This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Friday, January 15, 2021

PBEM - Episode 290. Ogre. Weights



Wyn took one last look around and sighed. “I would normally say we should check de room ova better.. but we been skipping tings for a while. At least we found de gold, eh?”

Pointing down the hall, Brendon whispered, “As Santa would say to the Reindeer, North.”

Feeling his belt pouch and frowning, Lannis held his hand up and said, “I think being able to move faster given the enemies arrayed before us outweighs the benefit of carrying these lesser coins.” He went to the bed and willingly dumped out his 5 copper and 213 silver coins (reduce XP by 22). He picked up the broken footboard and scowled, covering the dropped coins with the edge of the blanket and the busted wood. "I wonder who broke all this furniture...well, let's get out of here, all this dust is giving me an awful headache."

“Hang on, Big Brain has a good idea,” Kovid also went through his belongings, placing his 40 copper pieces (reduce xp by 1) and the small bag of grain into the Ogre’s leather sack and rehung it on the wall. “Let’s keep pushing north toward those Guardians.”

Lyra took off her old club, studied it briefly, and then shoved it under the broken bed, as well as her 17 copper and 209 silver pieces (reduce XP by 22). Feeling lighter she rehitched her shield and said, “North it is. Let’s try to be quiet, I’d like to get a jump on them.” 

“Dat would be a nice change,” Wyn agreed, also deciding to reduce his weight. He strung the necklace of ears around the dead Ogre’s wrist, shoved his sword under the bed along with Lyra’s club, and dumped his small bag of grain as well. “Wheee,” he cheered quietly.

Finally Brendon did similar, dropping the stone tipped javelin, steel mirror on the stick, and the empty vial he had picked up. “Good to go.”

Abraxas pointed at the bell in the southeast corner, “Should we remove El Bell antes we leave? Taking away alarms cuando we find them may be bueno for us later, si? So people hiding in dormitorios no can track us?”

Kovid shook his head. “Let’s leave it for now. Don’t know how the mechanism exactly works and I think we’ve been here unmolested long enough as it is.”

Lannis gave the dwarf an incredulous look. “Have you seen my face!?”

“Yep, don’t remind me,” he fired back.

Abraxas chuckled, following the group back into the hall and making sure the door was closed quietly and securely behind them. “In any case, El Norte, vamonos.”

The group entered the hall and with Brendon leading the way, proceeded to walk down its imposing length. Their footsteps seemed to echo back after a long delay, and Kovid was carefully measuring off the steps, keeping track on his map as he did so. “This should be long,” he whispered and the Scout nodded in agreement.

They kept a ready eye out for any secret doors or traps that might waylay, but the diligence and keen sight spotted nothing. It was some 90 to 100 slow paces (WMC: Red/Black 3) with only the faint squeak of their straps and the odd jingle of their armor interspersed with measured breathing, before the end of the hall hove into view. It was a “T” intersection and once there, the Scout peered down each side, the lantern light allowing him to see. To the east the hall went off into the gloom, but the coloring and design of the hall reminded the group of the hall leading to the Throne room, a fact that Kovid asserted was the case.

West was another hall with an open door on the south wall, but the passage did continue. Through the open door they could faintly hear the sound of rhythmic marching, same as they had heard some 2 days earlier when that first entered the Throne Chamber. “Guardians?” Brendon guessed.

Time now is Day 8, 5:56 AM


Ok – at the end of the hall, currently no one has noticed you. What’s the plan, and be somewhat detailed if you anticipate hitting the Guardians. Reminder, each one killed powers up the remaining – and they are in groups of 5.

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