This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Monday, November 2, 2020

PBEM - Episode 211. Jailer, Hoots, CC, and Goo.

Party was down to 2 active combatants at the end of this turn and the WMC came up. However, it was the best choice and actually ended up in their favor. I did red herring it though and made them think it might be Corfard. As per Discord though, that was quickly discarded.

No pics on this one as I had done it at work given that one of the turns hadn't been sent to me until REALL late at night.




Wyn loaded up another arrow, trying to find a place that would do the most damage agasint Goo. “Dis day not be our day, eh Salazar en Offop? Crack de lightnin en bring de pain, mes amis!”

Holding the Ishtari rod shakily in front of him as the Carrion Crawler skittered down the hall like some demented nightmare, Lannis called out, "This is...bad. Okay you asked for it, I'm about to moneyshot Goo in the face!"

“Go for it!” Abraxas cheered.

(1d3+1 bolts: Rand 2 – 3 bolts. @+5 to hit, >16, <3, >17) The Magic User squeezed the magic weapon and it responded with three streaking screaming bolts of dull silver. The first one blasted against the Crawler’s head and blasted chitonous shell in all directions, the second ricocheted off it’s back, and the third found purchase between a gap in its rear protection and burrowed deep into the soft flesh beneath. (1d6 Damage: Rand 6, Rand 2 – take 8 Damage!) The Crawler let out a shrieking spittle filled blast of pain as it spasmed in agony.

“And…away!” Wyn cheered taking aim and firing (<+5 to hit, Rand 9) the arrow hitting it and digging in, but not getting to the body underneath.

"I've never been a huge fan of most creepity crawlies, definitely not a fan of this one. “ Abraxas was watching the Crawler with a critical eye, stone dagger hoisted back to throw. “Hey Bransent!” he called out to the paralyzed and sleeping Scout, “Still want Goo as a pet? What you think?” He laughed to himself, “Anyways... como dices... 'keep on chucking'!” and hurled the dagger (=+4 to hit, Rand 13) where it skittered along Goo’s side, tearing the flesh there (1d4 Damage: Rand 3) and making the Crawler spew ichorous spittle in fury.

“Um, Guys,” Lannis noted the Crawler was starting the build up speed. “Let’s go!” The three of them started skipping backwards away from the Crawler moving as far as they could until they were just outside the ring of light, standing in the darkness with the Lantern, the Light spell, and the Light Rock illuminating the Crawler as it charged towards us, pink tentacles flailing.

“Behind me!” Abraxas ordered, whipping his Scythe off his back and standing in front of Wyn and Lannis, the Fighter a dark shape with a silver scythe in his hand, warding the group from the horror stalking them.

“What do we do if this fails?” Lannis worried, looking behind him at the cloying darkness. “It’s gonna be dark as shit if we take 2 more steps.”

“Don’t worry,” Wyn assured him, “I kin see in de dark.”

“Yeah, but WE can’t!”

(Morale check: Random 4+3 – 7 – stays! Ugh - sorry)

(Initiative check: Party Rand 4 vs Monster Rand 5 – ugh!! So sorry!)

(WMC: Rand 1 – ARGHHHGHGH!! SOO SORRY!!!. What: Rand 5 – Ah! Neat!. Qty – only 1. Distance? Rand 2d6x10: 4+5 = 9x10 = 90’.)

And then the Crawler raced down the hallway with an ear splitting scream. Standing there in front of the other two party members, Abraxas held his own as the badly wounded Crawler hit him like a flailing rail car. (+3 to hit, Rand: >17, <13, <13, >19, <1 FUMBLE, <4, <2, >14) He twisted and spun, Morrigaan Scythe dancing all over to block and deflect the Crawler’s attacks. There was the sound of metal drumming at it slapped against his breastplate and leggings. It tried to charge past and engulf Lannis in its fleshy grip but Abraxas buried his foot on its midsection and bodily grappled it back in front of him. As it was losing momentum it (1d3 Fumble Check: Rand 3 – tripped!) suffered a massive kick from Abraxas and actually fell over, its pale yellowy white underbelly facing up as its last tentacle caught the Fighter across the cheek (3 Saves vs Petrif/Poly: Rand: =12, >15, <6) where he slowed down and finally froze in place, paralyzed!

Lannis and Wyn stood there horrified at the edge of the darkness as the bleeding Crawler was bouncing wildly, legs flashing about, making an effort to right itself up again.

Meanwhile Kovid and Lyra were paralyzed but able to see and hear, the sounds of battle drawing distant and sounding terrible. They could see Brendon on the other side of Hoots, eyes closed and frozen in place, the Owlbear’s eyes were bloodshot red and scanning all over, the hatred coming off its frozen form. But in the gloom beyond the Scout, a tall shadowy figure was drawing nearer, head hunched, long horns on its head, and a set of wings slightly unfurled making long shades on the walls behind it. “Well, well, well,” it said in a very deep voice tinged with humor. “What in the Gods names do we have going on here?” Its chuckling was deep and sounded like stones being ground underfoot.

Time now is Day 6, 12:16 PM


Alrighty. I never tell you but the Crawler has 8 hit points left! Let’s pull this out. Bottom of the 6th round. Lannis and Wyn. You guys are actually just past the visible light in the corridor south of the Jailers. As for the others, something big sounding with wings and horns is coming towards you from the north corridor and is still just in the shadows there. Ok! Good luck!!!!

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