This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

PBEM - Episode 429. Dead Wizard. Vault



Lyra shrugged. “If it was up to me, I think we should head back to the vault. I’ll need some time to revive Lannis and it’ll need to be at my leisure and preferably uninterrupted.”

Kovid nodded, “I too think we should vacate the area so we can bring back Big Brain.”

Already loading the silver coins into the Bag of Holding, Abraxas gave both of the healing potions a nudge to the rest of the party, saying, “WynsomeYBremson,BebesLosPotions. VamonsAElVaultOElChapel.DondePiensamosEsSafe."

The Cleric held up a hand forestalling that. She was leaning over Lannis, looking at his dead body with great care and interest. “Anyone who’s feeling beaten up should take the potion. However, if there’s something to save let’s try to keep in mind Lannis might need healing when he’s UNFORTUNATELY alive again. I don’t have any more healing spells.”

Looking at Wyn, Brendon shook his head and held his hand up. “ll recover when we rest,” he said. “I agree with Lyra we should save a potion for Lannis.” He handed it to the Cleric who took it for the Mage later and looked over the material gathered. “Doc I’ll take one of those spears if you don’t mind.” (Add Spear [30]) The Fighter grunted, handing one over. The rest of the gear and material was shoved into the bag which was bulging nicely – but still had some room in it.

Seeing the Fighter and his efforts, Lyra nodded and said, “Plus, again, we need to drop off this money. I for one am still a fan of packing all the coinage up and leaving this place. Screw the crown. Screw the dragon. Screw the hobgoblins.” 

Meanwhile Wyn popped the top of the vial and both of the versions drank the healing potion down, “Merci fer de potion.” (Healing potion 1d6: Orange 5 – Heal 5!) After swallowing it with some satisfaction, he gestured south and said, “Back to de vault. Quiet en careful.”

The party made their way south to the hallway there and then west, past the Baths (still locked), and to the door to the hall. Wyn opened the door without issue, his uniform allowing him to open the door without issue, the lock fading as we willed to open it. “Allons-y.” After the group had gone, he locked it again behind (3rd charge of 4).

We walked south through the hall with care, moving quickly and decisively along until we eventually arrived at the “T” intersection. A quick look and listen (<Hear Noise +25 bonus, Red 44) let them know that for now they were ok. The group moved in, Kovid and Abraxas each getting stronger and healthier as they moved (Cont heal, 3rd surge: 1d4+1: Blue 2+1=3, Heal 3!!).

At the door north, Brendon pressed the light coin in Lyra’s hand and said, “Open the door for us Lass.” She smiled, dropped he recall potion vial, and disappeared.

The rest of us moved swiftly through the short hall and then the Summoning room as Lyra opened the portal for us and we all entered at long last, the Fighter shutting the secret door behind. With weary excitement, Wyn opened the door to the Vault and the party entered with groans and aches, Abraxas lowering the still very dead Lannis onto the table.

(Hear Noise +4 bonus, Black 8)

“Alright,” Lyra said, pulling out the Artificer doll. “This is going to take some time. So let’s all relax a bit and unless someone has a different opinion,” she also removed one of the 5,000 crown diamonds and a scroll of Raise Dead, eyes growing moist with tears, “like maybe we shouldn’t do this, I’m going to start raising Mr. Sucks from the dead.”

(Regeneration – 15 minutes: d2 chance: (on d6’s): 3,3,2,2,2,3,1,4,5,5,5,5,4,5,5 – Heal (7 @ 1, 8 @ 2) 23 hp Kovid!)

“Excellente! I will unload the…”Abraxas trailed off, noting his slowed speech and the fact that everyone else seemed to be moving faster. “Aww.”

Time now is Day 10, 8:03 AM


Silence 15’ radius @ NE Corner – 84 minutes

Wyn Mirror Image – 30 minutes, 1 image remaining

Regeneration potion – 3 minutes.

Continual Heal goes off 2 more times on the “7”’s

Ok – back in the Secret room. Now would be a good time to bounce items if you want, Lyra MIGHT raise Lannis from the dead, and plan out what the rest of the expectation is for today.

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