This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Monday, March 1, 2021

PBEM - Episode 338. Wedges, Doors, On the Move.



“Should we wipe de floor, Wyndances?” Abraxas whispered.

“Oui. Oui. Buon idea, Monsieur Salazar,” Wyn agreed with a foul humor. “Let us try to wipe up what we cen.” He rooted through his pack but didn’t find a towel, using the rags and items from the goblin sleeping area to clean his boot as best he could. Lyra and the Fighter wiped the floor, smearing most of the dye off and obscuring their presence. It wouldn’t be perfect but it would do for a casual look.

Brendon had kept his hand on the door to the west and waited until Wyn stuck his fouled boots and feet inside one of the sacks the goblins had been using as a pillow, emptied it out, and then tied them in place over his ankles. “Dis is stupid,” he groused. “No point in talking bout what to do next really. See what other random merde we gonna run into that can’t be predicted in a million years.”

Kovid frowned. “Knock it off. You stepped in something that Duchess had put in front of the door we didn’t go out of. It would leave tracks. And she’d be able to follow us."

“Seems pretty smart to me,” Lannis shrugged. “I mean, for a woman thinking of the idea of course.”

“Shut it, Lannis,” Lyra threatened.

“I said women. Not…whatever you’re supposed to be.”

“You idiots done bitching?” Brendon asked, head shaking. “Let’s go. Assholes and elbows people.”

“What does that even mean?”

“Who knows. Pirates are an odd bunch.”

“Si. But they have terrifico hats,” Abraxas noted.

The door opened and Brendon led the group out of the goblin warren into the much larger chamber. “At least the smell is better,” Kovid noted looking around. “It connects,” he pointed to the door on the north wall. “So BE quiet.”

The chamber was sparsely furnished with a simple bed and oversized desk on the south wall. A simple wooden chair was in front of the desk and an end table was near the bed but had been overturned. A floor length candelabra (unlit) was near the door to the south. There was a fourth door on the west wall, that was open, and showed another goblin sleeping chamber over there.

Brendon went to the south door, Abraxas the north, and Kovid the west, while Wyn made sure the east door they had come through was closed. This left Lannis and Lyra the glance over the bed and other few items. “Check it out,” she said softly. There were a pair of silk slippers at the base of the bed, a bit worn, ivory in color. “Those are nice. I’d want one of the guys back home to get me a pair like that.”

Lannis crouched low. Near the base of the bed were two tightly wound balls of yarn, the threads looked a bit pulled and frayed. “That’s weird,” he muttered.

“Mirror down there?” She asked with a smirk.

“Don’t break it, Longface. No. just yarn balls.”

Kovid was looking around the chamber with the open door. “If Duchess came through here with her goblins, they were in a rush, I guess that’s why the door is open.” He covered his nose. “Ugh, more stink.” He looked around the chamber quickly. “A good 20 of the greenskins look like they bed down in here.”

“Dey don’t care much for personal space, oui?” Wyn asked.

“Obviously not.” The only bit of oddity amidst the dirty blankets and other torn rugs and stuff, was the statue of an elven older male with his hands up near his face, an odd smile on his lips, glancing up as if seeing something. “Looks like the medusa had gotten this guy at one point.”

“You think he was in the room near the wall when it happened?”

“Who knows?” the dwarf shrugged. “Creepy.”

Abraxas was able to hear the sounds of the hobgoblins talking through the door. They had still not come down the hall but there was lots of conversation and it sounded like there might be other figures coming based upon the rise in noise. “Senors and Senoras, there are mucho hombres gathering and I don’t think it’s for a fiesta. Let’s andele."

Brendon had been listening to the south door (>Hear Noise, +5% bonus, Red 79) and finally shook his head. “I don’t hear anything nearby. No lock on this door, opens towards us. If you want I can spend time looking for traps but if Doc is right, I don’t know if we want to risk it. We are WAY too close to whoever and we need to go.”

“I’d like a chance to look through the desk and stuff,” Lannis nodded, “But Captain Morgan and Patrick Swayze are right. Let’s beat feet.”

(WMC: Red/Black 1. What: 5. # appear? D4: 3)

“Shh,” Abraxas motioned. “Someone comes.” He leaned closer to the dear, straining to hear. “It is…Mirabellis. And she sounds muchos angry! And I can hear the panther. Sounds small."

“Lovely,” Wyn scowled.

“And…an orc voice. The Roberts sounds respectful of it, and maybe a bit scared. It’s…Grimtooth?”

“We heard that name before,” Brendon mused.

“Yeah,” Kovid agreed. “That’s the main hunting orc that works for Corfard.”

The elf had his eyes closed remembering. “Oui…we saw him once. Big brute, when we were outside. Had elven heads tied to his waist.”

“I’ll bet he has potions on him,” the Magic User stage whispered to the Scout.

Brendon frowned. “And if I remember. He was also their main tracker.” He pointed to the south door. “I think it’s time, we can always come back here and look around when we don’t have the Rogue’s Gallery on the other side of the doorway.”

“Yeah,” Kovid agreed, quickly sketching the rooms on his map, “Yeah.”

Time now is Day 8, 11:37 AM


Can come back and explore this room later if you want. Shut the door to the west room? Anything you want to do before you go? 

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