This site is an online accumulation of the Post Reports for my current ongoing D&D Campaign - for anyone who might be interested in reading them.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

PBEM - Episode 193, Pushing On.



Looking at the back of the room and the crate, Brendon was digging around for his tool. “Let me see what I can do with that lock.” Glancing at Kovid he asked, “Can you give me a hand turning the box so it’s side down, hinge to the bottom, hasp at the top?”

The dwarf frowned and pointed east. “I suggest we come back to this, Brendon. My vote is we press on right away to see where this hall leads. I wouldn’t spend too much time here.”

"I'm with the lollipop guild on this one,” Lannis suggested, pointing to the door, “let's just get a move on, either smash the crate open or let's keep it moving. Letting the orc get away again for too long probably isn’t wise."

Abraxas smirked, “If Berndar wants to open the crate, let him open the crate. I'll be in the hall looking out. Ready to move when we all are. If there is something useful in there, we should take it."

“I disagree, Abraxas, we should give it a wide berth for now.” Lyra adjusted her shield and continued, “I doubt that orc stuck around after that flaming mattress ordeal. He’s probably long gone and back to his pen by now. I’d still like to get some exploring done as quickly as possible before they have time to send reinforcements.”

“But…It’s right THERE,” the Scout pointed at the far side of the room.

Shrugging and waving him towards the door, Wyn suggested, “I'd like to know what's in de box as much as ye, mon ami... but looks like consensus may be to move on fer now, du Lac. I appreciate yer enterprising' spirit, but maybe we come back ta dis later. Cover as much ground as we cen fer now, oui?"

“Ugh. Really?” Brendon looked around (<Cha Check, Red 7) and sighed. “Fine, another time then please.”

He walked out of the room and got a clap on the back from the elf, "Mayhaps ye cen get some extra shots at de pig bastard dat shot putted ye down de hall?"

Once more in formation, weapons ready, the party left the orcish barracks behind and continued eastward. As they walked Kovid frowned and was sniffing the air. “Coming up to some unworked cavern like stones.”

“Something new?” Abraxas wondered. “The Roberts, they dig it?”

The dwarf shook his head. “No. This is old, part of the original castle.”

“Eyes front, buttholes closed people,” Lannis suggested.

As the passage indeed became less finished it “T”’ed at the end, running both north and south. Faint voices could be heard echoing from both directions, although the distance and acoustics played havoc with telling what might be making the sounds, male or female, or even what language they might be speaking. At the corner Kovid and Wyn stepped forwards and used their infravision to verify there were no heat sources in either direction and then Brendon and the lantern came closer to check the area out.

The passage to the north went off until the light faded, trending north with a slight westward angling as it went on. To the south the passage was mostly straight although there seemed to be an opening in the wall at some point that hinted at a chamber in the direction. “Pew,” Brendon complained as he stepped back closer to the party. “Must be near the privy, there is a stink around here.” He let the group know of the 2 possible choices while Wyn was absently looking around (<Wis +2 elf hatred, Orange 4) eyes flashing.

As he inched past the Scout to the corner, Lyra asked, “What’s up, Wyn?”

Touching the wall he smiled and pointed. Barely visible on the stone was a crude bloody handprint on the south wall and a few drops of blood on the floor. “Our quarry dat ran, came to ‘ere, paused to catch ‘is breath, and den pushed orf da wall and went south from ‘ere.” He fingered his sword. “Assumin’ we wanna go dat way an’ catch ‘im.”

Time now is Day 5, 3:05 PM


Ok, @ the corner. Nothing more can advise. North or south? Or something else?

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