This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

PBEM - Episode 356. Gear, North, Lab again.



Let’s do this quick,” Brendon said, heading back to Mirabellis’ room. Giving the dead bodies on the wall a glance, he asked, “Should all the heads be removed from the two on the wall and the duchess?”

“Let’s leave what we’ve done enough as is,” Lyra commented.

Heading to the fireplace, he nodded and said, “I’ll check this out. Wyn, the rest of you, divide up the goods,I’m good with whatever. Hey, Little Man, since you are bothered with that section, do you want to look at the wall behind the ghoul for a secret door?”

“Good idea Brendon,” Kovid agreed, heading over there and stepping around the gore and blood. 

“I’ll check this wall. A ghoul would certainly deter a thorough search.” As he was looking, he asked, “After this, where to folks? Back to the throne room? We’re on a tight schedule, right?”

“What, it’s about midday?”Lyra asked, wiping off the worst of the mess as she headed over to the pile of treasures found. “A little past maybe? Whatever we do we shouldn’t plan on digging ourselves into a hole we can’t get out of quickly. We still need to head downstairs at some point and wash the bandages before we call it a night - just a reminder.”

"Whatever takes the least time,” Lannis replied, poking at the wolfsbane necklace. “I don’t think I need any of those potions. As nice as it would be to have that Invulnerablity potion, I'm sure several of you are fairly waiting to explain how someone else could use it better.”

“Stick a sock in it, Big Brain,” Kovid offered from the other room.

“This was an AB conversation, Wang Chung, so C yourself out of it, ok?” he called back. Turning back to the group, he continued, “Assuming Pinto the Wonder Horse here is done telling everyone where we are…”

“Dick,” Lyra muttered.

“…We should really start thinking about getting back to that throne room as soon as possible, or wait in the hidey hole and hope the way forward clears for us."

Abraxas was picking up the potions and weighing them against each other, brows furrowed. “Bryndlebus, tomas el potion de Invisibility, asi tu can stabby stabby El Drogo en el Dick. Y Señora Lyronica, tomas el potion de Resist Dragons, si?”

‘Yeah, sure,” she said with a shrug. “Don’t see the resist dragon potion..unless you mean the Invulnerability.”

“Eh, no. Y tambien, Señor Lantpiss, tomas el potion de Invulnerability. Necessitamos fuerza mucho a luchar en opuesto de Corhats.”

Lannis shook his head. “I have the Scroll of Protection versus Dragons. And you need to be a wizard or maybe an elf to use it. So I’ll keep that and she can take the Invulnerability Potion and it should still do what you’re trying to say in your butchering stop gap version of a languaging.”

Abraxas chuckled. “Whatever you say. As por el potion de Healing...” he shuddered as a healing wave from Lyra’s spell went through him for a 4th time (Heal 1d4+1: Blue 2+1 = Heal 3 (7 pts damage) ). “Quien necessita ayuda? Si es nunca, tomo el potion. Pero, si alguien otro tomas el. After Senor KoViky check este wall, y head to the Throne Room?”

The group talked around for a bit until it was discussed and finalized. “Hokay,” Wyn said, handing out the items. “Ever’one take a day o de Duchess’ standard rations – she be dead an we goin ta need ta eat later…” (Everyone add 1 day standard rations). “Monsieur Offop dun take de Wolfsbane necklace [2] and Priestess take de Potion o Invulnerability [5].”

She pockets it and reminded the group, “I don’t have any more healing spells, but I have a scroll of cure light wounds if need be.” She looked around at the party and both Wyn (down to 4/15) and Kovid (down to 14/37) looked the worst off. “Just let me know, or we can use the potion.”

“Tanks Priestesse,” Wyn smiled. “I’ll take de 3 potions o de Recall [15, 3/per] for now and dis Pearl necklace [2]…” Getting a snicker from the wizard. “I was tinkin about takin de sacks but I seem to be filled on my inventory an I already gots tree of dem in de Large size dat I took some days ago. Weird.”

He turned to Abraxas “Monsieur Salazar you said dat you would carry a few more spikes (take 2, fill back to 10), and you said you’d take de coins as well.”

The Fighter nodded. “Si. Just de silver. And it’s a bit, so Senor Krampus, you help an take some too?”

The dwarf had come back, defeated at NOT finding a secret door on the wall again and looked around. “Sure. Let’s split it up.” (Kovid add 150 silver, Abraxas add 157 silver)

Once the coins were squared away, the Fighter bent down and took Duchess’ bracelet and ring combo. “I’ll carry this,” he said, “No chance anyone else can take it if we have it.” (Add Master/Slave jewelry [4] to magic)

“Monsieur Du Lac, you already did take de Invisibility Potion, you should also carry de Healing potion for now.”

“Sounds good,” he replied, “Incidentally, there was nothing in the fireplace.”

“Tres mal,” Wyn replied, “As for where to go, I tink it be time to try to get down stairs again... or to de throne room. Eidder way, we gots to go to de North door into de goblin suite eet ees den.” He snapped his fingers remembering, “Watch for falling slime! Dat bastard Smallpox still be around.”

“I think I burned the last of it away in the alembic,” Lannis shrugged. “But either way, I agree. Don’t get Smallpox.”

Brendon had been listening to the north door (no roll needed) and after giving a thumbs up, stepped aside for Kovid to open the passage. The room was as it appeared earlier. The chamber was sparsely furnished with a simple bed and oversized desk on the south wall. A simple wooden chair was in front of the desk and an end table was near the bed, where a pair of slightly worn ivory silk slippers still sat. A floor length unlit candelabra was near the door we entered. Three other doors were here on the north, east, and west walls.

Brendon moved to the north door to listen (<Hear Noise, +20% Quiet, Red 41) while the rest of the party looked around with slow care. Lyra felt a bit funny as she walked through the room, a pressure that she could sense behind her eyes. It was as she moved past the midway point of the room that she could feel a “ping” in the back of her head and the same sort of connection she felt when she had activated the Iron Statue was re-established. “Hey!” she whispered. “I can sense the iron statue again.” She thought hard but nothing happened. “Same as before, can’t do shit with it, but they didn’t deactivate it.”

“It needs to see you I tink,” Wyn said, “Dat and hear you.”

“But it’s good to know we can still control it if need be,” Kovid agreed, looking around with care.

“Guide,” she answered. “I can guide it.”

The Scout moved back from the door and motioned the group closer. “Hobgoblins. Not on the other side of the door, more than 50 feet away, less than 100. At least 5. I don’t know. Murmuring as best. Couldn’t make out anything.” He pointed north and then west. “My guess? Somewhere in that main north/south hall that we had come down or maybe in the hall leading to the gardens and the orcs.”

The party nodded in thought. “So,” Kovid counted off three fingers. “We need to decide if we are going to try to head downstairs, if we are going to try to head for the Throne Room, and which way we’re going to go whether its through the Alchemy lab or take our chance in the hall.”

Time now is Day 8, 1:51 PM


Alright! What is the thoughts on where to go? And how to get there? Also, Lyra did offer to use a CLW scroll so you guys decide about that. I’ll also send the character sheets after this go round.

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