This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Monday, June 21, 2021

PBEM - Episode 447. Hideout and Regroup



Putting his Crystal Ball away, Lannis curled one arm behind his head and proceeded to eat. "I officially declare it lunch time. If you go over the allotted time your pay will be docked accordingly. After lunch we will take a field trip and listen about and decide on our next move, Brendon, that's you buddy."

“I’m a-tingle with excitement, Big Brain,” Brendon replied.

Sniffing his own food, Wyn took a bite and looked around. “Aye time fer lunch en a wait, I tink. Let’s give it an hour en see what ‘append wit de Hobs.”

"Are we waiting until SeƱor Lansync's cerebo es bueno?” Abraxas asked, taking a huge bite of his food, crumbs raining into his lap. Swallowing noisily, he continued, “Como mucho tiempo? Quien tienes el vino?"

“Let’s not get too drunk,” Kovid suggested.

“Just a buzz,” the Scout assured the group, “Enough to heighten your senses, not dull your wits.”

Lannis clamped a hand over his mouth and sighed. “Don’t toss me such easy pitches, Two Eyed B. You know I have no impulse control.”

The group took some time to eat, savoring their lunch. “Opefully dey don’t get Grimtoot ta try en track us down,” Wyn shrugged. “Dough I tink de fire will likely mess em up real good.”

“Bfire is always muchos bueno!”

Finishing her meal, Lyra leaned back and closed her eyes, trying to rest a bit while everyone else finished eating. “Wake me up if we’re about to get killed.” 

"I tried that once,” the wizard commented, “You didn't listen."

“Someone else then.”

About twenty minutes later, we could hear movement beyond the secret door back to the Chapel and Brendon motioned for silence. The group gathered near and strained to hear.


“They did come this way.”

“Well where did they go?”

“I would guess they left. Circled around.”

“But you don’t know, do you?”

“No, Captain.”

*sound of something smashing, then followed by another smashing sound*

“How in Blessed Corfard’s name do they KEEP eluding us?!”

“Captain. I do not know.”

“Inform the Green heretic that they have escaped us again.”

“Yes, Captain.”

*sound of people leaving*


“Yes Optio?”

“Captain. I know you don’t want to hear this. But maybe, maybe it’s time for us to withdraw?”

“Withdraw, Joe Fury? Withdraw to where? Tell me, where in BLESSED CORFARD’S name is safe? Huh?”

“Can we get beyond the rainbow ward?”

“No. No we cannot. Optio, we are running out of options.”

“What about the 3 goblins?”

“They hid in the fucking baths. They have as little idea as the rest of us.”

*sound of something heavy being kicked*

“Let’s go. I want a weapon’s check, armor check, and I want to get a picket set up. Spikes, barriers, everything and anything.”

“I’m on it personally, Captain.”

“Come on. We have work to do. And infidels to find and slaughter.”

“Room by room?”

“Yep. Tell the troops I want Home Base up and fortified in half a glass, then enact No Stone with the entire squad. If anyone wants to get some fucking sleep tonight, it’ll be after we find these infidel fucks.”

The sound of a few figures left followed by the door closing. Brendon was sure (no roll needed) after 10 minutes that there was no one anymore in the Chapel.

After about an hour (maybe 30 minutes after the last sound of Rampant Zealotry and his troops was heard), the group was discussing if they were leaving, “And if we are?” Lannis said with a stern whisper, “We go quietly, and listen with all fuck all to the north and west doors of the damned Chapel.”

“Sanctuary,” Lyra corrected him.

“Holy fuck. Who cares?! The big room with the statue on the floor where Sneezy over there can make his hammer do its fucking thing. Christ on a Crumpet, it’s a fucking religious room. Sheesh!”

Time now is Day 10, 1:10 PM


Ok. That’s an hour. Talk to me.

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