This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

PBEM - Episode 280. Butchers, Skellies, and More



"Señora Loria,” Abraxas said with a smile, readying his Scythe once again, “este es tu tiempo a shine. You y Annie can take these skellingtones out por favor.” He was moving the group to step back, leaving the entranceway clear for Lyra to have maximum impact.

As they were getting in place, the skeletons ready to mass through the door, Wyn was crooning, “Mañana. Mañana. Aine loves us, Mañana... blow all  those un-deaaaad aaawaaaay...”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence, guys,” Lyra said. “I’ll do what I can.”

“Bueno! I will swing at what's left over,” the Fighter assured her, “Then, we should either leave, or barricade ourselves in here. More are coming, orcasas y mas."

It was at this moment that the undead horde breached the doorway and grinning fleshlessly, raced towards the party, rusted spears and broken swords at the ready. But the Cleric was prepared and held her symbol aloft, an unseen wind coursing around her. “Aine! Summer Goddess! Bring light to the damned and your fire to the cold and dead! TURN!!”

The wind rose to a fevered pitch and a blast of light shone out focusing rapidly to encompass the skeletons, shining so bright their bones were briefly made translucent. White and red fiery light billowed out of Lyra’ eyes, mouth, and even her hair, the Cleric lifting briefly off the ground by the might of her Goddess and the trampling sound of a dozen horses filled the air. And then the blast billowed out as she gave a scream of painfilled ecstasy and the lead (2d6 hd: White 6+2 = 8 killed!) EIGHT blew apart like leaves in a summer storm, raining about the room in bouncing chunks of bone fragments and gritty dust.

“Sweet Lass,” Brendon said with a smile. “Sweet!”

“Excellente!” Abraxas cheered, already stepping to the fore to strike at the closest staggering remaining undead. He ducked to the side and used his Scythe as a battering ram (=+6 to hit, Blue 6) driving the macabre undead back a trio of steps before stopping swiftly and backhanding it with the heavy blade (1d8+3 damage, Blue 6 – 9 Damage and killed!) smashing it to pieces. “Ole!” he cried out, pivoting to the side with his weapon at full extension, catching a second skeleton (>+6 to hit, Blue 14) just across the pelvis (1d8+3 Damage, Blue 6 – 9 Damage and killed!!) folding it in half before blowing it apart. “And dos!”

“Haha!” Kovid laughed, his Theystran Hammer spinning easily in his hands. He took the undead’s off balance attack on his shoulder and returned the favor (>+5 to hit, -1 cold, Yellow 12) with a two handed blast that tore the menace (1d8+2 Damage, -1 cold, Yellow 7 – 8 Damage and killed) apart. Wiping the bits of bone dust from his beard and shaking his shoulders, he turned to the group and said with some urgency. “Problem averted. We gotta move folks. Back to the baths?”

"We should try somewhere we would have no reason to go,” Lannis suggested, looking around the floor for something, “Liike the dining hall or back to the aquifer." Not seeing what he wanted, he snapped his fingers at Brendon who was looking over the fallen wight and asked, “Hey, David Boatey, give me my staff back."

He pointed his thumb over to the entrance to the Butcher’s private chamber where it was lying and said, “It’s over there.” He was rifling through her robes and pockets, whistling and frowning as he looked at what he found. Pulling up a small sack filled with coins he asked, “Why is she carrying a big assed bag of silver?”

Wyn was loading the last of his belongings back on, looking around the chamber himself. Except for half a dozen skeletons and the wight, there were no bodies to search – and the skeletons had nothing on them except for their rusted and broken weapons. He eyed the partially open back door to the Freezer and made a disapproving noise. “I tink we should make a decision AFTER we leave dis room on where to go.” He looked over at the Scout. “What we get for all dis?”

“600 silver pieces,” he hefted the bag, “And I think, our Hobgoblin wight was married.” He held up a copper and silver wedding ring and matching goblinoid armfasting band. “This set is worth at least 50 gold when we get back to Specularum.” He scratched his chin. “If we had the other one, that goes with this, the complete set would be worth 125 gold easily.”

“Give me the wedding stuff,” Lyra said, “I have room in my pack.” (Add Hobgoblin Wedding ring/armband (50))

Kovid nodded. “Take it all. And let’s go?” (Add 100 silver each)

Time now is Day 7, 5:25 PM


XP Monsters: 24 Skeletons @ 65 per= 1560 divided

Wight – 1400 divided

XP Treasure: 50 gold + 600 silver

Lannis add 522

Kovid, Wyn, & Brendon add 532

Abraxas add 551

Lyra add 601

For those keeping track, Lyra needs about 250 xp to go up. 

Ok – where do you want to go? Others in the castle – a hobgoblin patrol, Hoots, and Orcs running here. Where to go and Kovid mentioned something about taking the Brazier?

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