This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

PBEM - Episode 238. Secret Doors and Vaults.



The group froze for half a second before Lannis drew in a deep breath and already freaked out from dying twice in 2 minutes, shrieked, "What the FUCK do you want? Get the he'll away from here before I tear your head off and shit…” but the rest of his tirade was stopped in midsentence by Lyra leaping behind him and wrapping one hand around his head and over his mouth.

“Shush you idiot!” she hissed in his ear, squeezing him tight and hitting him in the back of the knee to make him drop. “Everyone fucking shush!”

From outside there was more goblin chattering that Brendon, who had stole up to the door with his sword drawn and the potion still coursing through his veins, translated back as a whisper to the group as, “Duchess you stupid cow face human moron. We don’t speak chatter chatter human tongue. Goblin! Talk proper! Open the door!” Followed by something heavy hitting the closed portal (>Cha check, Pink 15 – failed, step one reaction worse to angry/combative). “OPEN IT YOU UGLY BITCH!” the goblins roared again, many of them chattering and repeating that as they proceeded to rattle the handle and kick the base of the door.

“Nice going, fucking idiot,” Kovid cursed at Lannis, running for the south west side of the room. “Wyn, we have one chance to get out of here. Give me a hand, will ya?” he whispered, already hitting the wall and running his hands over the course stone.

The elf stepped up to Brendon who was poised behind the main double doors, watching the knobs and locks with intense worry. He placed his hand on his shoulder and leaned in to whisper, "If you hear dem starting to move or do sometin to open de door, make some hissing sounds den throw one of de dead snakes at de door.”

The Scout nodded, giving the thumbs up.

“Iffin you need help, throw a rock my way en I'll signal Salazar." Wyn turned back and ran across the chamber on quiet feet to help Kovid out.

Meanwhile Abraxas grabbed the 7 remaining dragon scales (10 each – 70), frowned at the Magic User and shook his head, and looked up as Lyra tapped his shoulder. “Eh?”

She pointed to the throne and said in a low voice, “Let’s get done with here and leave already. Give me a hand, will ya?”

“No hay problema,” he glanced at the two gems and frowned. “SeƱor Lazarus, que comprendes about the doxa-doca-head-rooms? The glowy things. Can we de-actuate one or two of them?"

Giving the Ishtari gem and its false counterpart a wary look, Lannis wiped the sweat off his brow and shook his head no. “No I don't. Don't touch it. Don't even go near it. Being in here for too long with it is bad, not even because of the snakes." He climbed up to the dais and asked, “Can I help?”

“Are you going to scream again?” Lyra snapped.

“I’ve had a hell of a day.”

“Just..Just don’t, okay?” She sighed. “Don’t do anything more stupid than you already have in the last 10 minutes if that’s at all possible.”

“I’ll try.”

“Whoop dee doo.”

Kovid and Wyn were giving the south west wall a hard look over, prodding, poking, shoving, twisting, measuring and then doing it again. (<Secret Door, Yellow 2…>Secret Door, Orange 3) But Kovid had come upon a section of stone that had a faint irregularity, and then another and within a few moments, traced it up with his finger and then around and down again. “Here, elf. Here!”

Wyn didn’t see it at first until Kovid pointed it out and then the two of them smiled. “How do we open eet?”

“One problem at a time,” the dwarf replied. “How we doing people?” he asked as loud as he dared amidst the banging coming from outside the room.

“Checking over the throne here,” Lyra replied. “Give us 3 more minutes. Brendon?”

The Scout shook his head and jogged towards the party. “Goblins are getting frantic. Convinced someone named Duchess, a human, is in here as she supposedly has done it before. They don’t have a key but a few minutes ago they said they were going to get someone called ‘Catharandamus’ to come as he has a key.” He shook his head. “I’d give us 5 minutes tops people.” He went back to the door, hissing towards them, “Let me know when you get the secret hall open, otherwise we’re going to have a lot of company real soon.”

Wyn and Kovid were looking over how to open the door when Kovid had remembered something Arik had said and asked Lyra and Abraxas, “Anything up there to help open this thing? Switch? Plate? Anything?”

Both the Cleric (>Wis check -4 difficult, White 15) and the Fighter (<Wis check -4 difficult, Blue 2) had been pulling prying and digging all around the oak and silver throne (including the armrests!) and had found nothing and were ready to call it quits when Abraxas noticed a section at the bottom of the throne where a thick nub of wood was upraised at the base of the front left leg. “Ah!” he said with a grin, plopping his butt in the chair and making Lannis shield his eyes and turn aside briefly. “Relax, Senor Spandex. I think I have found it.” He pressed the back of his foot against the throne leg, lifted up his heel, and then pushed it down.

There was a subtle click and red smoke billowed up from the floor around the throne in a semicircle, obscuring all vision for a moment before it cleared just as fast.

And there were 6 elven warriors wearing red platemail and sporting shields, each with a red blade held up and at the ready, all standing alike and in a semi circle around the throne, facing out and prepared…for anything.

The group was deadly quiet but the warriors did nothing. Merely stood there.

“Umm…” Abraxas rubbed his chin. “That was not the open the door button I think, Senor Dwarf.”

Meanwhile Wyn (<Wis check +2 elf, Orange 8) and Kovid (>Wis check, Yellow 16) were still looking over the door, worried at the sound of the goblins banging like mad on the door and the now appearance of the moving alike and standing there elven warriors, were giving the wall a last once over when Wyn got down on his knees and cheered, “Ha ha Hooray!” quietly, pointing at the wall.

“What you got?” Kovid asked, relighting his lantern (down to 5 hours, 30 minutes).

Wyn pointed to a section of the mortar that at first glance appeared to be just an indentation until he pulled out the throne room key and held it up to it. “It’s a keyhole, Monsieur! And from de look of de dust and grit ever’where, I would say no one ‘as found it yet.”

Lannis was looking at the warriors with concern. “Running out of options, guys. Goblins trying to get in and some boss sounding guy named Catharandamus is coming. We have the Elven Warrior New Kids on the Block showing up like it’s Vogue Day at TRL. And there is a mystery door that no one has been in or even knows is there. Brendon, how long?”

The scout held up 1 and then a second finger. “I think that boss guy is coming, Goblins are all talking over each other and getting real excited.”

“And there you have it, we are running out of time. What’s the game plan.”

Time now is Day 6, 4:45 PM


You have 2 minutes to decide. 56 minutes left on potion. The elven warriors are doing nothing except standing there, weapons up and shields out, no sign of breathing or anything behind their full helms.

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