now is Day 10, 2:35 PM


In the Upper Barracks.

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