This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

PBEM - Episode 357. Gear, North, Lab again.

The man rolled a 01 for listening, how could I not give him any info?



Brendon pointed to the eastern door. “I suggest we take the door to the east, it’ll put at the end of the adjacent hall. Then onto than onto the lab.”

Wyn nodded. “I agree, Monsieur Du Lac. De gobs be close by...”

“Roberts, Senor,” Abraxas corrected him. “De Roberts, according to Brian.”

“Oui. De Hobs den. Dat be worser. We should go into de goblin room, den listen to de nord door en see if we cen get any new information. Wyn cen take de east door if du Lac listens to dat door,” he pointed.

“Will do,” the Scout agreed, heading back to listen.

“Time is really running out on getting that ward back up,” Lannis noted. “We should really look into getting on them immediately, if not sooner."

“I hears ya,” the elf agreed. “Need to do as much info gatherin as possible before movin forward. Iffin we don’t hear anytin to de east or west, den we should go to de door to de hallway to see if we hear anytin. If we hear notin, den we just sneak to de lab.”

Lyra frowned. “Sounds like a lot of chances to getting found all this stopping and starting. But the lab is a good place to shoot for and then maybe the sulfur pool. Also, I didn’t realize you were pretty beat up Wyn. Maybe before we start all this roaming around we should get you healed up? At least take a potion, maybe the scroll if you want?”

Smiling in thanks, Wyn held his hand up and replied, “Merci Priestess fer de offer... it may be a stupid risk to take, but I have a feelin dat all my booboos will be goin away soon... as long as we cen make it dat far.”

“Let me know if you change your mind,” she answered.

“You’ll know,” Lannis suggested, “He’ll be the dead guy on the floor.”

“Ugh,” Wyn shook his head and wrapped up, “While we in de gob room, Priestess cen test her connection to de golem en see if dere be any information she cen get by concentrating on de golem... it may not be tell us anytin. But don’t hurt to try, oui?”

 “A sound plan, elf-friend,” Kovid agreed. “Let’s be quick, let’s be quiet, and let’s be smart. We need to get to the throne room, but if there’s a chance to get downstairs unnoticed to clean the bandages, we should take it.”

The Fighter spun his Scythe with concern. “I dunno. I is sure the enemies are right outside the north door, so let’s be as quiet as possible.”

Kovid opened up the eastern door to the goblin sleeping warren. It had been ransacked since we had been here earlier, bedding, belongings, sacks and whatnot had been shoved, kicked, and thrown about most likely by the forces as they followed us hours ago, leaving a path through the mess. Abraxas and Kovid positioned themselves there, weapons out and ready, while Wyn went down to listen (>Hear Noise, +4 Quiet, Orange 8) to the door, and Lyra and Lannis entered cautiously, everyone holding their breath and being silent. Brendon had been at the main door to the north hall, listening intently (<Hear Noise, +20% quiet, Red 01 – perfect).

It might have been acoustics, or luck, or just a bit of blessing, but the Scout was in the right position at the right time to hear snippets of conversation the hobgoblins had been having in the hall. He whispered them to Kovid as he heard them who passed it along to the rest of the party:

“..Fury wants the smoke smell..”

“..tracking them as best he could..”

“..knowing what Grimtooth knows about hunting, he’s the best one..”

“..telling me! Catharandamus, the Guardians, Brutus. They’ve left a swath of dead..”

“..that’s just today..”

“..runt doesn’t know how many teleports they have, at least I’m not stuck on Watchtower..”

“..I just couldn’t do it with one, you know? Pretty, but the feathers just..”

“..all over the first floor, finding wherever they stays, slept, ate..”

“..enough meat to feed an army..”

“..hoping to lure Hoots upstairs at some point..”

“..I was at the meeting, Corfard was THRILLED the ward was down..”

“..chit chatting, sir! Sorry, sir! You heard the Optio, patrol time people..”

And then the voices were no longer so properly placed.

As for the Statue, Lyra could sense the connection to it, but nothing else outside of knowing it was active and live.

“So,” Abraxas sighed, “Are we going to the Lab and then where…Oooh!!” He smiled as the last of Lyra’s Continuous Healing spell went off (1d4+1, Blue 3+1 = Heal 4!!)

But it did sound like the short hall between these sets of door and the Lab did not have anyone in it.

Time now is Day 8, 1:56 PM


Ok – there is nothing more to be gleaned by listening. Time to fish or cut bait. Shit or get off the pot.

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