This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Friday, June 18, 2021

PBEM - Episode 444. Tactics and South again



Joggin up, Wyn could see the fire spreading through the Goblin Warren chamber and just threw his hands up with a smirk, “Oh, ‘ow nice of de Hobs to help us along.” He looked at the bed placed at the north door and added, “I see no reason to change de plan. Continue as discussed, oui?”

Pointing south, Brendon said, “Less talking, more fire and moving!”

“Monsieur Salazar an’ Dwarffriend, want to get de Duchess’ bed in front o dat door? I tink more o de blaze is wot is needed!”

“Si! Let’s go!” Abraxas and Kovid ran to the next chamber and charged to the corner where the former thief’s bed was, and started dragging that one as well.

Meanwhile, Lannis was pouring his flask of oil all over the bed here, almost dancing with glee as he did it. "I have never felt closer to all of you. We should do this more. I just...I love this, I love you. Please, let me

do the honors." He bowed low, spread his fingers, and incanted, “IN BET FLAM!” and a spray of Sparks flew out, hit the oil and bed, and ignited it! Black smoke began billowing up as the fire spread and the Magic User was dancing as he ran back with the party for the next room.

Lyra was looking around, watching as the Fighter and Dwarf shoved the bed down the hall and into the base of the western door. “Honestly, I’dd be okay if we just burned the entire castle to the ground. What we’re we even here for again? Let’s just collect our gold and let this bitch burn.”

“Hang on!” Lannis said, he ran up to the burning bed, grabbed the corner of one of the pillows on fire, and ran it back down the room and tossed it onto the next bed…starting that one up (although much slower without an accelerant).

Pushing the party south across the Mirabellis’ chamber, Kovid gave the last bed a glance and Wyn shook his head. “Should I open one of these doors or something?” He asked. “We just going?"

“Aye!” Brendon said right behind the dwarf, looking behind and

ears perked (Hobgoblin actions: Black 18), feeling uncomfortable. “Take us through.”

“Open them,” Lyra motioned to the dwarf. “I’ll be right behind you guys in case there’s a problem waiting.”

“Thanks Lass.”

Kovid grabbed the handle and opened, leading the group into the hall. We listened down to the end where the game shelf was situated, but heard nothing. Taking a deep breath, he opened the door to the Sanctuary and the party looked in beyond, breathing a sigh of relief that the room was empty.

“Well? We going in and hiding out?” Lannis asked, “Or am I going to fuck with that ritual that play leapfrog in time?”

Time now is Day 10, 11:44 AM


Invisible Brendon – 11 mins

Det invis Wyn –1 mins

Alright! You made it! What is the next part of the plan?

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