This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

PBEM - Episode 291. Guardians, control, and wights.

The Cleric has been carrying around a potion of Control Undead for a while now. They had seen the effectiveness of the Control Animal potion earlier and wanted to make sure they used it on something big.




“If there’s a chance,” Lannis whispered, “the Guardians are in there, we should check and find out.”

Wyn agreed, “I say we check de door first. Iffin it were closed I would say go passed, but an open door could mean we tripped a second alarm or sometin.”

Kovid shrugged. “We’re pretty far from the alarm bell at the archway area, but for here, anything is possible, I assume.”

“I cen look around de corners first,” Wyn suggested.

“Magic elf eyes, si!” Abraxas nodded.

“I kin peer down to see how if de hall opens up and iffin I smell or hear anything different, but I tink we gonna need to peek inside de room immediately after dat.” The group could still hear the marching sounds coming from that direction and Lyra checked the placement of her potion. The elf continued, “Iffin we encounter de Guardians, I tink de plan would be for Priestess to drink her potion, den she asks dem to immediately raise both hands in de air. Any zombos dat don’t raise hands get rekilled to add power to de ones we controllin.”

Lyra nodded, “If we see Guardians, use the potion. Kill all who don’t raise hands on command. Got it.” 

“Also, iffin dere be any guardians near a rope or alarm bell, we should kill or control dem first. Dat is if we have de choice.”

Kovid interrupted, “I believe Lyra’s detect evil spell picked up one signal stronger than the others. Just mentioning it in case we need to control/kill that one first if we can spot it.” 

“Good point, Li’l Man,” Brendon said. “If there is one stronger than the others, that should be our target.”

The Fighter held up his right hand, 1 finger raised high. "We should wait to kill them until mucho de them are near dead. Then, when they power up, they still are near dead enough to finish off mas facil. So maybe Señor Kovishes, we dont kill primero, we injure muchos, then kill all at uno tiempo?"

“Will do what I can. There will be 5 of them in there, less whatever Lyra could grab with her potion.” Kovid looked around. “I assume we’ll use the Guardian to kill other Guardians, yes?”

The party nodded grimly. Wyn gave a soft chuckle and added with a wink, “Oh, and Monsieur Salazar, don’t throw de statue in de fire, s’il vous plaît. It just be a statue not de actual dragon dickhead.”

“I will try but I make no promises, Senor,” Abraxas replied in kind.

“You shouldn't call Abraxas a dickhead though, it's not nice," the magic user admonished Wyn.

“I called Corfard a dickhead.”

“Not the way I heard it, just saying.”

Wyn sighed and inched closer to the corner while Kovid hid the lantern and the elf was able to see further with his infravision. The corridors moved further east and west, the east indeed revealing the Throne Room door amidst the yellowy/green color of the hall. The west showed more passage beyond the door that kept going, the air currents coming from the room and the hall a decidedly green or blueish-green in coloring.

Reporting back and figuring they had pushed their luck, Brendon readied his bow and muttered, “Let’s go see what Monty has behind this door,” leading the party swiftly down the hall and to the open portal.

An older scarred wood table with a four count of sturdy chairs was here, along with a bookcase at the southwest corner of the room. An archway of stone showed another chamber beyond but without any light source within the rooms, there was no way of seeing its makeup or contents. On the bookcase was a silver Dragon statue, similar in design as the one Abraxas was carrying. But it was the five count of very dead zombies in the room, skin tight against the bones, dim red fires burning in the back of their eyes (Sense group: <Black 3 – yes), all staring out at the door.

“We heard your approach,” the lead one intoned in a grating weary voice heavy with exhaustion, “Corfard wants your death.”

“Yes,” Brendon whispered back to the group. “Guardians.” Lyra was already drinking her potion down, swallowing swiftly.

From the rest of the Guardians, they all repeated, “We heard your approach. Corfard wants your death.”

“I know we danced this dance before,” Lannis muttered, readying his first of many spells.

(Potion: 3d6 hd: Wh 5 + 1 + 3 = 9 HD. Duration 1d6+6 turns: White 5 = 11 turns)

Lyra though held up one hand and was concentration hard, muttering, “Ugh, it’s like tasting algae. But..I think I’ve got…How’s that?” she asked at last.

And inside the room, 4 of the Guardians raised both of their hands and looked around while the 5th one paused in its steps towards the party, frowning.

“Good job, Lady!” Brendon complimented her. “Let’s go take them down.”

And from the other side of the archway was a sibilant hissing gibbering laugh followed by something heavy hitting the floor. The air took on the wispy favor of deep chill as something made its way closer to the room.

(Initiative: Party Steel 6 vs Enemy Red/Black 5)

Time now is Day 8, 6:01 AM


Lyra – you have 4 of them under your control. Assume the one furthest away by the bookcase is the one you don’t have. And in the dark beyond the archway is something else coming closer, but we can’t see what it is, go by description if you want. Greater evil? Kovid mentioned it. Guardians always strike last (until the 4th one is slain – last rolls Initiative). You guys go – you’re all at the door in the hall.

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