This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

PBEM - Episode 364. First Floor and Revisiting Locales.



(Sense the party, Black 16 – no)

Brendon looked down the stairs at the meat on the floor, but nothing was worth the risk of entering the freezer. The party was backing away, each time someone went to say anything, Abraxas was the first one with a finger to the lips and a motion for silence. The Scout mimed twisting a lock and then hammering a spike, but was given a thumbs down in response.

So it was back to the hall where Wyn shrugged and mouthed, “Jail?” getting a number of vigorous nods in reply. Wyn handed the jail key up to Brendon who took with a silent thanks, and the group started walking. It wasn’t until they had come upon the Scriptorium again that Abraxas felt it was safe enough to break the silence. “Ah, that was interesante. Hoots tienes un amor. Bueno para el.”

Lyra gave a sickly smile in response, “That... would have been kind of cute… if it wasn’t so fucking horrifying.”

“Oui,” Wyn agreed. “Also it was an owlbear and a bear. So dat be two fucktons of bears? Or a fuckton of bears and a fuckton of owlbears?”

“All bears and bear types stack,” Lannis informed the elf. “It’s always a fuckton.”

“Vamonos amigos, a el yail!” Abraxas pushed on, “Necessitamos dormir mucho."

“Hey, Machete, can you do me a favor?”


“Say ‘J’ for me, just once.”



As they were passing the Classroom, Lyra asked, “Okay, who’s getting bandages? Obviously Wyn and Kovid. How are the rest of you?”

“Feeling like a Big Gulp, Flatleaver Deadtous,” Lannis said.


“Nothing. You’re ears aren’t canted forward. Keep up or no apple tonight.”

“Lets get to the Jail first,” Kovid whispered, “We can figure it out then.”

“Since we are going dat way,” the elf brought up casually, “we never really checks out de orc room dat had de box, rember? Dey set in on fire. We can check it on ge way to de jail.”

Puzzled, Lannis asked, “Why? What could possibly be in there? It's like you expect to get some esoteric, ethereal reward for clearing the room. Did the statue hit you on the head?"

“Oui, it did.”

“Oh. Me too!”


“Sure, let’s go.”

Ears still perked up, the group turned north past the room that once held the hanged Hobgoblin and through the doorway that no longer had a door on it, heading down the steps that would bring them past Travis’ area when Brendon signaled the group to stop.

According to the lantern light, at the base of the stairs were half a dozen decent sized mushrooms, maybe 8 inches tall, pale, and had purple looking caps with pink spiracles set along the rim. “What the hell?” Kovid asked.

(Int Check..<Brendon +2 experienced, Red 10..<Wyn +2 experienced, +2 elf, Orange 9)

Both Brendon and Wyn signaled the group to be quiet and dragged the party back up the stairs. The fungi looked like they were swelling slightly and deflating along their wide base, but as the group brought the lantern light back, the ‘breathing’ motion ended.

“Shriekers,” the two men said, eyeing each other and frowning. “Small ones.”

“Oui. Dey grow vera fast. Couldn’t ‘ave been dere more ‘en a day or two.”

“Can’t we just smash ‘em?” Kovid asked.

“Oui. But dey make tres noise. And if de tusked ones or any udders are anywhere nearby, dey might hear it and come investigate.”

“So what’s the play?” Lannis asked.

Time now is Day 8, 3:36 PM


6 immature shriekers at the base of the stairs.

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